SRVA Lausanne Dominique Barjolle


Service Romand de Vulgarisation agricole
Avenue Jordils, 1
CP 128

Ph : 41 21 619 44 58
Fax : 41 21 617 02 61
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  • Steering Committee
  • WP 0 : Assistant
  • WP 1 : Assistant
  • WP 6 : Partner Responsible
  • WP 7 : Assistant
  • WP 8 : Assistant


She is graduate of the Institut National Agronomique Paris-Grignon, where she made a PhD. She is now senior researcher in agro-food quality and policy since 8 years and teach agro-food marketing in the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. She was the initiator of the proposal for the programme FAIR 95-306 and helped Bertil Sylvander for the scientific co-ordination. She was the responsible for the Swiss part of the project.
If you want more information, see CV and photo.


Barjolle D
Confrontation marchande des produits artisanaux et construction sociale de la qualité, Colloque CNRS "Un produit, une filière, un territoire", Toulouse, mai

Barjolle D., Sylvander B.
Some Factors of Success for Origin Labelled Products in Agri-Food Supply Chains in Europe: Market, Internal Resources and Institutions, in "The socio-economics of origin labelled products in agrifood supply chains: spatial, institutional and coordination aspects", INRA-Economica, Sylvander, Barjolle & Arfini eds.

Barjolle D., Chappuis J.-M.
Transaction Costs and Artisanal Food Products, In : Actes de la Conférence annuelle de l'ISNIE (International Society for New Institutional Economics), Tuebingen (D), 22-24 septembre 2000, dowloaded the document in PDF

Barjolle D., Chappuis J.-M.
L'Etivaz (Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée) : Atouts et contraintes pour l'exploitation agricole en montagne, In : Actes du Séminaire FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) : Quality and Valorization of Animal Products in Mountains, Luz-St-Sauveur (F), 13-17 septembre 2000, dowloaded the document in PDF

Barjolle D., Chappuis J.-M.
" Produits typiques dans des zones défavorisées et coordination dans les filières: une approche par la théorie des coûts de transaction ", In : Signes officiels de qualité et développement agricole, Société française d'économie rurale (SFER), Technique et Documentation, 1999, p. 171-176.

Barjolle D., Chappuis J.-M., Dufour M.
Protection des Appellations d'Origine et des Indications Géographiques en Suisse: Recommandations finales. Projet européen FAIR-CT 95-306: PDO-PGI Products: Market, Supply Chain and Institutions, juin 1999.

Barjolle D., Chappuis J.-M., Dufour M.
Competitive position of some PDO cheeses on their own reference market: identification of the key success factors, Proceedings of the 67th EAAE Seminar, The socio-economics of origin labelled products in agrifood supply chains: spatial, institutional and co-ordination aspects, 28-30 October 1999, Le Mans, France.

Barjolle D., Chappuis J.-M., Sylvander B.
From Individual Competitiveness to Collective Effectiveness: A Study on Cheese with Protected Designation of Origin, Proceedings of the 59th EAAE (European Association of Agricultural Economists) : Does economic theory contribute to a better understanding of competitiveness ?, Appeldoorn (NL), 22-24 April 1998.

Barjolle D., Chappuis J.-M., Sylvander B.
The Institutional Aspects of the PDO-PGI Legislation in Switzerland, Report 7 of the European Project FAIR-CT 95-306: "PDO-PGI Products : Market, Supply Chain and Institutions", Antenne romande de l'Institut d'économie rurale de l'EPFZ.

Barjolle D., Chappuis J.-M., Dufour M.
Cheese Synthesis, Report 8 of the European Project FAIR-CT 95-306: "PDO-PGI Products : Market, Supply Chain and Institutions". Antenne romande de l'Institut d'économie rurale de l'EPFZ.

Barjolle D., Chappuis J.-M.
Les signes de reconnaissance dans l'Union Européenne : Enjeux et Perspectives, Actes du séminaire FAIR-FLOW: la recherche européenne au service de l'innovation, 10 décembre 1998, Chambéry (F).

Barjolle D., Boisseaux S., Dufour M.
Le lien au terroir, Office fédéral de l'Agriculture et Antenne romande de l'Institut d'Economie rurale EPFZ, Lausanne.

Barjolle D., Chappuis J.-M., Dufour M.
Protected Designations of Origin and Institutions (France, Spain and Italy), Proceedings of the 52nd EAAE Seminar: EU typical and traditional productions: rural effects and agro-industrial problems, 19-21 June 1997, Università di Parma, Italy.

Barjolle D., Chappuis J.-M., Dufour M.
The qualitative Consumer Survey. The Luizet Apricot of Valais, Progress Report 3 of the Project FAIR-CT 95-306: "PDO-PGI Products : Market, Supply Chain and Institutions", Antenne romande de l'Institut d'économie rurale de l'EPFZ.

Barjolle D., Chappuis J.-M., Dufour M.
The qualitative Consumer Survey. The Gruyère, Progress Report 3 of the Project FAIR-CT 95-306: "PDO-PGI Products : Market, Supply Chain and Institutions", Antenne romande de l'Institut d'économie rurale de l'EPFZ.

Barjolle D., Chappuis J.-M., Dufour M.
The Gruyère Market and Supply Chain in Switzerland, Progress Report 2 of the Project FAIR-CT 95-306: "PDO-PGI Products : Market, Supply Chain and Institutions", Antenne romande de l'Institut d'économie rurale de l'EPFZ.

Barjolle D., Chappuis J.-M., Dufour M.
The Luizet Apricot Market and Supply Chain in Switzeland, Progress Report 2 of the Project FAIR-CT 95-306: "PDO-PGI Products : Market, Supply Chain and Institutions", Antenne romande de l'Institut d'économie rurale de l'EPFZ.