Main research topics:
- Legal frame for the protection of geographical indications
- Place-based products and biodiversity
- Place-based products in developping countries
Curriculm vitae :
- Since October 1999: PhD in Economics and Social Sciences, Geography,
at the University of Geneva, and PhD in Sciences, Ethnobiology, at the
National Museum of Natural History, Paris; subject: "Place-based
products in the Swiss-french region of the Lake of Geneva: Agriculture,
Landscape, Tourism."
- 1998-99: Diploma in Geography, University of Geneva and University
of Grenoble (France).
Professional's activities:
- Since January 2002: Intercantonal Certification Body, Lausanne
- January-December 2001: Secretary of the Interprofessional Organisation
of the Geneva Wines; Secretary of the Association of Geneva Winegrovers;
Chamber of Agriculture of Geneva
- August-December 2000: Consultant in the IP Division of the Secretariat
of the World Trade Organisation, Geneva