Principal themes of researchs :
Curriculm vitae
- Professional qualification
- Agrarian Economist Graduated in 1987.
- Studies
- Middle school General education, Albania, 1978-1982.
- high school Agricultural University, Economic Faculty, Albania,
- Special qualifications
- In possession of "Master of science" Degree in Marketing of Food
and Agrarian Products, Spain, May, 2001.
- X Course International on Economic Agro Food Industry, Saragosse,
Spain, 2000.
- Advanced Course on Marketing of Food and Agrarian Products, at
CIHEAM-I.A.M.Z., Spain October 1997 to June 1998.
- Course on "Dangerous Commodities Transport", organized by Federation
Chemical Enterprises of Aragon, Saragosse, Spain, 1995.
- Scientific activity
- I have done studies and experiments on myself and in collaboration
with other specialists : "Study on consumption and distribution
of chicken meat in Saragosse, 1998.
- Agro food Industry in Aragon. Competitiveness and firms Strategies,
Saragosse, 1999 - 2001.
- Professional activity
- 1988-1990 Economists, Fush-Kruja pigs enterprise, Fushe Kruja,
- 1991-1992 Economists of statistics in the pigs, poultry and animal
feeds enterprise. in FushKruja, Albania.
- 1991-1993 Economists of the project of privatisation of agriculture
enterprise, Ministry of Agriculture, Tirana, Albania.
- 1994-1996 Scientific Library of Agricultural University of Tirana
(Scientific Sector).