

Curriculm vitae :


  • 1975 Graduate in corporate management : IAE (3ème c) Paris I (Sorbonne)
  • 1983 PH D In Agriculture and food Industry economics: Paris I (Sorbonne)

Professional experience

  • Since 1972 Researcher in rural economics and sociology. National Institute for Agronomical Research, mainly on agro-food supply chains: Fruits and Vegetables, seafood, poultry, cattle…
  • Since 1989 Settlement of a Regional Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer/Crisalide. 
  • Post-harvest technologies for plants,
  • Biotechnologies Applications of the PCR method.
  • (These activities were outsourced in 2 starts up in 1997 and 98).
  • Research and transfer of Knowledge and method in Human and social sciences :
  • Conception of new enquiries methods for new markets linked with "Chaire de Linguistique de la Sorbonne"
  • Development of quality products: realisation of a strategies guideline and advice (A Portuguese version is published by the IJUI University
  • Research on technological risks in the agrofood supply chain (the GMO for example) and participation on the building of a GMO free market
  • Research on organic and friendly environment products market
  • Enquiries for development and transfer of new technological processes from INRA
  • Participation in development and international transfer programmes with ONUDI, ACTIM…
  • Member of national comities food crisis analyses : dioxine, OGM, waste
  • Lecture in Universities, and training bodies