

Principal themes of researchs :

  • Structure and dynamics of agro-industrial system : macro and micro approaches, filière analysis at global and local levels (with particular reference to extra-virgin olive-oil, fruit and vegetables, tomato, wheat and tobacco), food consumption.
  • Economic organisation of agricultural firms : co-operatives, producers organisations, interprofessional agreements.
  • Co-ordination mechanisms between agricultural, industrial and distribution firms : vertical integration and contracts ; new theories with special reference to transaction cost theory.
  • Quality and typical products in the agro-food system : organisational and marketing aspects ; reputational mechanisms ; collective valorisation strategies and PDO-PGI ; typical products, local production systems and local endogenous development.
  • Agricultural policies and rural policies : institutional and management aspects ; their effects on filière structure and organisation and on co-ordination mechanisms.

Curriculm vitae

  • 1987 : degree in Economics (University of Pisa, Italy), thesis on Development co-operation in the Sahelian countries and the role of non-governamental organisations.
  • 1991 : PhD in Agricultural Economics (Scuola Superiore di Studi Universitari e di Perfezionamento " S.Anna ", Pisa, Italy), thesis on Structure and evolution of the agri-food system.
  • 1991 to 1995 : Professor of Management and Accounting in High School.
  • From 1995 : Assistant Professor in Agricultural Economics at University of Florence, Department of Economics.