

Principal themes of researchs :

Local bovine breeds farming systems

Curriculm vitae :

  • Degree in Animal Production Engineering by Universidade Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro. 11 December 1986.
  • Post-graduation in Animal Production with the first international Masters Course promoted by Estação Zootécnica Nacional - Fonte Boa, Veterinary School of Lisbon and C.I.H.E.A.M. Zaragoza. 12 October 1990.
  • First Certificate in English by Cambridge University, December 1984.
  • Member nº 5269 of the Portuguese Engineer AssociationWorking at DPA (Divisão Produção Animal) of DRAEDM (Direcção Regional de Agricultura de Entre Douro e Minho) in the Bovine Department since 1993.