Principal themes of researchs :
- The socio-economics of specialist regional foods ('produits de terroir'):
their role in local rural development programmes; their significance
to food and culinary culture; the impact of policy initiatives such
as 'designation of origin' legislation (EU Regulation 2081/92). Investigation
of the role of marketing in the achievement of policy objectives for
such foods.
- Marketing in craft of artisan enterprises: the nature of the behaviour
and mentality of such producers; characteristics of their marketing
practices and enterprise ethos. Implications of findings for the development
of marketing theory and education.
- Marketing of (food) products with social and environmental dimensions:
welfare-friendly products; rare breed meats; organic producel countryside
products. Examination of the development of promotional schemes and
initiatives for these products.
- Marketing and market orientation as tools for the achievement of rural
development objectives.
Current Research Projects
- 'Designation of Origin Labelled Products: Humanity, Innovation and
Sustainability' ('DOLPHINS'). Participant in Concerted Action network
funded under EU Fifth Framework Programme. Responsible for delivery
of work package relating to consumer dimensions of origin labelled products.
36 months, from January 2001.
- The Development of Eat the View in the North East'. Member of 5 person
team investigating and recommending on the implementation of the Countryside
Agency's Eat the View programme in the North East. 12 months, commenced
May 2001.
- 'The National Trust as an Agent for Rural Development in the North
East'. Co-supervisor of PhD student investigating the expanding rural
development agenda of the National Trust. 3 years commenced October
2000, part-funded by Northumbria National Trust.
- 'Regional Foods and Visitor Experiences in the North of England: an
Exploratory Consumer Study'. Principal Investigator of 4 person team
project, commissioned by a consotium of public agencies, including MAFF.
January-September 1996.
Curriculm vitae :
- Qualifications
- PhD, University of Newcastle, 2001
- MPhil, University of Edinburgh, 1993
- BA (Hons) Marketing and Modern Languages, University of Strathclyde,
1991; Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education,
University of Newcastle, 1996
- Teaching Responsibilities
- Module leader for final year courses in 'advanced' marketing (with
particular emphasis on the topics of marketing theory, new product
development and marketing communications), plus contribute teaching
to intermediate module in food marketing.
- Module leader and student group supervisor for honours level student
- Module leader for core postgraduate course in international marketing.
- Postgraduate student dissertation supervisor.
- General Responsibilities
- Degree Programme Director for BSc (Hons) Food Marketing.
- Chair of Marketing and Management Teaching Group.
- Undergraduate student tutor.