CRPA Reggio Emilia

Kees de Roest


CRPA (Research Center for Animal Production)
Centro Ricerche Produzioni Animali
Corso Garibaldi, 42

Ph : 39 052 2436 999
Fax : 39 052 2435 142
e-mail :



  • WP 2 : Assistant
  • WP 5 : Partner
  • WP 7 : Partner


He has worked for 19 years as a full-time researcher on the ecomonics of animal production and is heading the research unit economics of CRPA since 1983. The research unit economics has developed methodologies for the analysis of production costs for milk, pig and beef production systems, based on accountancy data and farm surveys. The supply chain analyses of animal products have been directed to the measurement of value added in adjacent stages in the chain and to the consumer's acceptance of regional specific quality products.
If you want more information, see CV and photo.


K. de Roest, E. Corradini
Positive moment for the pig sector (in Italian) , Informatore Agrario, n. 14

K. de Roest, F. Torelli
Marketing red meat in the Europan union : extending option, FAIR CT FA S2 98-9093 downloaded the document in PDF

K. de Roest
The comparison of production costs of industrial milk in Europe (in Italian), Informatore Agrario, LVI (39)

K. de Roest
The production of Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese : the force of an artisanal system in an industrialised world, Van Gorcum, Assen p.279.

K. de Roest, M. Dufour
The interrelationships between the PDO product specification, ilts link to the terroir and its technological development in : The socio-economics of origin labelled products in agrifood supply chains, INRA, Actes et Comunications, 17-2, p.295-308.

K. de Roest
The dynamics of the Parmigiano-Reggiano production system in: The socio-economics of origin labelled products in agrifood supply chains, INRA, Actes et Communications, n.17-1, p.271-286.

K. de Roest
Interrelationships between nitrogen balances and technical and structural characteristics of dairy farms in Northern Italy, in: Agricultural data for Life Cycle Assessments, Report 2.00.01 Volume 1, Agricultural Economics Research Institute (LEI), The Hague.

K. de Roest
Interrelationships between the economic efficiency and the nitrogen balance of dairy farms (in Italian) Agribusiness, Paesaggio e Ambiente 3 (1999), n.1-2.

K. de Roest, E. Corradini
The italian pig sector and production costs of the heavy pig (in Italian) Informatore Agrario, n.17.

K. de Roest, L. Gazzola, A.Menghi
Effects of economic instruments for nitrogen control on the income distribution in the EU in: Economic instruments for nitrogen control in European agriculture, CLM, Utrecht, The Netherlands

K. de Roest
The analysis of sub supply chains with the Parmigiano-Reggiano production system (In Italian), Il Latte, August 1998

K. de Roest, E. Corradini
The italian pig sector and production costs of the heavy pig (in Italian) Informatore Agrario, n.17.

K. de Roest , E. Corradini, G. Fornaciari
The processing costs of milk in Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese dairies (in Italian), Agricoltura, n. 7/8.

K. de Roest
Economic and technical aspects of the relationship between product quality and regional specific conditions within the Parmigiano-Reggiano livestock farming system, in: Livestock farming systems, More than food production, EAAP Publication No.89.

K. de Roest
The economic aspects of the application of organic farming in animal production (in Italian), Paper presented at the SANA Fair, Bologna, September 1996 and published in Caseus, Potenza, n.1. 1997 and UNALAT Informa, n. 32.

K. de Roest
Some economic characteristics of the Italian dairy system in: The influence of native flora on the characteristics of cheeses with "appellation d'origine protégée" (AOP) made from raw milk, CT94-2039 Concerted Action plenary meeting, Consorzio Formaggio Parmigiano-Reggiano, Reggio Emilia, June. Roest, G. Fornaciari, E. Corradini
The production and processing costs of milk in Emilia-Romagna, CRPA-Notizie Regione Emilia-Romagna.

K. de Roest, G. Fornaciari, M. Ligabue, P.Vecchia
Dans la vallée du Pô: du foin de luzerne gage de qualité pour le Parmesan, Revue Fourrages , n.143.

K. de Roest, G.Fornaciari
Dairy farm strategies in the quota regime (in Italian) Informatore Agrario.

K. de Roest, E. Corradini
Technical efficiency in pig reproduction (in Italian), Rivista di Suinicoltura, n.7.

K. de Roest
Food quality labelling in Italy in: Greening the CAP, Institute for European Environmental Policy, London and Centre for Agriculture and Environment, Utrecht, July.