DSE University of Florence Silvia Scaramuzzi


Università Degli Studi di Firenze
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche
Via Curtatone, 1
50 123 FIRENZE

Ph : 39 055 2710 427
Fax : 39 055 2710 424
e-mail : tunia.burgassi@libero.it


  • WP 7 : Partner


She is a junior research in agricultural economics. She has taken part to international and national projects.
If you want more information, see CV and photo.

Principal themes of researchs :

· The valorisation of local and typical products in Tuscany both at theory level and in study cases of dynamic structures of agro-industrial system.
· The local beef sector, with particular references to problems of valorisation and conservation of breeds in menace of extinction.

Curriculm vitae

  • 2002: degree in Economics (University of Florence, Italy), thesis on the valorisation of Chianina breed beef (local breed of Tuscany) with the PGI tool.

  • 2003: collaborator in research for "La filiera carni bovine" in: Pagni R. (a cura di), "5° Rapporto sull'economia agricola della Toscana", IRPET - ARSIA - Agrisole - Il Sole 24 ore, Firenze.

  • 2003 : collaborator of ARSIA project: "Prodotti tipici, percezioni di qualità lungo la filiera e possibilità di sviluppo nel mercato" ("Typical products, quality perceptions among the filiére and opportunity for market development")
