Task 0 Starting phase
Task 0 has the aim of activating the whole project
Task 1 Analytical workpackages
This Task is a fundamental importance as it is meant to build the basis
of the whole Concerted Action DOLPHINS. Task 1 will be divided into four
separate workpackages, each focusing on the four crucial topics : workpackage
1 OLPs definitions, characteristics, legal protection, workpackage 2 link
between OLPs and production-marketing systems (local/global), workpackage
3 link between OLPs and rural development and workpackage 4 link between
OLPs and consumers/citizens. Workpackages will work in parallel.
Task 2 Operational workpackages
On the basis of the results of Task 1 and its four Workpackages, Task
2 has main objective to make comprehensive synthesis. Two Workpackages
will be set up : the first (Workpackage 5) will focus on the characteristics,
evolution, problems and opportunities for OLPs and the second (Workpackage
6) on policy evaluation. Workpackage 5 and Workpackage 6 will be working
in parallel.
Task 3 Synthesis and recommendations
Task 3 has the aim of underlining the key topics on OLPs and the implications
for EU policies implentation, with special reference to WTO international
trade negotiations.
Task 4 Information and dissemination
Task 4 will homogenise and organise the information which every Workpackage
will produce, giving it back to the other Workpackages and Tasks, and
to all the other users. This goal will be facilitated by the use of compatible
analytical tools at each stage of the work. An Internet Web Site will
be set up in order to promote and share common information collected and
produced during the action.