University of Navarre


Campus de Arrosadia

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The department of Business Administration comprises four areas: marketing, financial economics and accountancy, business organisation and agricultural economics. The area of Agricultural Economics teaches subjects related to agri-food economics and business management in the degree of agronomy. The area is formed by six full-time lecturers, involved in projects dealing with: agricultural prices, agrofood market research, consumer behaviour, production and technological change, international trade of agricultural commodities, agricultural policy, agricultural assets valuation, technology of information, environmental management.



Sánchez M., Sanjuán A.I., Akl G.
"El distintivo de calidad como indicador de seguridad alimenticia en carne de vacuno y ovino" (Quality labels as indicator of food safety in beef and lamb meat), Revista de Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales (forthcoming).

Sanjuán A.I., Gil J.M.
"A Note on Tests for Market Integration in a Multivariate Non-stationary Framework", Journal of Agricultural Economics 52 (2) : 111-119.

Gil J.M., Soler F., Díez I., Sánchez M., Sanjuán A.I., Ben Kaabia M. and Gracia A.
"Potencial de Mercado de los Productos Ecológicos en Aragón (II). Sector Productor y Detallista" (Market oportunities for organic products in Aragón. Producer and retail sectors.), Ed.: Diputación General de Aragón. Depto. Agricultura. Dirección General de Tecnología. Servicio de Investigación Agraria. Zaragoza.

Sanjuán A.I., Gil J.M
"Price Transmission Analysis: a Flexible Methodological Approach Applied to European Pork and Lamb Markets", Applied Economics 33 : 123-131.

Gómez-Limón J.A., Meza L., Sanjuán A.I.,
"La Competitividad del Sector Productor de Vacuno de Carne y Leche en España ante los Retos de la Agenda 2000" (Competitiveness of milk and meat cattle industry in Spain faced to the Agenda 2000 challenges), Información Tecnica Económica Agraria (ITEA) 96 (2) : 143-154.

Sanjuán A.I., Gil J.M. "Agricultural Markets Integration in the European Union: further Empirical Evidence on the Pork Sector", Journal of Economic Integration 14(2) : 203-225.

Sanjuán A.I., Gil J.M., Zapata H.O.
"Vertical Integration, Causation and Price Transmission in the Spanish Hog Industry", Vertical Relationships and Coordination in the Food System.Galizzi G. and Venturini L.(Ed.). Physica Verlag. Heidelberg.

Sanjuán A.I., Gil J.M., Albisu L.M.
"Una Aproximación a la Medición de la Incidencia de los Precios Agrarios en los Precios al Consumo de Alimentos. 1987-1992" (An approach to the incidence of agricultural prices on the Consumer Price Index for food), Monografía. Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria. Madrid.

Sanjuán A.I., Gil J.M.
Integración Espacial de Mercados: Revisión Empírica y Aplicación al Sector Porcino de la UE" (Spatial market integration: empirical review and application to the pork industry in the EU), Investigación Agraria Economía 12(1, 2 and 3): 277-297.