All the working documents about OLP
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WP6 - Public policies evaluation

Introduction to Task 2
WP6 Policies Evaluation (ppt in pdf)
Partner responsible: Service romand de Vulgarisation agricole (Swiss team)
Partner assistant: Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Helsinki (Finnish team)

Global presentation of the WP6 - partners
WP 6 Checklist (questionnaire zip of .doc )

The Team

General Synthesis : final version, 160 p. (26th june 2003) - for Word or PDF version, please ask - :
.ZIP of .DOC (300kb)

  • BELGIUM Checklist : .PDF (26th june 2003)
  • SWITZERLAND Checklist : .PDF (26th june 2003)
  • FINLAND Checklist : .PDF (26th june 2003)
  • FRANCE Checklist : .PDF (26th june 2003)
  • GERMANY Checklist : .PDF (26th june 2003)
  • ITALY Checklist : .PDF (26th june 2003)
  • PORTUGAL Checklist : .PDF (26th june 2003)
  • SPAIN Checklist : .PDF (26th june 2003)
  • UNITED KINGDOM Checklist : .PDF (26th june 2003)

Geneva Meeting 16-17th of September 2002:
whole report 93 p. -- ZIP of PDF (917Ko) --
Program of the seminar (zip of PDF)

  • Meeting introduction, 39 p. PPT - zip of PDF -
  • Allocution de bienvenue - Prof. Jean-Claude Vernex - Département de Géographie, Université de Genève, Suisse, 1 p.- PDF -
  • Do we need a better protection for geographical indications at the international level? Alexandra Grazioli International Trade Relations , Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property - zip of PDF -
  • Protection of Geographical Indications: General Introduction, International Protection and Recent Developments - Denis Croze, Head International Law Development Section WIPO - PDF -
  • Geographical Indications: Historical Background, Nature of Rights, Existing Systems for Protection and obtaining effective protection in other Countries - Document prepared by the Secretariat of the World Intellectual Property Organization , 22 p. M. Croze - PDF -
  • The Protection of Geographical Indications by Christopher Heath, Max-Planck-Institute, Munich, 15 p. - PDF -
  • Allocution of Robert Cramer, Conseiller d'État, Président du Département de l'Intérieur, de l'Agriculture et de l'Environnement, 2p. - PDF -
  • Summary of the contribution, by Dr. Jürg Simon, President of the interprofessional organisation Emmentaler Switzerland, 2p. - PDF -