PDO-PGI Final report :
- FAIR 1-CT95-0306 : Protected Designations of Origin and Protected
Geographical Indications in Europe : Regulation Or Policy ? Recommendations
- Dominique Barjolle*And Bertil Sylvander**, June 2000 , 53 pages
*SRVA, Lausanne, Suisse, ** INRA - UREQUA, Le Mans, France
- Some Factors of Success for Origin Labelled Products in Agri-Food
Supply Chains in Europe: Market, Internal Resources and Institutions
- Dominique Barjolle and Bertil Sylvander. Article in Economie et
Société, Cahiers de l'ISMEA, série Economie Agroalimentaire,
n°25, 2002/09-10, pp.1441-1462 (article about FAIR 1-CT95-0306)
- Le lien au terroir, bilan des travaux de recherche - Swiss
work (Dominique Barjolle) - mai1998 (french) - (PDF)