Insitute rural of economy ETHZ Jean-Marc  Chappuis


ETHZ (Ecole Fédérale Polytechnique de Zurich)
Institut d'Economie Rurale
Antenne Romande
Génie Rural

Ph : 41 21 693 57 13
Fax : 41 21 693 57 17
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  • WP 2 : Partner
  • WP 6 : Partner


He is an agricultural economist. He does currently his PhD at the ETHZ about the food supply chain organization and anti-trust considerations. He took part in the project FAIR 95-306.
If you want more information, see CV and photo.


Barjolle D., Chappuis J.-M.
"Coordination des acteurs dans deux filières AOC. Une approche par la théorie des coûts de transaction", Economie rurale, juillet-août 2000, numéro 258, pp. 203-212.

Barjolle D., Chappuis J.-M.
Transaction Costs and Artisanal Food Products, In : Actes de la Conférence annuelle de l'ISNIE (International Society for New Institutional Economics), Tuebingen (D), 22-24 septembre 2000, dowloaded the document in PDF

Barjolle D., Chappuis J.-M.
L'Etivaz (Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée) : Atouts et contraintes pour l'exploitation agricole en montagne, In : Actes du Séminaire FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) : Quality and Valorization of Animal Products in Mountains, Luz-St-Sauveur (F), 13-17 septembre 2000, dowloaded the document in PDF

Chappuis J.-M.
" Organisation des échanges dans les filières agro-alimentaires : une approche par la théorie des coûts de transaction ", Agrarwirtschaft und Agrarsoziologie, 1999, Nr. 1, S. 105-125.

Barjolle D., Chappuis J.-M.
" Produits typiques dans des zones défavorisées et coordination dans les filières: une approche par la théorie des coûts de transaction ", In : Signes officiels de qualité et développement agricole, Société française d'économie rurale (SFER), Technique et Documentation, 1999, p. 171-176.

Barjolle D., Chappuis J.-M., Dufour M.
Protection des Appellations d'Origine et des Indications Géographiques en Suisse: Recommandations finales. Projet européen FAIR-CT 95-306: PDO-PGI Products: Market, Supply Chain and Institutions, juin 1999.

Barjolle D., Chappuis J.-M., Dufour M.
Competitive position of some PDO cheeses on their own reference market: identification of the key success factors, Proceedings of the 67th EAAE Seminar, The socio-economics of origin labelled products in agrifood supply chains: spatial, institutional and co-ordination aspects, 28-30 October 1999, Le Mans, France.

Chappuis J.-M., Sans P.
Actors'co-ordination: governance structures and institutions in PDO supply chains, Proceedings of the 67th EAAE Seminar, The socio-economics of origin labelled products in agrifood supply chains : spatial, institutional and co-ordination aspects, 28-30 October 1999, Le Mans, France.

Chappuis J.-M.
Liberalisation of Agricultural Markets in Switzerland: Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) Supply Chains Management by Interprofessional Bodies and Anti-Trust Issues, Proceedings of the 67th EAAE Seminar, The socio-economics of origin labelled products in agrifood supply chains: spatial, institutional and co-ordination aspects, 28-30 October 1999, Le Mans, France.

Barjolle D., Chappuis J.-M., Sylvander B.
From Individual Competitiveness to Collective Effectiveness: A Study on Cheese with Protected Designation of Origin, Proceedings of the 59th EAAE (European Association of Agricultural Economists) : Does economic theory contribute to a better understanding of competitiveness ?, Appeldoorn (NL), 22-24 April 1998.

Barjolle D., Chappuis J.-M., Sylvander B.
The Institutional Aspects of the PDO-PGI Legislation in Switzerland, Report 7 of the European Project FAIR-CT 95-306: "PDO-PGI Products : Market, Supply Chain and Institutions", Antenne romande de l'Institut d'économie rurale de l'EPFZ.

Barjolle D., Chappuis J.-M., Dufour M.
Cheese Synthesis, Report 8 of the European Project FAIR-CT 95-306: "PDO-PGI Products : Market, Supply Chain and Institutions". Antenne romande de l'Institut d'économie rurale de l'EPFZ.

Barjolle D., Chappuis J.-M.
Les signes de reconnaissance dans l'Union Européenne : Enjeux et Perspectives, Actes du séminaire FAIR-FLOW: la recherche européenne au service de l'innovation, 10 décembre 1998, Chambéry (F).

Barjolle D., Chappuis J.-M., Dufour M.
Protected Designations of Origin and Institutions (France, Spain and Italy), Proceedings of the 52nd EAAE Seminar: EU typical and traditional productions: rural effects and agro-industrial problems, 19-21 June 1997, Università di Parma, Italy.

Barjolle D., Chappuis J.-M., Dufour M.
The qualitative Consumer Survey. The Luizet Apricot of Valais, Progress Report 3 of the Project FAIR-CT 95-306: "PDO-PGI Products : Market, Supply Chain and Institutions", Antenne romande de l'Institut d'économie rurale de l'EPFZ.

Barjolle D., Chappuis J.-M., Dufour M.
The qualitative Consumer Survey. The Gruyère, Progress Report 3 of the Project FAIR-CT 95-306: "PDO-PGI Products : Market, Supply Chain and Institutions", Antenne romande de l'Institut d'économie rurale de l'EPFZ.

Barjolle D., Chappuis J.-M., Dufour M.
The Gruyère Market and Supply Chain in Switzerland, Progress Report 2 of the Project FAIR-CT 95-306: "PDO-PGI Products : Market, Supply Chain and Institutions", Antenne romande de l'Institut d'économie rurale de l'EPFZ.

Barjolle D., Chappuis J.-M., Dufour M.
The Luizet Apricot Market and Supply Chain in Switzeland, Progress Report 2 of the Project FAIR-CT 95-306: "PDO-PGI Products : Market, Supply Chain and Institutions", Antenne romande de l'Institut d'économie rurale de l'EPFZ.