Concerted Action DOLPHINS
Financed by the fifth framework of the European Community for the research, technological development and demonstration activities (1998-2002)

The aim of the Concerted Action DOLPHINS co-ordinated by Bertil Sylvander INRA-UREQUA Le Mans France

The general aim of the Concerted Action DOLPHINS is to ease and strengthen exchanges of the scientific results of the researches conducted in European countries on origin labelled products (OLP). This has to be achieved by means of :

  • the setting-up of a network of scientists involved in research on OLPs,
  • the activation of dissemination instruments in order to meet the needs of citizens, policy-makers, researchers, firms and all the other operators involved in OLPs.

The scientific objectives for this concerted action are threefold :

  • to better understand the characteristics and the evolution of OLPs in the agro-food system, also by analysing the links and synergies between OLPs and local/global production and marketing systems, rural development with particular reference to employment in rural areas and consumers/citizens,
  • to provide tools for an assessment of public policies at various levels concerning PDO-PGI and other OLPs and the effects of legal protection, financial support and public promotional initiatives on production and marketing systems, competition policy, rural development, consumers/citizens' concerns and expectations,
  • to provide relevant recommendations to the EU in order to better prepare and support the negotiation process in the framework of the WTO Round regarding the protection and promotion of OLPs.

Management and coordination


The proposal involves 15 public or private research institutes. They are clustered into 15 "partners", 9 as principal contractors and 6 as members. 13 partners appear as public research administrations (universities and research institutes). The majority of the partners are deeply involved in research related to OLPs, have acquired a considerable co-operation experience and have already exchanged data, research results and publications in the last years.


The proposal is divided into 5 Tasks (4 Tasks plus the "zero" Task) and 9 WorkPackages (WPs) described according to a general scientific scheme. The researchers involved in the Concerted Action will be attributed to each Workpackage according to their specific competence. According to this approach, some researchers will play an "active role", while other researchers will only participate in the discussion.
Each Workpackage will lead to exploitable information in terms of interest for the EU and for policy makers or for scientific experts in the field.
Each Workpackage will have one responsible chosen on the basis of his scientific competence. The responsible partner will be supported by one assistant partner.
Each Workpackage co-ordination activity will involve at least two partners from different countries. Workpackages responsibles will be charged to organise the activities, the scientific work and the specific meetings concerning their Workpackage.