The aim of the Concerted Action DOLPHINS co-ordinated by Bertil Sylvander INRA-UREQUA Le Mans France The general aim of the Concerted Action DOLPHINS is to ease and strengthen exchanges of the scientific results of the researches conducted in European countries on origin labelled products (OLP). This has to be achieved by means of :
The scientific objectives for this concerted action are threefold :
Management and coordination Partners The proposal involves 15 public or private research institutes. They are clustered into 15 "partners", 9 as principal contractors and 6 as members. 13 partners appear as public research administrations (universities and research institutes). The majority of the partners are deeply involved in research related to OLPs, have acquired a considerable co-operation experience and have already exchanged data, research results and publications in the last years. Management The proposal is divided into 5 Tasks
(4 Tasks plus the "zero" Task) and 9 WorkPackages
(WPs) described according to a general scientific
scheme. The researchers involved in the Concerted Action will be attributed
to each Workpackage according to their specific competence. According
to this approach, some researchers will play an "active role",
while other researchers will only participate in the discussion.