Start date : month 3 (02/2001)

Completion date : month 36 (11/2003)


Team of the WP 8

  • Partner responsible : Bertil Sylvander
  • Assistants :
    • Filippo Arfini
    • Dominique Barjolle
    • Giovanni Belletti
    • Corrado Giacomini
    • Andrea Marescotti
  • Conception : Corinne Couillerot


The objective of Task4 (WP8) is twofold :

  • supporting activity of other tasks by implementing an electronic system of information exchange among Partners,
  • dissemination of results of DOLPHINS Concerted Action to academics, policy-makers, public institutions, consumers and citizens, firms and other institutions.

This Task will accompany the activity of DOLPHINS Concerted Action along the whole period (three years).

Task4 will have a service role for the whole Concerted Action, in order to provide a tool to collect works and databases and to ease exchanges of documents, researche results, suggestions and opinions among partners. The tool, in the form of a Web Site, will have also an important dissemination role (in particular during Task2 and Task3), in order to make results of Concerted Action circulated within academics, policy-makers, public institutions, consumers and citizens, firms and other institutions involved in OLPs.
Task4 will work in parallel with Tasks 1, 2 and 3, on the basis of guidelines formulated during Task0 by the Steering Committee.
The main instrument implemented by WP8 is the DOLPHINS Web Site, which will contain a restricted area, aiming at supporting information and researche exchanges among participants to Concerted Action and a public area where the results of the action will be accessible. In particular, a synthesis of results of partners' research activities, a database on researches on OLPs, a database on publications on OLPs, a database on research Institutions working on OLPs and documents produced by workpackages during the action will be put on-line on the Web Site DOLPHINS.
In order to build databases, the responsible and assistants will collect from each Partner information about researches and publications on OLPs and information on research Institutions working on OLPs. Information must be given by each partner according to a track record given by responsible. The Web Site will collect also DOLPHINS meeting proceedings and other publications of the researchers involved in the action.


  • DOLPHINS Web Site.
  • database on researches on OLPs.
  • database on publications on OLPs.
  • database on research institutions working on OLPs.


Team of the WP 8

Partner responsible

