DOLPHINS last meeting - Parma, Italy 06-07 October 2003

Minutes of the Parma meeting, Parma 06-07 October 2003 (PDF)

Program of the Seminar: Original Labelled Products and Policy Reform: Where Are We Heading?
Parma (Italy), 6 and 7 october 2003 - Università degli Studi di Parma Aula Magna, Via Dell'Università, 12 - PDF 22KB -

The complete list of the participants registered (on the 16th july 2003) and all their details in order to find any possible mistakes or misunderstanding - XLS (5Kb) - PDF (22Kb) - HTML (51kb) -

Contact: Elisa Bertoli
Università degli Studi di Parma, Sez. Economia Agro-Alimentare
Tel.+39.0521.902411 - Fax.+39.0521.902498 -

Third DOLPHINS meeting, at Toulouse - 10-11 February 2003
Second DOLPHINS meeting, at Paris - 6-7 May 2002
First DOLPHINS meeting, at Firenze - 10-12 September 2001