Second DOLPHINS meeting at INRA Paris 6-7 May 2002

PROGRAM in .PDF format

List of the participants (.pdf)

Introduction Bertil Sylvander (ppt in zip format)


Thu-Lang TRAN WASESCHA, WTO Secretariat of the Special Session of the TRIPS Council, Intellectual Property Division, Geneva, Switzerland (paper)
Protection of geographical indications, under the trips agreement. WTO negociations and work program

Antonio BERENGUER, DG Trade, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium (ppt in zip format)
EU Position at WTO

DOLPHINS Workpackages

WP 1, Responsible : François Casabianca, INRA-LRDE, France (ppt)

WP 2, Responsible : Luis Miguel Albisu, DGA-SIA, Spain (ppt)

WP 3 OLPs and rural development - Introductory paper
Responsibles: Giovanni BELLETTI, Andrea MARESCOTTI, University of Florence - DSE, Italy
Powerpoint introduction and Powerpoint synthesis/conclusion

WP 4 Link between OLP and consumers and citizens - Introductory paper
Responsible: Angela TREGEAR, University of Newcastle - AEFM, United Kingdom

Introduction to Task 2
WP 5 Characteristics, evolution, problems and opportunities for OLP (powerpoint presentation)
Responsible: Filippo ARFINI, University of Parma, Italy

WP6 Policies Evaluation (ppt)
Partner responsible: Service romand de Vulgarisation agricole (Swiss team)
Partner assistant: Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Helsinki (Finnish team)

External Discussants
Prof. Giovanni ANANIA, University of Calabria, Italy (ppt)
Frédéric BRAND, Quality policy at the Federal Ministery of Agriculture, Switzerland (ppt)

Conclusions to task 1 Bertil Sylvander (ppt in zip format)


Monday 2002.05.06

09: 30 Plenary Session: Introduction B.Sylvander, INRA-UREQUA, France
WP Introductory Papers WPs responsibles
11: 30 Plenary Session: WTO Negotiations
Chairman: B. Sylvander INRA-UREQUA, France
General overview on WTO negotiations and different positions of members Thu-Lang Tran Wasescha, WTO Secretariat Geneva, Switzerland
EU Position at WTO Antonio Berenguer, UE delegate at WTO, Belgium
INAO Position Jean Fanet, Deputy Manager at INAO, France
Researcher's Point of vue Elisabeth Barham, University of Missouri, USA
14: 30 WPs Parallel Sessions I WP 1 Responsible: François Casabianca, INRA-LRDE, France
WP 2 Responsible: Luis Miguel Albisu, DGA-SIA, Spain
WP 3 Responsibles: Giovanni Belletti, Andrea Marscotti, Univ. of Florence, DSE, Italy
WP 4 Responsible: Angela Tregear, University of Newcastle, UK (papers)
16: 30 WPs Parallel Sessions II : WP1, 2, 3, 4

Tuesday 2002.05.07

09: 00 WPs Parallel Sessions III : Discussion and approval of WPs synthesis about WP 1, WP 2, WP 3, WP 4
11: 30 Plenary Session Chairman: Dominique Barjolle SRVA, CH Presentation of WPs synthesis WPs responsibles
Presentation of the Website Claire Tarot, Webmaster, INRA-UREQUA, France
14: 30 Plenary Session Chairman: Andrea Marescotti University of Florence, Italy General discussion  
15: 30 External Discussants Prof. Giovanni Anania University of Calabria, Italy
F. Brand Quality policy at the Federal Ministery of Agriculture, Switzerland
16: 30

Introduction to Task 2

WP5 - Filippo Arfini University of Parma, Italy
WP6 - Dominique Barjolle SRVA, Switzerland

17: 00 Conclusions Bertil Sylvander, INRA-UREQUA, France

Last DOLPHINS meeting, at Parma - 06-07 October 2003
Third DOLPHINS meeting, at Toulouse
- 10-11 February 2003
First DOLPHINS meeting at Firenze - 10-12 september 2001