All the working documents about OLP
All the documents per Work Package

WP4 - Link between OLP and Consumers and citizens

The Team

Reviews and discussions papers of the WP 4

Annexes of the WP4 repport :


Florence Meeting - WP 4 Parallel Session : Presentation G. Giraud (sept. 2001)


WP 4 Post-Florence work plan (A. Tregear, F. Torelli, M. Ness)


WP 4 Meeting Reggio Emilia : Program - Intermediary scientific work


WP 4 Meeting Reggio Emilia : Program (22nd March 2002)


WP 4 Report Belgium


WP 4 Report Finland


WP 4 Report France


WP 4 Report Germany


WP 4 Report Italy (Parma)


WP 4 Report Italy (Reggio Emilia)


WP 4 Report Portugal


WP 4 Report Spain


WP 4 Report Switzerland


WP 4 Report United Kingdom

Recent papers of WP4 participants for the 2nd Plenary meeting discussions, 6-7th May 2002

Belgium Team (Collet Eric) - Theme 3 : Conceptual framework " development of a meaningful framework for explaining and predicting olp usage "
English Team (Angela Tregear and Mitchell Ness) - Theme 1. OLP Usage Conceptual Framework - Theme 2. Research Methods
Finnish Team (Jukka Kola, Terhi Latvala) - Theme: Marketing recommendations
French Team (Agnès Alessandrin) - theme 2: Marketing recommendations (communication, labelling/branding, distribution)
German Team (Burkhard Schaer) - Theme: Marketing for Origin Linked Products - Theme: Future research for Origin Linked Products
Italian Team (Franco Torelli) - Theme: Marketing recommendations, (Cristina Mora) - Theme1: WTO negotiation
Portugal Team (Mário Sérgio Teixeira) - Theme : Marketings Recommendations
Spanish Team (Ana I. Sanjuán) - Theme I. The protection of Geographical names in the WTO - Theme II. The economic arguments for the use of Geographical names
Swiss team
(Martine Dufour and Corinne Couillerot) - Theme 2: Marketing recommendations

WP 4 - Introductory Paper , Angela TREGEAR, University of Newcastle - AEFM, United Kingdom

Useful documents

Georges Giraud, ENITA Clermont-Ferrand, France - Consumer perception of typical food products: Some results from Europe -
presented in Firenze the 11 of september 2001.

Pacciani A., Belletti G., Marescotti A.
Problemi informativi, qualità e prodotti tipici. Approcci teorici diversi, ("Information problems, quality and typical products: a comparison between theoretical approaches"), in: Fanfani R., Montresor E., Pecci (A cura di), "Il settore agroalimentare in Italia e l'integrazione europea", Franco Angeli, Milano, forthcoming (ITALIAN) downloaded the document in PDF

K. de Roest, F. Torelli
Marketing red meat in the Europan union : extending option, FAIR CT FA S2 98-9093 downloaded the document in PDF

Latvala, T. & Kola, J.
Consumers' Willingness to Pay for Information about Food Safety and Quality: Case Beef. Contributed paper at the International Food and Agribusiness Management Assiation IAMA 10 th World Congress and Forum. 24 - 28.6.2000, Chicago, USA. Available:

Corcoran K., Bernués Jal A., R. Baines
Marketing Scottish Beef and the Problem of the Changing Consumer. IAMA Agri-business Educators Forum, Illinois - June 2000.

Marescotti A.
Marketing channels, quality hallmarks and the theory of conventions, in: Sylvander B., Barjolle D., Arfini F. (Eds.), "The socio-economics of origin labelled products in agro-food supply chains: spatial, institutional and co-ordination aspects", INRA, Serie Actes et Communications, n.17-2, Paris, 2000, pp.103-122 (67th EAAE Seminar, Le Mans (France), 28-30 October 1999 (ENGLISH) downloaded the document in PDF

Marescotti A.,
I consumi alimentari: esist1998

Marescotti A.,
I consumi alimentari: esiste e un modello toscano? ("Food consumption: does a tuscan model exist?"), in: Pacciani A., Belletti G., Marescotti A., Scaramuzzi S. (Eds), "Struttura e dinamiche nel sistema agro-industriale toscano", Osservatorio Agro-Industriale per la Toscana, Secondo Rapporto, Osservatorio INEA di Economia Agraria per la Toscana, Firenze, pp. 95-108 (ITALIAN) (

Belletti G., Marescotti A.,
Le nuove tendenze nei consumi alimentari ("The new trends in food consumption"), in: Berni P., Begalli D. (a cura di), "I prodotti agroalimentari di qualità: organizzazione del sistema delle imprese", SIDEA-Il Mulino, Bologna, pp.133-152 (ITALIAN) downloaded the document in PDF