First DOLPHINS meeting at Firenze - 10-12 september 2001

Sabrina Lucatelli (OECD): The US-EU Positions in the WTO Negociations (PDF 73 p.)
Florenze Power Point presentation (PDF 10 p.)
Jim Chen (University of Minnesota): The Appellations of Origin from an US Perspectives (PDF 14 p.)

Erik Thevenod (University of Geneva): presentation of Firenze meeting (2001/09/11) -
The WTO Negociation Framework (IP/C/W/253) OMC synthesis 76 p. 2001/04/04

Elisabeth Barham (University of Missouri): Differences between the United States and the European Union Concerning Appellations of Origin: key Trends Affecting Possible Futur Resolution (PDF 3p.)
Guislaine Legendre (French delegation WTO): Intellectual Property for Products with Geographical Indications (PDF 5 p.)
Work Packages synthesis see "Documents"
For parallel sessions see "Documents"
Conclusions: Bertil Sylvander (PDF 15 p.)

Photos of the meeting and Thank you very much Silvia !



Last DOLPHINS meeting, at Parma - 06-07 October 2003
Third DOLPHINS meeting, at Toulouse - 10-11 February 2003
Second DOLPHINS meeting, at Paris - 6-7 May 2002