All the working documents about OLP
Summary of the DOLPHINS documents and reports

Review and discussions per Work Parckage and per country and their synthesis

Presentation of Origin Labelled Products' sector

Dolphins European Union Concerted Action Final Report (.doc: 1,2Mo -- .zip: 0,8Mo) - 96p. -

All the documents per Work Package:

WP1 - OLP's products: definition, characteristics, legal protection

WP2 - Link between OLP and local production systems, legal protection

WP3 - Link between OLP and rural development

WP4 - Link between OLP and Consumers and citizens

WP5 - Characteristics, evolution, problems and opportunities for OLP

WP6 - Public policies evaluation

PDO-PGI Final report :

  • FAIR 1-CT95-0306 : Protected Designations of Origin and Protected Geographical Indications in Europe : Regulation Or Policy ? Recommendations - Dominique Barjolle*And Bertil Sylvander**, June 2000 , 53 pages (PDF)
    *SRVA, Lausanne, Suisse, ** INRA - UREQUA, Le Mans, France

  • Some Factors of Success for Origin Labelled Products in Agri-Food Supply Chains in Europe: Market, Internal Resources and Institutions - Dominique Barjolle and Bertil Sylvander. Article in Economie et Société, Cahiers de l'ISMEA, série Economie Agroalimentaire, n°25, 2002/09-10, pp.1441-1462 (article about FAIR 1-CT95-0306) - (PDF)

EAAE 1997 : Proceeding of the EAAE Seminar of Parma, Italy
Typical and traditional productions: Rural effect and agro-industrial problems
52nd EAAE Seminar - Parma, June 19-21 1997

Le lien au terroir, bilan des travaux de recherche - Swiss work (Dominique Barjolle) - mai1998 (french) - (PDF)