Latvala, T. & Kola, J.
Measuring Consumers' Benefits of Credence Charasteristics
of Beef: Ex Ante Valuation. Poster presentation at the 71st EAAE (European
Association of Agricultural Economics) Seminar "The Food Consumer In the
Early 21s Century". 19-20.4.2001, Zaragoza, Spain.
Latvala, T.
Kuluttajien tietotarpeet elintarvikkeiden turvallisuudesta
ja laadusta : tapaustutkimus naudanlihasta. [Consumers' Informational
Needs concerning Food Safety and Quality : Case Beef]. In press.
Yrjölä, T., Kola J.,
Abstract : Cost-Benefit Analysis of Multifunctional Agriculture
in Finland). University of Helsinki, Department of Economics and Management,
Publication No. 27, Agricultural Policy, 80 p.
Kola, J., Hofreither, M. and Rabinowicz, E.
Experience of EU accession for the agricultural sector
: Austria, Finland and Sweden. In: Burrell, A. & Oskam, A. (editors):
Agricultural Policy and Enlargement of the European Union : 143-162. Wageningen
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Latvala, T. & Kola, J.
Consumers' Willingness to Pay for Information about Food
Safety and Quality: Case Beef. Contributed paper at the International
Food and Agribusiness Management Assiation IAMA 10 th World Congress and
Forum. 24 - 28.6.2000, Chicago, USA. Available:
Kola, J. and Ukkonen, R.
Political Economy and Effects of The Dairy Reform in Agenda
2000. In: Ahlstedt, J. & Marttila, J. (eds.): Proceedings of the 66 th
EAAE Seminar / NJF Seminar No. 301 "Integration of the Baltic Sea Countries
to the Common Agricultural Policies of the EU" : 297-310. Agricultural
Economics Research Institute, Helsinki.
Kola, J.
Agricultural Policy and Rural Development in Finland and
Europe. New Rural Policy 2/99 : 30-40.
Kallio, V. and Kola, J.
Maatalousyritysten menestystekijät : Aluetutkimus Etelä-Karjalassa,
Etelä-Savossa ja Kymenlaaksossa. Helsingin yliopisto, Taloustieteen laitos,
Julkaisuja 24. 202 s.
Kola, J. and Nokkala, M. (eds.)
Structural policy effects in Finnish rural areas: a quantitative
Social Accounting Matrix approach. University of Helsinki, Department
of Economics and Management, Publication No. 23, Agricultural Policy,
191 p.
Bullock, D.S., Salhofer, K. and Kola, J.
The normative analysis of agricultural policy: a general
framework and review. Journal of Agricultural Economics 50, 3 : 512-535.
Kola, J.
Reforms of the Common Agricultural Policy and agriculture
in Finland. Agricultural and Food Science in Finland 7, 2 : 181-196.
Crommelynck, A., Kola, J. and Swinnen, J.
Determinants of Agricultural Protection in Finland 1931-1990.
PRG Working Paper No. 14. The Policy Research Group, Katholieke Universiteit
Leuven. Belgium. 31 p.
Taipale, M. and Kola, J.
Futuurien ja optioiden käyttömahdollisuudet Suomen viljamarkkinoilla.
Helsingin yliopisto, Taloustieteen laitos. Julkaisuja 17. 72 p. (Summary:
Possibilities for using futures and options on the Finnish grain markets.
University of Helsinki, Department of Economics and Management, Publications
No 17).
Hyvönen, S. and Kola, J.
New policies, new opportunities, new threaths: the Finnish
food industry in the EU. In : Pitts, E. & Traill, B. (eds.): Competitiveness
in the Food Industry . pp. 253-285. Blackie Academic & Professional, London,
Kola, J., Bullock, D.S., and Salhofer, K.
The Normative Analysis of (Agricultural) Policy: A General
Framework and Review. Selected paper abstracts of the 1997 AAEA Annual
Meeting. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 79, 5: 1724.
Kola, J.
The relationship between food economy and public policy:
theoretical frameworks and applied results. In : Vem styr förädlingsindustrin
. Helsingfors universitet, Institutionen för ekonomi. Kompendium nr 13
: 19-37.
Ihamuotila, R. and J. Kola.
Politiikka, talous ja maatalouspolitiikka Suomessa. (Abstract
in English : Political economy and agricultural policy in Finland). In
Lauri Kettunen's Jubilee Publication: Agriculture at the Crossroads .
Agricultural Economics Research Institute, Research Publications 77 :
20-41. Helsinki.
Kola, J.
Agribusiness caught between efficiency and environment: the role of a
small country in the game of large countries. In : W.D. Gorman (ed.) :
Managing in the Global Economy : 336-346. Proceedings of the International
Agribusiness Management Association IAMA Symposium III, San Francisco,
Kola, J.
Positive Externalities of Joint Agriculture and Forestry:
the Roles and Rules of Agricultural and Forest Policies in Finland. In:
Hofreither, M. & Vogel, S. (eds.) : The Role of Agricultural Externalities
in High Income Countries : 209-224. Proceedings of the 37th EAAE-seminar.
Wissenschaftsverlag Vauk Kiel KG.
Hyttinen, P. and Kola, J.
Farm forests and rural livelihood in Finland. Journal
of Rural Studies 11, 4 : 387-396.
Hyvönen, S. and Kola, J.
The Finnish food industry facing European integration:
policies and strategies. European of Agricultural Economics 22, 3 : 296-309.
Latvala, T. & Laurila, I.
Elintarvikkeiden kysyntä Suomessa vuosina 1986-1996. Pellervo
Economic Research Centre. Reports and Articiles No 137. Espoo. 28 pages.
[Demand for food products in Finland 1986-1996]