Current Research Projects concerning Origin Labelled


Arbouse's brandy increase in value (Medronho), Portugal

Assessment of coagulant (Cynara cardunculus, L.) and raw milk flora effects on characteristics of PDO ewe's milk cheese.

Characterization of PDO: Terrincho lambs' meat PDO and Transmontano kids PDO (goat's meat), Portugal

Characterization of PGI: Barroso kids (goat's meat), Portugal

Contribution to the rationalization of milk production systems in the region of PDO "Queijo de Nisa": from production factors to the evaluation of cheese quality - AGRO 119/2001, Portugal

DOLPHINS: Development of Origin Labelled Products: Humabity, Innovation and Sustainability (EU)

Effect of composition and animal production factors on ewe's milk cheesemaking properties: a global approach, Portugal

Em Torno da Cabra Algarvia (around Algarve's goat), Portugal

Implementation of HACCP in the Dairy sector. From Milk to Cheese

Improvement of the manufacture process of Serra da Estrela cheese, Portugal

Increasing the value of quality products in Norte Alentejo region, Portugal

Portuguese Consumer's Attitudes towards Beef: The case of PDO and PGI labelled products

Sensory characterisation of traditional cheese's produced in the centre region of Portugal

The use of ultrasounds to assess sheep and goat carcasses and body composition

The Wine sector Economics: Crisis and Regulation

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Arbutus tree's brandy increase in value (Medronho), Portugal

Aim of the project

  • Arbutus tree varieties' selection.
    Berries (fruits) characterization to define their brandy production abilities.
  • Vegetative reproduction of the tree by several process (cutting, in vitro production).
  • Improvement of the technology (fermentation and distillation).
  • Brandy characterization (chemical and organoleptic) to define a standard quality.

Program type:
Source of founding:

Starting date: 1994 to 1999
Duration: LEADER (1,5 year) - PAMAF-IED (3 years)

Association IN LOCO

Address : R.Actor Nascimento Fernandes,
Apart. 603 8001-907 Faro, Portugal
Ph.: + 351 289 82 50 63 - Fax: + 351 289 82 71 75
e-mail :
e-mail : cbcsalir@mail.telepac.pt

In Loco association Escola superior de tecnologia da niversityof Algarve - Portugal
Ministry of Agriculture - DRAALG

Work of the Institute about this project: Coordinator : Research articulation lead between Medronho's Productors by the Regional Direction of Algarve Agriculture" and Algarve University.

In Loco Responsible of the project: Mrs Maria Priscila Soares - Ph: + 351 289 80 50 32

Staff Involved: Mrs Paula Quintas

Scientific and professional partners:
  • Direcção Regional de Agricultura do Algarve (Mrs Aurora Neto Martins) - Braciais - Patacão 8000 Faro: projects management, Vegetative reproduction, laboratory.
  • Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Universidade do Algarve (Mrs Ludovina Galego) - Campus da Penha 8000 Faro): Chromatography and quantification of the components.

Expected results:

  • Legislation proposals to define arbutus brandy characteristics, to fill the gap about "Medronheira do Algarve" - EU n°1576/89,
  • Improvement of the taking roof rate of the arbutus tree (>50%),
  • In vitro reproduction parameters,
  • Faster fermentation advices,
  • Distillates with lower global acidity,
  • Descriptors for organoleptic evalaluation of arbutus berry 's brandy thanks to sample group,
  • Sample groups technicss for arbutus brandy,
  • Improvement of brandy's quality thanks to fermentation and distillation technologies
  • Better increase in value of arbutus' brandy which infers greater demand of authentic products, so, putting up the price paid to the productors.

For more informations about this project and its results (PDF in french)

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Assessment of coagulant (Cynara cardunculus, L.) and raw milk flora effects on characteristics of PDO ewe's milk cheese, Portugal

Aim of the project
The project aims to contribute for the knowledge on the major group of PDO Portuguese cheeses, which are obtained from raw ewe milk, coagulated with Cynara cardunculus proteases. We intend to study the contribution of raw milk flora and coagulant proteases for the proteolytic pattern of some of those cheeses, considering the specific aspects of traditional technology and the effect of these reactions on cheese sensory properties.


Program type: PIDDAC

Source of founding: National

Starting date: 1999
Duration: 3 years

Technology of Agrarian Products Department

Address : EAN - DTPA
Avenida da República, 2784-505 Oeiras, Portugal
Ph: +351 214421757 - Ph.: +351 213634233
Fax : +351 214413208 - Fax: 01 4420867 Telex: 63698 EAN P
e-mail :

INIA Portugal

Work of the Institute about this project:
Evaluation of the differential effects of raw ewe milk flora and proteases from Cynara cardunculus on cheese proteolysis.

Scientific Responsible: Maria Manuela P. de Vasconcelos ; EAN - DTPA

Student involved(PhD, Ms): One Erasmus Spanish student getting engineering degree

Staff Involved:

  • Maria Manuela P. de Vasconcelos,
  • António Pedro Louro Martins
Scientific and professional partners:
  • AADP,
  • Queijaria dos Vidais

Expected results:
The project tries to evaluate the contribution of raw ewe milk flora and the proteases of the coagulant agent for the cheese characteristics, mainly in what concern proteolysis. Based on Azeitão and Nisa cheese technologies, the evolution of sensorial characteristics and proteolysis of wrapped and unwrapped cheese from raw ewe milk or pasteurised and micro filtrated raw ewe milk during ripening is monitored and compared.

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Characterization of PDO: Terrincho lambs' meat PDO and Transmontano kids PDO (goat's meat), Portugal

Aim of the project :
The valorisation of sheep and goat meat products with Origin Denomination or with Geographic Protection Indication should be based on quality warranties given to the consumers.
Therefore, the main objectives of this project are: 1. to characterize carcass composition, for recommended weight of respective Origin Denomination; 2. to evaluate the applicability of the light carcasses classification system, in European Union (EU), to the classification of sheep local breed carcasses; 3. to develop a carcass classification system for goats, because it doesn't exists, in EU, any recommendation for this kind of animals; 4. to evaluate meat quality, in its physical (colour, pH, texture) and chemical (intramuscular fat content, fatty acids composition) parameters; 5. sensory valorisation of sheep and goat meat, with a taste panel, associating physical and chemical characteristics with sensory evaluation.
This project will promote an increase in producer's productivity, as well as an increase in consumers satisfaction related with meat products of sheep and goat origin. Besides, the project will promote an approach between universities, meat transformation industries, commercialisation sector and sheep and goat producers.

  1. Study of carcass composition (chemical and dissectible);
  2. Meat quality (pH, colour, shear force, fat analysis, water holding capacity, sensory assessment);
  3. Carcass evaluation;
  4. In vivo estimation of carcass composition by ultrasound equipment.

Program type: AGRO

Source of founding: Ministério da Agricultura do Desenvolvimento Rural e das Pescas.

Starting date: 12/2001
Duration: 3 years

UTAD - University of Trás-os-Montes and Ato Douro, Vila Real
Department of Zootecnia

Address : UTAD, Dep. Zootecnia,
apartado 202, 5001-911 Vila Real Portugal
Ph.: + 351 259 350 411 - Fax.: + 351 259 350 629
e-mail Departement of Zootecnia:

UTAD - University of Trás-os-Montes e Ato Douro

Work of the Institute about this project:
Chemical and dissectible body composition and instrumental meat quality of lambs and kids slaughtered at different weights.

Scientific Responsible: Jorge Azevedo - UTAD, Dep. Zootecnia - Ph: + 351 259 350 416 - e-mail: jazevedo@utad.pt

Student involved(PhD, Ms): Virgínia Santos - UTAD, Dep. Zootecnia - Ph: + 351 259 350 430 - e-mail: vsantos@utad.pt

Staff Involved:

  • Severiano Silva
  • Elisabete Mena

Scientific and professional partners in Portugal:

  • Escola Superior Agrária de Bragança
  • Associação Nacional de Criadores de Ovinos da Raça Churra da Terra Quente
  • Associação Nacional de Caprinicultores da Raça Serrana

Escola Superior Agrária de Bragança

Address : Campus de Santa Apolónia
Apartado 172, 5301-854 BRAGANÇA, Portugal
Ph.: +351 273 303 203 - Fax.: +351 273 325 405
e-mail :


Work of the Institute about this project:

Scientific Responsible: Alfredo Jorge Costa Teixeira, e-mail: teixeira@ipb.p

Student involved(PhD, Ms): Sónia Maria Gomes Batista(Ms) - phone: +351273303320

Expected results:
1. To determine the main meat quality parameters;
2. To determine the chemical composition and the fatty acid profile from the main adipose and muscle tissues, that provide to the elaboration of a technical file for each breed;
3. To attain data that allows the establishment of a relationship between carcass and meat quality;
4. Achievement of data that guides lamb producers to produce carcasses that correspond to consumer preferences;
5. Development of tools that allow the producer to establish the animal's optimal slaughter time.

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Characterization of PGI: Barroso kids, Portugal

Aim of the project :

  1. Study of carcass composition (chemical and dissectible);
  2. Meat quality (pH, colour, shear force, fat analysis, water holding capacity, sensory assessment);
  3. Carcass evaluation;
  4. In vivo estimation of carcass composition by ultrasound equipment.

Program type:

Source of founding: UTAD

Starting date: 2001
Duration: 3 years

UTAD - University of Trás-os-Montes and Ato Douro, Vila Real
Department of Zootecnia

Address : UTAD, Dep. Zootecnia,
apartado 202, 5001-911 Vila Real Portugal
Ph.: + 351 259 350 411 - Fax.: + 351 259 350 629
e-mail Departement of Zootecnia:

UTAD - University of Trás-os-Montes e Ato Douro

Work of the Institute about this project:
Chemical and dissectible body composition and instrumental meat quality of kids slaughtered at different weights.

Scientific Responsible: Jorge Azevedo - UTAD, Dep. Zootecnia - Ph: + 351 259 350 416 - e-mail: jazevedo@utad.pt

Student involved(PhD, Ms): Virgínia Santos - UTAD, Dep. Zootecnia - Ph: + 351 259 350 430 - e-mail: vsantos@utad.p

Staff Involved:

  • Severiano Silva
  • Elisabete Mena
Scientific and professional partners:

Expected results: Characterization of carcass composition of Barroso kids.

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Contribution to the rationalization of milk production systems in the region of PDO "Queijo de Nisa": from production factors to the evaluation of cheese quality

Aim of the project
The aim of this project is to carry out experimentation and demonstration actions in different areas of PDO Queijo de Nisa production. These actions are a result of previous RED activities and have the aim of improving the different aspects of milk and cheese production in Queijo de Nisa PDO delimited area - milk production system and technology, obtaining of good quality raw milk and cheese production technology, evaluation of cheese quality and safety as decisive factors for the certification of this PDO.


Program type: PO AGRO 119/2001coordination of DTPA.
Source of founding: UE and corresponding national contribution
Starting date: 03/12/2001
Duration: 3 years

Technology of Agrarian Products Department

Address : EAN - DTPA
Avenida da República, 2784-505 Oeiras, Portugal
Ph: +351 214421757 - Ph.: +351 213634233 - Fax : +351 214413208
Fax: 01 4420867 - Telex: 63698 EAN P
e-mail :
pedrolouro@isa.utl.pt - http://www.inia.min-agricultura.pt

INIA Portugal

Work of the Institute about this project:
Contribution in: evaluation of milk quality for cheesemaking as influenced by different production factors; cheesemaking trials in demonstration units with controlled traditional technology and assessment of cheese microbiological, chemical and sensorial quality; definition and utilization of new quality criteria for this PDO.

Scientific Responsible: António Pedro Louro Martins, e.mail: pedrolouro@isa.utl.pt

Staff Involved:

  • António Pedro Louro Martins (EAN),
  • Maria Manuela P. de Vasconcelos (EAN),
  • Carlos Carmona Belo (EZN),
  • Maria Irene A. Mendes (EZN),
  • Ana Teresa Belo (EZN),
  • Rui José B. Bessa (EZN),
  • Olga M. Conde Moreira (EZN),
  • José Manuel Ribeiro (EZN)

Scientific and professional partners:

  • EZN - INIA,
  • AADP,
  • Natur-al Carnes

Expected results:
We expect to contribute for (i) the improvement of management and feeding conditions of the sheep herd in order to improve milk productivity and quality considering technological characteristics and cheese yield (ii) the improvement of the hygienic and sanitary quality of raw milk as a decisive factor for raw milk cheese safety, through adequate production techniques and evaluation of milk and cheese quality and (iii) the improvement of control and certification actions of the PDO Queijo de Nisa, involving new criteria and the reformulation of local sensorial evaluation panels.

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Development of Origin Labelled Products:
Humabity, Innovation and Sustainability

Aim of the project
The general aim of the Concerted Action DOLPHINS is to ease and strengthen exchanges of the scientific results of the researches conducted in European countries on origin labelled products (OLP). This has to be achieved by means of :

  • the setting-up of a network of scientists involved in research on OLPs,
  • the activation of dissemination instruments in order to meet the needs of citizens, policy-makers, researchers, firms and all the other operators involved in OLPs.

e-mail : webmaster@origin-food.org

  Program type: Concerted action financed by the fifth framework of the European Community for the research, technological development and demonstration activities (1998-2002)

Starting date: 1st december 2000
Duration: 3 years

National institute of agrarian research - department of agrarian economy and sociology studies

Address : Av. da Republica , 2784 505 OEIRAS, Portugal
Ph : 351 214 403 500 - Fax : 351 214 416 011
e-mail :
fragata.ean@sapo.pt - http://www.inia.min-agricultura.pt


Work of the Institute about this project:

Staff involved:

UTAD University of Tras-os-Montes and Alto Douro
Department of Economy and sociology

Address : Avenida Almeida Lucena 1, 5000 VILA REAL , Portugal
Ph : 351 259 302 200 - Fax : 351 259 302 007
e-mail :

UTAD DES Vila Real


Work of the Institute about this project:

Staff involved:

Unit of the Animal Production
Agriculture Regional management of EntreDouro and Minho

Address : Quinta do Pinhó, 4800 875 São TORCATO, Portugal
Ph : 351 253 552 511 - Fax : 351 253 552 762
e-mail :
jonascrs@hotmail.com - http://www.inia.min-agricultura.pt

Unit Animal Production

Work of the Institute about this project:

Scientific Responsible: Jerónimo Côrte Real Santos

Scientific and professional partners:

  • INRA - UREQUA8, avenue René Laennec - 72000 Le Mans - France
  • CRITT CRISALIDE8, avenue René Laennec - 72000 Le Mans - France
  • INRA - ESR/ETIC - BP 27 - 31326 Castanet Tolosan - France
    INRA - LRDEQuartier Grossetti - BP 8 - 20250 Corte - France
  • 10, rue des Arènes - 72000 Le Mans
    Università di Parma - Istituto di Economia Agraria e ForestaleDipartimento di EconomiaVia Kennedy 6 - 43100 Parma - Italia
  • Università di Verona - Dipartimento Economie Società ed IstituzioniSezione Politica Economica Agraria - Via dell'Artigliere, 8 - 37100 Verona - Italia
    Centro Ricerche produzioni animali (CRPA)Corso Garibaldi, 42 - 42100 Reggio Emilia - Italia
  • Università di Firenze - Dipartimento di Scienze EconomicheVia Curtatone, 1 - 50123 Firenze - Italia
  • SRVA - Avenue Jordils, 1 - CP 128 - 1000 Lausanne 6 - Swtizerland
    ETHZ - Institut d'Economie Rurale - Antenne Romande - Génie RuralGR Ecublens - 1015 Lausanne - Switzerland
  • Université de Lausanne - C/o OIC - CP - 1000 Lausanne 6 - Switzerland
    Association suisse pour la promotion des AOC & IGP - 1936 Verbier Village - Switzerland
  • Technische Universität Munchen-Weihenstephan - Department für Wirtschafts-und Sozialwissenschaften - Fachgebiet für Marktlehre der Agrar- und ErnährungswirtschaftAlte Akademie 14 - 85354 - Freising - Deutschland
  • Diputation General de Aragon - Servicio de Investigacion AgroalimentariaUnidad de Economia Agraria176, Carretera de Montaña - Apartado 727 - 50080 Zaragoza - Espana
  • Universidad de Lleida - ETSIA - CTFCSolsona - Edifici 1 - Rovira Rourre, 177 - 25198 Lleida - Espana
  • Universidad Pùblica de Navarra - Departemento de Gestion de EmpresasCampus de Arrosadia - 31006 Pamplona - España
  • University of Newcastle - Department of Agricultural Economics and Food Marketing (AEFM) - Kings Walk - Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 7RU - UK
  • University of Edinburgh - Institute of Ecology and Resource Management (IERM)Edinburgh School of Agriculture - West Mains Road - EH9 3JG Edinburgh - UK
  • Fondation Universitaire Luxembourgeoise - SEED185, avenue de Longwy - 6700 Arlon - Belgium
  • University of Helsinki - Department of Economics and ManagementPO Box 27 - Latokartononkaari 9 - Viikki - 00014 University of Helsinki - Finland
  • Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agraria - Estaçao Agronomica Nacional - Departamento de Estudos de Economia e Sociologia Agrarias (DEESA)Av. da Republica - 2784-505 Oeiras - Portugal)
  • Universidade de Tras os Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD)Departemento de Economia e SociologiaAvenida Almeida Lucena 1- 5000 Vila Real - Portugal
  • Direcção Regional de Agricultura de Entre Douro e Minho - Divisão Produção Animal - Quinta do Pinho - 4800-875 San Torcato - Portugal

Expected results:

  • to better understand the characteristics and the evolution of OLPs in the agro-food system, also by analysing the links and synergies between OLPs and local/global production and marketing systems, rural development with particular reference to employment in rural areas and consumers/citizens,
  • to provide tools for an assessment of public policies at various levels concerning PDO-PGI and other OLPs and the effects of legal protection, financial support and public promotional initiatives on production and marketing systems, competition policy, rural development, consumers/citizens' concerns and expectations,
  • to provide relevant recommendations to the EU in order to better prepare and support the negotiation process in the framework of the WTO Round regarding the protection and promotion of OLP

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Effect of composition and animal production factors on ewe's milk cheesemaking properties: a global approach

Aim of the project
The project aims to study the relations between animal production factors and ewe milk composition, as well as to evaluate its impact on milk coagulation aptitude and cheesemaking properties measured by an approach representing the whole milk effect, considering the more specific technological parameters of PDO ewe milk cheese traditional technologies.


Program type: PIDDAC

Source of founding: National
Starting date: 2001
Duration: 3 years

Technology of Agrarian Products Department

Address : EAN - DTPA
Avenida da República, 2784-505 Oeiras, Portugal
Ph: +351 214421757 - Ph.: +351 213634233
Fax : +351 214413208 - Fax: 01 4420867 Telex: 63698 EAN P
e-mail :
pedrolouro@isa.utl.pt - http://www.inia.min-agricultura.pt

INIA Portugal

Work of the Institute about this project: Evaluation of the effects of raw ewe milk composition and animal production factors on milk cheesemaking properties measured by an Optigraph.

Scientific Responsible: António Pedro Louro Martins EAN - DTPA

Staff Involved:

  • Maria Manuela P. de Vasconcelos,
  • António Pedro Louro Martins,
  • Carlos Carmona Belo (EZN),
  • José Manuel Ribeiro (EZN),
  • Ana Teresa Belo (EZN)
Scientific and professional partners:
  • EZN - INIA,
  • AADP,
  • APQA,
  • Queijaria dos Vidais

Expected results:
The project tries to study the several ewe milk coagulation characteristic parameters, using Cynara cardunculus as the coagulant agent. The coagulation properties will be evaluated by an Optigraph and will be related with chemical composition, considering factors such as breed, lactation, lambing season and feeding. The effect of the more specific technological parameters of PDO ewe milk cheese traditional technologies (coagulation agent and temperature, salt addition, pH) will be also studied in order to prevent and/or correct technological difficulties.

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Em Torno da Cabra Algarvia (around Algarve's goat), Portugal

Aim of the project : to increase in value of goats breedingin the region "Serra do Caldeirão"

  • by characterizing the production system with goat,
  • by establishing the relation between quantity and milk quality,
  • by increasing milking conditions,
  • by increasing traditional scale cheese production,
  • by testing and popularizing pasturage models,
  • by testing several animals identification's systems,
  • by evaluating the pasturage impact on soil evolution,
  • by promoting the trade increase in value of the products through the products characterisation, the brand image creation, the certification process preparation.



Program type: European Union project managed by the " Direcção Regional de Agricultura do Algarve " in partnership with the University of Algarve and the association In Loco

Source of founding:
Article 8 of FEOGA (ARINCO 95PT 06002) completed by the programs of LEADER II and " Centro Rural " over study and investment parts.
Starting date: june 1997
Duration: 3 years

Association IN LOCO

Address : R.Actor Nascimento Fernandes,
Apart. 603 8001-907 Faro, Portugal
Ph.: + 351 289 82 50 63 - Fax: + 351 289 82 71 75
e-mail :
e-mail : cbcsalir@mail.telepac.pt

In Loco association

Scientific Responsible of the whole project:
Prof. Agostinho de Carvallho - Universidade do Algarve

niversityof Algarve - Portugal

Project Responsible: Engº Joaquim Castelão Rodrigues - Direcção Regional de
Agricultura do Algarve ajouter logo "Ministère de l'agriculture Direcção
regional de Agricultura do Algarve "

Ministry of Agriculture - DRAALG

Work of In Loco about this project:
Coordination of the field team, transnational cooperation, institutional responsable of the "pasturage action" and of "Trade increase in value of the products".

Responsible of the project at In Loco association: Mrs Maria Priscila Soares - Ph: + 351 289 80 50 32 - e-mail: inloco@mail.telepac.pt

Staff Involved:

  • Mr Etienne Anginot (pasturage and transnational cooperation)
  • Mrs Paula Quintas (Trade increase in value of the products)
Scientific and professional partners in Portugal:
  • Scientific coordinator of the project: Prof. Agostinho de Carvallho - Universidade do Algarve - Campus de Gambela - 8000 Faro
  • Project manager: Engº Joaquim Castelão Rodrigues - Direcção Regional de Agricultura do Algarve Braciais - Patacão Apart. 282 8000 Faro

Transnational scientific and professional partners:

  • CIRVAL (Mr JP Dubeuf - Corte Corse)
  • INRA Avignon (M. Meuret. E. Lecrivain, M. Napoleone)
  • INRA Corte (Mrs JP Choisis, R. Bouche)
  • Institut de l'Elevage (Mr G. Guérin - Montpellier)
  • IRAM (Mr B. Bonnet - Montpellier)
  • CIRAD (Logiciel de Traitement de données WINSTAT - Montpellier)
  • MIRVALT (Mr D. Pujol, étude sur valorisation fromage - Toulouse)
  • Studies visits and bibliography: SIME/LRE (Chambre d'agriculture - Montpellier), CERPAM, DAVD/Syndicat caprin/CA 26 (Drôme), PEP Caprin du Pradel (Ardèche), ODARC (Corse)
  • Centre fromager de Carmejane (cheese maker training course)

Expected results: a lot of results but mainly :

  • Great improvement in the certification procedure for the three designation of origin,
  • Technical specifications to preserve and promote the Algarve race,
  • Popularization products,
  • Several publications

For more informations about this project and its results (PDF in french)

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Implementation of HACCP in the Dairy sector. From Milk to Cheese

Aim of the project
The main goal of this project is to disseminate Good Manufacturing Practices and HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) in the manufacturing of traditional cheeses (PDO) produced in the Centre Region of Portugal, through the production of written material to be distributed to the final users.
The project will be developed in five main areas:

  1. Development and dissemination of a Good Manufacturing Practices during milk production.
  2. Development and dissemination of a Good Manufacturing Practices during cheese production.
  3. Implementation of HACCP in selected traditional cheese plants
  4. Development and dissemination of Generic HACCP Plans for the production of cheese.
  5. Developments of an Internet site for the dissemination of all the material.

The participant institutions will promote various actions in order to make the collected information available to the final users (milk and cheese producers).

Possible future address http://www.esac.pt/agro44


Program type: AGRO 8.1

Source of founding: INIA (AGRO Medida 8.1)

Starting date: 01/11/2001
Duration: 3 years

Escola Superior Agrária de Coimbra

Address : Endereço, Bencanta 3040-316, Coimbra, Portugal
Ph.: +351 239 802 273 - Fax.: +351 239 802 962
e-mail :
orlando@mail.esac.pt - http://www.esac.pt/

Escola Superior Agrária de Coimbra

Work of the Institute about this project:
Project Leader, HACCP co-ordination, project dissemination

Scientific Responsible: João Freire de Noronha
Escola Superior Agrária de Coimbra - Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia Alimentares (Food Science and Technology Department)
Bencanta, 3040-116 COIMBRA - PORTUGAL
Ph: 239 802 276 - Fax: 239 802 979 - e-mail: noronha@mail.esac.pt

Staff Involved:

  • João Freire de Noronha
  • Carlos José Dias Pereira
  • David Manuel Gama Simões Gomes
  • Miguel Curado Malta
  • Maria Margarida Lopes Soto-Maior Braga Esteves Hortas

Student involved(PhD, Ms): not available

Scientific and professional partners:
  • Escola Superior Agrária (ESAC)
  • Direcção Regional de Agricultura da Beira Litoral (DRABL)
  • Associação Nacional de Criadores Ovinos da Serra de Estrela (ANCOSE)
  • Terras de Sicó
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Improvement of the manufacture process of Serra da Estrela cheese, Portugal


Aim of the project
The project is divided in four main tasks aiming the integration of the production process of Serra da Estrela cheese: (i) the ewe's raw milk (bordaleira Serra da Estrela) will be characterized and its technological interest will be evaluated along the production cycle; (ii) after the characterization of the coagulating capacity of the proteases of Cynara cardunculus, they will be cloned in lactic acid bacteria and Saccharomyces sp. In order to obtain a controlled production of the coagulating agent; (iii) the actual knowledge of the main production parameters that interfere with quality will be enhanced; (iv) factors relating to consumer safety in what concerns to specific pathogens will be evaluated.


Program type: PAMAF

Source of founding: UE and corresponding national contribution

Starting date: 1995
Duration: 3 years

Technology of Agrarian Products Department

Address : EAN - DTPA
Avenida da República, 2784-505 Oeiras, Portugal
Ph: +351 214421757 - Ph.: +351 213634233
Fax : +351 214413208 Fax: 01 4420867 Telex: 63698 EAN P
e-mail :

INIA Portugal

Work of the Institute about this project:
Evaluation of raw milk quality and its technological suitability; evaluation of the effect of technological modifications and cheese quality (tasks i and iii)

Scientific Responsible: Maria Manuela P. de Vasconcelos - EAN - DTPA

Staff Involved:

  • Maria Manuela P. de Vasconcelos,
  • António Pedro Louro Martins
Scientific and professional partners:
  • Escola Superior Agrária de Coimbra,
  • Escola Superior de Biotecnologia (Universidade Católica Portuguesa),
  • Direcção Regional de Agricultura da Beira Litoral

Expected results:
The project showed the importance of raw milk quality and the role of some groups of raw milk flora on cheese quality. Care should be taken with new technologies of ewe milk production aiming structural changes in traditional production, like milk collection and refrigeration, because it can create new problems in cheesemaking and quality. Almost all the technological operations can influence cheese quality but the utilization of thistle flower as coagulant agent is one of the most specific and important aspects of Serra da Estrela cheese technology. This project has also produced important knowledge on this coagulant.

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Increasing the value of quality products in Norte Alentejo region, Portugal

Aim of the project
The investigation focus in North of Alentejo, one peripheral area characterised by a strong fall in population in the last 25 years and limited economic opportunities. This study aims: (i) to identify and characterize the actors and partners of 5 production chains managed for products with Designation of Origin or Geographical Identification - cherry of S. Julião, apple of Portalegre, chestnut of Marvão, melon of Campo Maior and cheese of Nisa; (ii) identification of factors determining of success of marketing; (iii) improvement of methods and equipment for measuring and controlling product quality and for adding value to local cherry, apple, melon and cheese; (iv) and study the relationships between the tourism and that products. The basic methodologies adopted in this research will be soft systems inquiry methods linked closely with applied science/technology approaches and will add the broad objectives outlined above.


Program type: PAMAF

Source of founding: UE and corresponding national contribution

Starting date: 1995
Duration: 3 years

Technology of Agrarian Products Department

Address : EAN - DTPA
Avenida da República, 2784-505 Oeiras, Portugal
Ph: +351 214421757 - Ph.: +351 213634233
Fax : +351 214413208 - Fax: 01 4420867 Telex: 63698 EAN P
e-mail :
pedrolouro@isa.utl.pt - http://www.inia.min-agricultura.pt

INIA Portugal

Work of the Institute about this project:
Evaluation of Nisa cheese quality and study of the effect of the technological factors (task ii)

Scientific Responsible: António Fragata - EAN - DTPA ; Ph: +351 214403500, Fax : +351 214416011; fragata.ean@sapo.pt;

Staff Involved:

  • António Fragata,
  • Inocêncio Seita Coelho,
  • Maria Manuela P. de Vasconcelos,
  • António Pedro Louro Martins
Scientific and professional partners:
  • Escola Superior Agrária de Castelo Branco,
  • Associação de Agricultores do Distrito de Portalegre,
  • Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo do Estoril,

Expected results:
The project showed the importance of raw milk quality and technological modifications on cheese quality. The structural changes in traditional production, like milk collection and refrigeration, create new problems in cheesemaking and quality, mainly in those units transforming larger amounts of milk.

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Portuguese Consumer's Attitudes towards Beef: The case of PDO and PGI labelled products.

Aim of the project
To analyse consumers' attitudes to, preferences and consumption motives for
PDO beef.
More specifically, it is intended to:

  • Quantitatively assess consumres' attitudes to beef and PDO beef.
  • Investigate associations beteween consumres' attitudes and claimed behaviour.
  • Identify social, demographic and economic factores which influence consumers attitudes and claimed behaviour.
  • Identify consumer groups according to their attitudes.
  • Compare consumres perceptions with the product concept as formulated by
    the producers of PDO beef.

Program type: PRAXIS XXI

Source of founding: Portuguese Ministry for Scientific Research.

Starting date: October 1999
Duration: 3 years

Universidade de Évora

Address : Gabinete da Reitoria, Largo dos Colegiais, 2 - 7000 Évora, Portugal
Ph: +351 266740827 - Fax: +351 266740893

Universidade de Évora

Work of the Institute about this project: the whole project

Scientific Responsible of that project: Dr Mitcchell Ness - Supervisor, AEFM - University of Newcastle-upon -Tyne, NE1 7RU, United Kingdom


PhD student involved: Cristina Isabel Marreiros
. PHD: AEFM. University of Newcastle-upon -Tyne, Newcastle-upon-Tyne,
NE1 7RU, United Kingdom - Ph: +44 191 222 60 00, Ext. 5175 - e-mail: cristina.marreiros@ncl.ac.uk
. Prof: Departamneto de Gestão de Empresas. Universidade de Évora.
Largo dos Colegias, 7000 Évora, e-mail:cristina@uevora.pt

Scientific partners: AEFM. University of Newcastle-upon -Tyne, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE1 7RU, United Kingdom

Expected results: results that will permit to achieve the aims established for the project.

  • PhD Thesis
  • Several publications in relevant journals
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Sensory characterisation of traditional cheese's produced in the centre region of Portugal

Aim of the project
Sensory Analysis is a fundamental tool for the characterisation of traditional food products, constituting an important tool for the defence against industrial fraud.
In the present project Sensory Panels will be trained for the study of two traditional products produced in the centre region of Portugal: "Queijo Serra da Estrela Velho" (a semi-hard cheese subjected to long maturation period), and "Requeijão" (whey cheese).
A rheological, physical and chemical characterisation of both products will be also carried out in order to allow for a complete characterisation of these regional products.
The acquired know-how resulting from this project will allow the future characterisation of other traditional products produced locally in Portugal

Possible future address www.esac.pt/agro243


Program type: AGRO 8.1
Source of founding: INIA (AGRO Medida 8.1)

Starting date: 15/11/2001
Duration: 3 years

Escola Superior Agrária de Coimbra

Address : Endereço, Bencanta 3040-316, Coimbra, Portugal
Ph.: +351 239 802 273 - Fax.: +351 239 802 962
e-mail :
orlando@mail.esac.pt - http://www.esac.pt/

Escola Superior Agrária de Coimbra

Work of the Institute about this project:
Project Leader, Training of sensory panel, descriptive evaluation

Scientific Responsible: João Freire de Noronha
Escola Superior Agrária de Coimbra - Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia Alimentares (Food (Science and Technology Department)
Bencanta, 3040-116 COIMBRA - PORTUGAL
Ph: 239 802 276 - Fax: 239 802 979 - e-mail: noronha@mail.esac.pt

Staff Involved:

  • João Freire de Noronha
  • Carlos José Dias Pereira
  • David Manuel Gama Simões Gomes
  • Regina Maria Mendes de Abreu Cabral Nabais Menezes
  • Aida Maria Gonçalves Moreira da Silva
  • Rui Manuel Machado Costa

Student involved(PhD, Ms): not available

Scientific and professional partners:
  • Escola Superior Agrária do Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra (ESAC)
  • Escola Superior Agrária do Instituto Politécnico de Viseu (ESAV)
  • Associação Nacional de Criadores de Ovinos da Serra da Estrela (ANCOSE)
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The use of ultrasounds to assess sheep and goat carcasses and body composition

Aim of the project

The valorisation of sheep and goat meat products with Origin Denomination or with Geographic Protection Indication should be based on quality warranties given to the consumers'.
Therefore, it is important to develop an objective, low-cost and expeditious method to in vivo and ex vivo estimation of sheep and goat carcasses composition in order to guaranteeing carcass and meat quality. The main objectives of this project are:

  1. to calculate the correlation and accuracy between various ultrasound measurements of Longissimus thoracis et lumborum muscle depth and cross-sectional area, subcutaneous fat, sternal fat, taken in the live animal and in the carcass immediately after slaughter, and the corresponding carcass measurements taken with a calliper after slaughter at the time of grading,
  2. to determine the optimal economical slaughter time for lambs and kids of Portuguese breeds,
  3. to develop an objective and non-destructive method for measuring lamb and kid carcass quality in live animals,
  4. to develop an objective lamb and kid carcass classification system, thereby eliminating judgment errors from subjective human evaluations,
  5. to develop calculate equations for estimating total meat yield, bone and body fat components at specific endpoints (i.e. weight in the EU grade system), suitable for incorporating into lamb grading standards,
  6. to assess carcass quality based upon consumer acceptance and
  7. to determine the factors that affect carcass quality of lambs and kids. This project, will allow the development of methodologies to body and carcass composition estimation, for that it will promote an productivity improvement at producers level and consumer satisfaction improvement in relation to meat products from sheep and goat origin. On the other hand, it will promote an approach between the universities, meat transformation industries, commercialisation sector and sheep and goat producers.

Program type: SAPIENS
Source of founding: POCTI and FEDER

Starting date: 01/01/2001
Duration: 3 years

Escola Superior Agrária de Bragança

Address : Campus de Santa Apolónia
Apartado 172, 5301-854 BRAGANÇA, Portugal
Ph.: +351 273 303 203 - Fax.: +351 273 325 405
e-mail :


Work of the Institute about this project:

Scientific Responsible: Alfredo Jorge Costa Teixeira, e-mail: teixeira@ipb.p

Staff Involved:

Student involved(PhD, Ms):

  • Vasco Augusto Pilão Cadavez (PhD), ph: +351273303206 - e-mail: vcadavez@ipb.p
  • Sandra Sofia Quinteiro Rodrigues (Ms), ph: +351273303221 - e-mail: srodrigues@ipb.p
  • Sofia Alexandra da Silva Pires Vieira de Matos (Ms), ph: +351273303320 - e-mail: smatos@ipb.p
Scientific and professional partners:
1. To characterize growth performances of each breed in study;
2. To characterize the effect of sex on growth performances;
3. To characterize the birth season effect on growth performances;
4. To characterize body, carcass and carcass joints tissue composition and distribution;
5. To characterize tissue growth and development;
6. To develop models for the estimation of carcass tissue composition based on ultrasound measurements;
7. Definition of excellent anatomical points for ultrasound use in carcass classification at slaughterhouse;
8. Development of expedite and objective methodology with great applicability at slaughterhouse level for carcass classification;
9. Development of tools that allow the producer to establish the animal's optimal slaughter time

Expected results:
1. To characterize growth performances of each breed in study;
2. To characterize the effect of sex on growth performances;
3. To characterize the birth season effect on growth performances;
4. To characterize body, carcass and carcass joints tissue composition and distribution;
5. To characterize tissue growth and development;
6. To develop models for the estimation of carcass tissue composition based on ultrasound measurements;
7. Definition of excellent anatomical points for ultrasound use in carcass classification at slaughterhouse;
8. Development of expedite and objective methodology with great applicability at slaughterhouse level for carcass classification;
9. Development of tools that allow the producer to establish the animal's optimal slaughter time

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The Wine sector Economics: Crisis and Regulation

Aim of the project
The dynamics of the wine sector and its integration in the Portuguese society is analysed. Using the "Regulation Theory " as a framework applied to the sector analysis, the relationship between the institutional order and the economical system of the sector is investigated. In this analysis the individuality of two separate systems of wine production is demonstrated: one for the Port wine, the other for the rest of the wines. In the last period, a new duality is observed where the common wines are opposed to the quality wines produced in particular regions ("VQPRD").


Program type: PRODEP II
Source of founding: PRODEP II

Starting date: 1/01/1996
Duration: 3 years

Escola Superior Agrária de Coimbra

Address : Endereço, Bencanta 3040-316, Coimbra, Portugal
Ph.: +351 239 802 273 - Fax.: +351 239 802 962
e-mail :
orlando@mail.esac.pt - http://www.esac.pt/

Escola Superior Agrária de Coimbra

Work of the Institute about this project:

Scientific Responsible: Orlando Simões
Escola Superior Agrária de Coimbra - Departamento de Ciência Sociais e Humanas
Bencanta, 3040-116 COIMBRA - PORTUGAL - Ph: 239 802 278 - Fax: 239 802 979 - e-mail: orlando@mail.esac.pt

Staff Involved: Orlando Simões

Student involved(PhD, Ms): not available

Scientific and professional partners:
  • Escola Superior Agrária do Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra (ESAC)
  • Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA)
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