- 120 Institutes


Austria Italy
Belgium Luxembourg
Denmark Netherlands
Finland Portugal
French Spain


Greece Switzerland
Ireland United-Kingdom
United-States of America  

  • FUL SEED - ARLON - University Foundation of Luxembourg - Socioeconomy environment development

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Finland :
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  • AFNOR - French Association for standardisation
  • APCA - Permanent Assembly of Agriculture Chamber
  • CEMAGREF - Land management departments - Dynamics and functions of rural areas Unit
  • CIRAD - Socio-Economic Delegation - French scientific organization specializing in agricultural research for the tropics and subtropics
  • CNRS - Ressource des Terroirs - Cultures, Usages, Sociétés - Centre national de la recherche scientifique - Unité mixte de recherche 8575 Apsonat
  • Dynamiques Rurales : 3 institutes: University of Toulouse II - INP ENSAT - ENFA
  • Employement Study Center - "Centre d'étude de l'Emploi", Noisy le Grand
  • ENITA , Clermont-Ferrand - Food Products Typicality Unit: "Unité Typicité des produits alimentaires"
  • ENITIAA , Nantes - LARGECIA: Management and Economy of the Industry Laboratory - "Laboratoire en Gestion et Economie Industrielle"
  • ENV: The National Veterinary School of Nantes - Animal Health Management
  • ESA Angers - Social Sciences - MQD: Jobs, Qualifications processes, Developpment
  • ESC Toulouse Business School
  • GRET Rambouillet - Research and Technological Exchange Group
  • IFREMER, Brest: French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea
  • INRA - French National Institutes for Agronomical Research: 17 units workings over Origin Labelled Products
  • IRD - Research Institute for overseas development: "Institut de recherche pour le développement"
  • ISAB Beauvais - Superior Institute of Agriculture - Transverses Sciences of the Ingeneer and Management
    "Sciences transversales de l'ingénieur et du management "
  • ISARA, Lyon
  • OFIMER, Paris
  • Réseau Produits Fermiers, DGER
  • University of Lyon Business School (ULBS) - IAE (Institut d'Administration des Entreprises) - Université Jean Moulin, Lyon 3
  • Université de Lille
  • University of Poitiers - UFR Law and Social Sciences
  • University of Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines - SSH - C3ED: UFR des Sciences Sociales et des Humanités (S.S.H.)
    "Centre d'Economie et d'Ethique pour l'Environnement et le Développement (C3ED) "
  • University of Social Sciences of Toulouse 1 - LEREPS : "Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Recherche sur l'Economie, les Politiques et les Systèmes Sociaux"
  • University Paris X, Nanterre - CERED/FORUM: Study and Research Center of Economcal Development "Centre d'Etudes et de Recherche en Economie du Développement "

INRA: French National Institutes for Agronomical Research: 17 units workings over Origin Labelled Products

  • CREDECO : Centre de Recherche en Droit Economique (UMR 6043 CNRS/INRA) - Normalisation, certification et concurrence
  • INRA Bordeaux Viticultural Experimental Farm
  • INRA Ecodevelopment Unit, Avigon
  • INRA-ENESAD ESR : Joint Research Unit for Agricultural Economics and Sociology - Dijon
  • INRA-ENESAD LISTO-D: Research Laboratory for Socio-Technical and Organisational Innovation in Agriculture - Dijon
  • INRA-ENSAM - UMR MOISA with CIHEAM CIRAD IRD: Joint Research Unit for Market, Organisation and Participant Strategies - Montpellier
  • INRA-ENSAM UMR Innovation: technical change, coordination, learning processes in agriculture and agro-food - "Innovation, changement technique, coordination, apprentissage dans l'agriculture et l'agro-alimentaire" - Montpellier
  • INRA ESR Grenoble: Regulation and Agriculture - Agricultural Economics and Sociology Unit
  • INRA ESR Rennes: Agricultural Economics and Sociology Unit
  • INRA-ETIC Castanet-Tolosan : National Institute for Agronomic Research - Employment, Territory, Innovation, Competences
  • INRA-INA PG UMR : Joint Research Unit in Public Economics , Paris
  • INRA-INA PG UMR SADAPT : Joint Research Unit for Agrarian Systems and Development: Activities, Products and Lands - Paris
  • INRA LORIA: Laboratory for the Organisation of Agro-Food Industry , Paris
  • INRA-LRDE Corte : National Institute for Agronomic Research - Research Unit for Development of Livestock activities
  • INRA MAIA, Toulouse : Agricultural Markets and Agro Food Industry
  • INRA-Univ. Nantes EDRA : Joint Research Unit for Rural Economics, Law and Agro-food
  • INRA-UREQUA Le Mans : National Institute for Agronomic Research - Research Unit for the Economics of qualification processes in the Agro-food Sector
  • INRA URH : Herbivore Research Unit , Theix
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Germany :


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United-Kingdom :
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United-States of America :
