Presentation of the research Institutions working on OLP's


Ecole d'ingénieur Valaisanne (HEVs)

ETHZ / IAW - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - Zurich
Institute of Rural Economy

Institute of Geography of Berne University

Institute of Geography of Neuchâtel University

Haute Ecole Spécialisée - Zollikofen (ETS)

SRVA - Lausanne : Swiss Department of Agricultural Popularization

Swiss Association for the Promotion of the PDO and PGI

Swiss Center for Mountain Regions (SAB)

Swiss Federal Office for Agriculture (L'OFAG)

Swiss Federal Dairy Research Station (FAM)

Swiss Federal Research Station for Animal Production (RAP)

Swiss Federal Office of Public Health - Food Safety Unit (BAG)

Swiss Federal Research Station for Plant Production - Station Fédérale de Recherche en Production Végétale (RAC)

Swiss Federal Research Station for Plant Production - Department of Grassland and grazing systems, CHANGINS

UNIL - University of Lausanne

University of Geneva - Faculty of Economical and social Sciences - Department of Geography


Ecole d'ingénieur Valaisanne (HEVs)


Address :
case postale 2134
CH-1950 SION 2

Ph : 027/ 606 85 11
Fax : 027/ 606 85 15
e-mail :info@hevs.ch

Main objectives :

Researchers working on PDO and PGI :

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ETHZ/IAW - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - Zurich
Institute of Rural Economy


Address :
Institut d'Economie Rurale (IER)
Antenne Romande, GR-Ecublens

Ph : +41 21 693 57 13
Fax : +41 21 693 57 17
e-mail : christiane.johner@iaw.agrl.ethz.ch

Main objectives :
The Institute for Rural Economy of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich is the largest research station for rural economy, agricultural policy and farming management in Switzerland. Researchers participing to this project are supervised by Prof Bernard Lehmann, who leads the Chair of economics of farming, agri-business and rural areas.
The IER team has both a deep knowledge of the economic literature concerning markets and institutions and an operational approach dedicated to the elaboration of tools of practical use for markets' operators and policy makers. It has carried out research regarding PDO and PGI products.
The institute, actually is directed to promote sustainable agriculture, in particular in the Alpine regions and assuring food supply. The Chair has developped competence in the following fields :

  • socio-ecological economic approach to sustainable development with applications to rural area,
  • marketing and trade of quality products : actors' co-ordination to commit with collective goals and consequent organisation of the food supply chain system.

Researchers working on PDO and PGI :

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Institute of Geography of Berne University

university of Berne

Address :
Hallerstrasse 12

Ph : 41 31 631 88 75
Fax : 41 31 631 85 11
e-mail :

Main Research objectives :

  • Soil Science :
    • Acoustic assessement of flow in soils
    • Hydrology of forest soils
    • Land utilisation in Switzerland - a concept of a sustained policy of land utilisation in Switzerland
    • Structure and flow in agricultural soils
  • Physical Geography:
    • Paleogeoecology and Landscape Development
    • Climatology and Meteorology
    • Hydrology
    • Applied Geomorphology & Natural Hazards
    • Remote Sensing
    • Phenology - Topoclimatology - Landscape geography (PHENOTOP)
  • Human Geography
    • Settlement Geography, Landscape history
    • Economic Geography, Regional Studies
    • Social and Political Geography and Gender Studies
    • Feminist Geography
  • Centre for Development and Environment

Researchers working on PDO and PGI :

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Institute of Geography of Neuchâtel University

University of NeuchatelGeography Institut

Address :
Espace Louis-Agassiz 1

Ph : ++ 41 (0) 32 718 18 12
Fax : ++ 41 (0) 32 718 17 01
e-mail secretary: dorothee.lepee@lettres.unine.ch

Main research objectives :

  • Evolution et organisation du territoire: le canton de Fribourg, Office des constructions et de l'aménagement du territoire, canton de Fribourg, 1997-1998
  • Système d'indicateurs territoriaux et aménagement du territoire, Service de l'aménagement du territoire, canton de Vaud, 1997-1998
  • Habitat précaire et politique de relogement au Vietnam, IREC-PPE
  • Atlas du développement durable: Hô-Chi-Minh Ville, IREC-PPE
  • Evaluation du revenu minimum de réinsertion, DPSA, canton de Vaud
  • L'agriculteur, jardinier du paysage?
  • Evolution de la frontière linguistique du Jura suisse romand (IGUN)
  • Transformations récentes de l'agriculture: les agriculteurs face à la Nouvelle politique agricole suisse (IGUN)
  • Modalités du développement rural en Afrique sub-saharienn

Researchers working on PDO and PGI :

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Haute Ecole Spécialisée - Zollikofen (ETS)
Haute école suisse d'agronomie


Address :
Länggasse 85

Ph : 031/910 21 11
Fax : 031/910 22 99
e-mail : office@shl.bfh.ch

Main research objectives :

Researchers working on PDO and PGI :

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SRVA - Lausanne
Swiss Department of Agricultural Popularization

SRVA Lausanne

Address :
Avenue Jordils,1
C.P. 128

Ph : 41 21 619 44 00
Fax : 41 24 619 02 61
e-mail : d.barjolle@srva.ch

Main objectives :

SRVA is one of the two agricultural extension Office managed by the Association Suisse pour le conseil en agriculture. It is funded mainly by the State. The SRVA co-ordinates and helps local projects all over French and Italian part of Switzerland, in collaboration with the local-state extension services.
The SRVA team has a deep knowledge of the economic literature concerning markets and institutions and an operational approach dedicated to the elaboration of tools of practical use for markets' operators and policy makers. The team has carried out research regarding PDO and PGI products (programme FAIR).

Researchers working on PDO and PGI : Dominique Barjolle

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Swiss Association for the Promotion of the PDO and PGI

Swiss Association of PDO and PGISwiss Association of PDO and PGI

Address :

Ph : 41 878 878 998
e-mail : infos@aoc-igp.ch

Main objectives :

The Association suisse pour la promotion des AOC et des IGP was set up in Bern in 1999 to associate all the supply chains willing to protect their product with a PDO or a PGI. The aim of the Association is to promote the AOC (PDO) and the IGP (PGI) label in Switzerland to make it well known for the consumers and the retailers. The activities of the Association are promotional and informational activities about the AOC and the IGP labels (leaflets, web-site, public relations, exhibitions, conferences, …). The members of the Association can use the AOC or the IGP logo of the Association. The Association encourages the use of these logos so that all the Swiss registered products have the same visual identity to inform the consumers they are AOC or IGP products.

Researchers working on PDO and PGI : Martine Dufour

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Swiss Center for Mountain Regions (SAB)
Groupement Suisse Pour les Régions de Montagne

SAB Berne

Address :
Seilerstrasse 4,
CH-3001 BERN

Ph: +41 31 382 10 10
Fax : +41 31 382 10 16
e-mail : info@sab.ch

Main objectives (in french):

  • Products produced and transformed in the Swiss mountain area* (cheese, medicinal and aromatic plants, honey ...)
  • Guarantees origin, quality and natural production of mountain products
  • Represents regional identity
  • Network of producers of mountain products: common marketing, participation on expositions

    * Swiss mountain area is exactly defined by law according to climatic criteria, exposition, altitude...

Researchers working on PDO and PGI :

  • MEYRE Sibylle, Dr., ing. -Agr. ETH, Agricultural Economist (Responsible)
  • Egger Thomas, Geograph and Economist
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Swiss Federal Office for Agriculture (L'OFAG)
Office Fédéral de l'Agriculture


Address :
Mattenhofstrasse 5

Ph : + 41 (0)31 322 25 11
Fax : 41 (0)31 322 26 34
e-mail : info@blw.admin.ch

Main objectives :

Researchers working on PDO and PGI :

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Swiss Federal Dairy Research Station (FAM)


Address :
Schwarzenburgstresse 161
CH-3003 BERN

Ph : +41 31 323 84 18
Fax : +41 31 323 81 67
e-mail : info@admin.ch

Main objectives of the FAM:

  1. Quality of milk and milk products
  2. Milk processing and starter cultures
  3. Swiss Federal Dairy Inspection and Advisory Service (DIAS) and National reference Laboratory
  4. Beekeeping, health of honey bees and bee products

Researchers working on PDO and PGI :
Dr Jacques Olivier Bosset, Chemistry and Physics Unit, Head of Flavour Laboratory

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Swiss Federal Research Station for Animal Production (RAP)

RAP Posieux Switzerland

Address :
Rte de la Tioleyre 4

Ph : +41 26 4077 111
Fax : 41 26 4077 300
e-mail :

Main objectives :

  • Research Milk and Meat Production :
    • Animal Nutrition and Production Systems
    • Quality of feedstuffs
    • Meat Quality
  • Feed Inspection:
    • Inspections and approvals
    • Services

Researchers working on PDO and PGI :

  • Dr André Chassot (no current research projects concerning Origin Labelled Products)
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Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (BAG)
Food Safety Unit

BAG Bern Switerland

Address :
CH-3003 Bern

Ph : +41 (0)31 322 21 11
Fax : +41 (0)31 322 95 07
e-mail : info@bag.admin.ch

Main objectives :
Our main objective is to achieve a high level of food safety from the farm
to the fork. Our mission does include the protection of consumers against
frauds and misrepresentations of food.

Researchers working on PDO and PGI :

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Federal Research Station for plant Production (RAC)
Station Fédérale de Recherche en Production Végétale

RAC Conthey  Switzerland

Address :
Les Fougères

Ph : +41 27 345 35 11
Fax : 41 27 346 30 17
e-mail : rac@rac.admin.ch

Main objectives :

  • Field crops, Grassland
  • Plant breeding, Seed certification
  • Viticulture, Oenology, Analytical chemistry
  • Horticulture, Medicinal plants, Arboriculture
  • Plants protection
  • Biology, Weed control, Soil
  • Crops at south of the Alps

Researchers working on PDO and PGI :

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Swiss Federal Research Station for Plant Production
Department of Grassland and grazing systems, CHANGINS

RAC Nyon Switzerland

Address :
Route de Duillier
Case postale 254,
CH-1260 NYON 1

Ph : +41 22 363 44 44
Fax : +41 22 362 13 25
e-mail : rac@rac.admin.ch

Main research themes :
We develop sustainable management systems for pastures and meadows. We are interested in the effects of grassland characteristics on quality of animal products.

Researchers working on PDO and PGI :

  • Bernard Jeangros, agronomist
  • Jan Scehovic, chemist
  • Jakob Troxler, agronomist
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University of Lausanne

UNIL Lausanne

Address :
Case Postale

Ph : 41 21 614 04 10
Fax : 41 21 614 04 78
e-mail : oic@swissonline.ch

Main objectives :

Researchers working on PDO and PGI : Stéphane Boisseaux

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University of Geneva
Faculty of Economical and social Sciences
Department of Geography

University of GenevaDepartment of Geography

Address :

Ph : +41 22 939 03 02
Fax :
e-mail : theveno7@etu.unige.ch

Main objectives :

Researchers working on PDO and PGI : Erik Thévenot-Mottet

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