Current Research Projects concerning Origin Labelled

Authenticity of Swiss cheese

Authenticity of Swiss Labelled Products

DOLPHINS: Development of Origin Labelled Products: Humabity, Innovation and Sustainability (EU)

Factors influencing the quality of grassland forage and their effects on the composition of dairy products, Switzerland

PDO Cheeses - Swiss Federal Dairy Research Station (FAM)

Authenticity of Swiss cheese

The aim of the project :


Program type: a joint project of SFOPH and FAM
Source of founding: SFOPH
Starting date: January 2001
Duration: 3 years (about December 2003)

Institute in charge of this project:

Swiss Federal Dairy Research Station (FAM)
Address : Schwarzenburgstresse 161, CH-3003 BERN, Switzerland
Ph : +41 31 323 84 18
Fax : +41 31 323 81 67
e-mail :



Name of the scientific Responsible: Dr J.O. Bosset et al. = coordinator -

Researchers working on the project: several coworkers

Students who are working on the project: Ph.D. Student Laurent Pillonel

Scientific and professional partners: various (in Switzerland and abroad)

Obtained results: see enclosure PDF file, in german

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Authenticity of Swiss Labelled Products


The aim of the project is to accumulate data on authentic swiss wines, allowing the control of their authenticity



Program type: The program is at the level of Switzerland. Contacts have been taken with JRC (ISPRA) for participation to the EU Wine Databank

Source of founding: Swiss Federal Office of Public Health
Starting date: 1999
Duration: 3 years (2002)

Institute in charge of this project:

Swiss Federal Office of Public Health
Food Safety Unit
Address : CH-3003 BERN, Switzerland
Ph : +41 (0)31 322 21 11 - Fax : +41 (0)31 322 95 07
e-mail :

Swiss Federal Office of Public Health

Title of the work of the Institute about this project: Part 1: Authenticity of Swiss wines

Name of the scientific Responsible: Dr Gérard Gremaud, Natural science, Bundesamt für Gesundheit Facheinheit Lebensmittelsicherheit , CH-3003 BERN, Switzerland
Ph : + 41 31 322 95 56 - Fax: + 41 31 322 95 74 - e-mail:

Researchers working on the project: Dr Umberto Piantini, HEVs, 1950 Sion 2, Switzerland

Students who are working on the project: Mrs Sylvie Quaille, HEVs , 1950 Sion 2, Switzerland

Scientific and professional partners: no

Obtained results: Database on isotopic and mineral content of Swiss wines, allowing the control of their authenticity.

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Development of Origin Labelled Products:
Humabity, Innovation and Sustainability

PDO logo

The general aim of the Concerted Action DOLPHINS is to ease and strengthen exchanges of the scientific results of the researches conducted in European countries on origin labelled products (OLP). This has to be achieved by means of :

  • the setting-up of a network of scientists involved in research on OLPs,
  • the activation of dissemination instruments in order to meet the needs of citizens, policy-makers, researchers, firms and all the other operators involved in OLPs.

e-mail :

Program type: Concerted action financed by the fifth framework of the European Community for the research, technological development and demonstration activities (1998-2002)

Starting date: 1st december 2000
Duration: 3 years

SRVA - Lausanne
Swiss Department of Agricultural Popularization

address: Avenue Jordils 1, C.P. 128, 1000 LAUSANNE, Switzerland
Ph : 41 21 619 44 00 - Fax : 41 24 619 02 61
e-mail :

Researcher working on the project: Dominique Barjolle


ETHZ / IAW - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - Zurich
Institute of Rural Economy

address: Antenne Romande, GR-Ecublens, 1015 LAUSANNE, Switzerland
Ph : 41 21 693 57 13 - Fax : 41 21 693 57 17
e-mail :

Researcher working on the project:


UNIL - University of Lausanne

address: C/o OIC, Case Postale, 1000 LAUSANNE, Switzerland
Ph : 41 21 614 04 10 - Fax : 41 21 614 04 78
e-mail :

Researcher working on the project:Stéphane Boisseaux

University of Lausanne

Swiss Association for the Promotion of the PDO and PGI

Address : 1936 VERBIER, Switzerland
Ph : 41 878 878 998 - e-mail

Researcher working on the project: Martine Dufour

Swiss PDOSwiss PGI

Scientific and professional partners:

  • INRA - UREQUA8, avenue René Laennec - 72000 Le Mans - France
  • CRITT CRISALIDE8, avenue René Laennec - 72000 Le Mans - France
  • INRA - ESR/ETIC - BP 27 - 31326 Castanet Tolosan - France
    INRA - LRDEQuartier Grossetti - BP 8 - 20250 Corte - France
  • 10, rue des Arènes - 72000 Le Mans
    Università di Parma - Istituto di Economia Agraria e ForestaleDipartimento di EconomiaVia Kennedy 6 - 43100 Parma - Italia
  • Università di Verona - Dipartimento Economie Società ed IstituzioniSezione Politica Economica Agraria - Via dell'Artigliere, 8 - 37100 Verona - Italia
    Centro Ricerche produzioni animali (CRPA)Corso Garibaldi, 42 - 42100 Reggio Emilia - Italia
  • Università di Firenze - Dipartimento di Scienze EconomicheVia Curtatone, 1 - 50123 Firenze - Italia
  • SRVA - Avenue Jordils, 1 - CP 128 - 1000 Lausanne 6 - Swtizerland
    ETHZ - Institut d'Economie Rurale - Antenne Romande - Génie RuralGR Ecublens - 1015 Lausanne - Switzerland
  • Université de Lausanne - C/o OIC - CP - 1000 Lausanne 6 - Switzerland
    Association suisse pour la promotion des AOC & IGP - 1936 Verbier Village - Switzerland
  • Technische Universität Munchen-Weihenstephan - Department für Wirtschafts-und Sozialwissenschaften - Fachgebiet für Marktlehre der Agrar- und ErnährungswirtschaftAlte Akademie 14 - 85354 - Freising - Deutschland
  • Diputation General de Aragon - Servicio de Investigacion AgroalimentariaUnidad de Economia Agraria176, Carretera de Montaña - Apartado 727 - 50080 Zaragoza - Espana
  • Universidad de Lleida - ETSIA - CTFCSolsona - Edifici 1 - Rovira Rourre, 177 - 25198 Lleida - Espana
  • Universidad Pùblica de Navarra - Departemento de Gestion de EmpresasCampus de Arrosadia - 31006 Pamplona - España
  • University of Newcastle - Department of Agricultural Economics and Food Marketing (AEFM) - Kings Walk - Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 7RU - UK
  • University of Edinburgh - Institute of Ecology and Resource Management (IERM)Edinburgh School of Agriculture - West Mains Road - EH9 3JG Edinburgh - UK
  • Fondation Universitaire Luxembourgeoise - SEED185, avenue de Longwy - 6700 Arlon - Belgium
  • University of Helsinki - Department of Economics and ManagementPO Box 27 - Latokartononkaari 9 - Viikki - 00014 University of Helsinki - Finland
  • Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agraria - Estaçao Agronomica Nacional - Departamento de Estudos de Economia e Sociologia Agrarias (DEESA)Av. da Republica - 2784-505 Oeiras - Portugal)
  • Universidade de Tras os Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD)Departemento de Economia e SociologiaAvenida Almeida Lucena 1- 5000 Vila Real - Portugal
  • Direcção Regional de Agricultura de Entre Douro e Minho - Divisão Produção Animal - Quinta do Pinho - 4800-875 San Torcato - Portugal

Expected results:

  • to better understand the characteristics and the evolution of OLPs in the agro-food system, also by analysing the links and synergies between OLPs and local/global production and marketing systems, rural development with particular reference to employment in rural areas and consumers/citizens,
  • to provide tools for an assessment of public policies at various levels concerning PDO-PGI and other OLPs and the effects of legal protection, financial support and public promotional initiatives on production and marketing systems, competition policy, rural development, consumers/citizens' concerns and expectations,
  • to provide relevant recommendations to the EU in order to better prepare and support the negotiation process in the framework of the WTO Round regarding the protection and promotion of OLP.

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Factors influencing the quality of grassland forage and their effects on the composition of dairy products


We want to specify the effects of the botanical and chemical composition of grassland forage on the chemical composition of dairy products (-> PDO labeling and achievement of a special nutritional profile).

Source of founding: Swiss Federal Office for Agriculture
No other founding at the present time
Contacts with other researchers through the FAO/CIHEAM network on Pastures and Fodder Crops

Starting date: 2002
Duration: 4 years

Institute in charge of this project:

Swiss Federal Research Station for Plant Production
Group "Grassland and grazing systems"

RAC-Changins,Route de Duillier
Case postale 254, CH-1260 NYON 1, Switzerland
Ph : +41 22 363 44 44 - Fax : +41 22 362 13 25
e-mail :

RAC Nyon
Title of the work of the Institute about this project:
Characterisation of grassland (management practices, botanical composition, phenological stage of the main plant species, ...)
Researchers working on the project: Bernard Jeangros, agronomist
RAC-Changins, CH-1260 Nyon, Switzerland - Ph : +41 22 363 47 38 - Fax : +41 22 362 13 25 - e-mail :

Researchers working on the project:

  • Jan Scehovic, chemist
  • Jakob Troxler, agronomist

Scientific and professional partners:

  • Swiss Federal Dairy Research Station, Liebefeld, Schwarzenburgstrasse 161, CH-3003 Bern, Switzerland
  • Swiss Federal Research Station for Animal Production, CH - 1725 Posieux

Obtained results:

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PDO Cheeses


The PDO Cheeses program have to build a PDO cheese data bank

Source of founding:
Unke now - Program of employement of unemployed people

Starting date: 1st step, until now - one year

Institute in charge of this project:

Swiss Federal Dairy Research Station (FAM)
Address : Schwarzenburgstresse 161, CH-3003 BERN, Switzerland
Ph : +41 31 323 84 18
Fax : +41 31 323 81 67
e-mail :

Title of the work of the Institute about this project: PDO Cheeses
Scientific Responsible: Dr Jacques Olivier Bosset, Chemistry and Physics Unit, Head of Flavour Laboratory
Ph : +41 31 323 81 67 - Fax : +41 31 323 82 27 - e-mail :

Researchers working on the project:Dr Maurice Wismer

Scientific and professional partners:

Obtained results: A CD rom containing arround 1000 papers on PDO cheeses

Remark: This project waits on a follow-up, but currently the financial support is missing.

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