France: INRA Units
Presentation of the research Institutions working on OLP's

CREDECO : Centre de Recherche en Droit Economique (UMR 6043 CNRS/INRA) - Normalisation, certification et concurrence

INRA Bordeaux Viticultural Experimental Farm

INRA Ecodevelopment Unit , Avigon

INRA-ENESAD ESR : Joint Research Unit for Agricultural Economics and Sociology - Dijon

INRA-ENESAD LISTO-D : Research Laboratory for Socio-Technical and Organisational Innovation in Agriculture - Dijon

INRA-ENSAM - UMR MOISA with CIHEAM CIRAD IRD: Joint Research Unit for Market, Organisation and Participant Strategies - Montpellier

INRA-ENSAM UMR Innovation technical change, coordination, learning processes in agriculture and agro-food - "Innovation, changement technique, coordination, apprentissage dans l'agriculture et l'agro-alimentaire" - Montpellier

INRA ESR Grenoble - Regulation and Agriculture - Agricultural Economics and Sociology Unit

INRA ESR Rennes: Agricultural Economics and Sociology Unit

INRA-ETIC Castanet-Tolosan : National Institute for Agronomic Research - Employment, Territory, Innovation, Competences

INRA-INA PG UMR : Joint Research Unit in Public Economics , Paris

INRA-INA PG UMR SADAPT : Joint Research Unit for Agrarian Systems and Development: Activities, Products and Lands - Paris

INRA LORIA: Laboratory for the Organisation of Agro-Food Industry , Paris

INRA-LRDE Corte : National Institute for Agronomic Research - Research Unit for Development of Livestock activities

INRA MAIA, Toulouse : Agricultural Markets and Agro Food Industry

INRA-Univ. Nantes EDRA : Joint Research Unit for Rural Economics, Law and Agro-food

INRA-UREQUA Le Mans : National Institute for Agronomic Research - Research Unit for the Economics of qualification processes in the Agro-food Sector

INRA URH : Herbivore Research Unit , Theix

CREDECO : Centre de Recherche en Droit Economique (UMR 6043 CNRS/INRA) - Normalisation, certification et concurrence


Address :
Mme E. Passeron
Faculté de droit
7, avenue Robert Schuman

Ph. : 04 92 15 70 88
Fax : 04 92 15 71 01
e-mail :

Main objectives :
Le CREDECO entend développer ce nouvel axe de recherche jusqu'ici peu abordé par les juristes. La question qui retiendra
l'attention est celle de savoir si les techniques modernes de normalisation qui connaissent un essor sans précèdent obéissent plutôt à
une logique concurrentielle et concentrationniste ou à une logique consumériste. La nouvelle approche communautaire instaure un
système souple d'harmonisation et de normalisation qui combine un rapprochement des réglementations nationales et la
reconnaissance mutuelle des résultats d'essais et de certification. Elle consiste donc à limiter volontairement le contenu technique des
directives C.E.E. portant sur l'harmonisation des produits et services à la définition d'exigences essentielles comme la santé, la sécurité
et la protection des consommateurs. La normalisation n'est plus le fait des pouvoirs publics mais des pouvoirs privés et publics.

Des travaux,thèses notamment, sont en cours.

La richesse de ce thème a conduit le CREDECO à participer à la mise en place d'un réseau Alpha avec ses partenaires européens en
y associant des équipes sud américaines.

Depuis le 1er janvier 1998, le CREDECO est associé à l'INRA et mène un projet de recherche sur "normalisation et certification au
service de la qualité : outils d'organisation et de structuration des filières agro-alimentaires". La normalisation et la certification de la
qualité ont fait l'objet de nombreuses études et constituent l'un des axes de recherche privilégié de l'IDEFI. Or, le contexte général de
la qualité en matière agroalimentaire est actuellement soumis à des changements importants. En effet, dans un contexte de saturation
des marchés, la qualité devient un enjeu concurrentiel majeur ; la politique de qualité, c'est-à-dire l'identification et la garantie de la
qualité des produits, constitue dés lors un enjeu considérable pour les secteurs agricole et alimentaire.

On doit également noter que l'internationalisation des marchés dans l'agro-alimentaire va de pair avec des préoccupations renforcées
de la part des consommateurs, relatives à la qualité des produits, mais également à leur sécurité. Il faut relever en premier lieu que la
notion de sécurité des produits se trouve renouvelée, dans la mesure où elle vide non seulement l'hygiène, mais les nouveaux risques
technologiques. En second lieu, la France, l'un des principaux exportateurs en matière agro-alimentaire, entend jouer un rôle majeur
dans la définition de la qualité des produits et doit prendre en compte les règles de concurrence.

Les filières agro-alimentaires sont ainsi confrontées à l'ensemble de ces enjeux. Il s'agira donc d'étudier comment la qualité, à travers
les instruments économiques et juridiques que sont la normalisation et la certification, contribue à organiser et ainsi à structurer, ou a
restructurer, les filières agro-alimentaires.

Researchers working on PDO and PGI : Laurence BOY, Professeur, Directrice du CREDECO,

INRA Bordeaux Viticultural Experimental Farm

INRA-Bordeaux Viticulture

Address :
INRA Domaine de la Grande-Ferrade
BP 81
33883 Villenave-d'Ornon cedex

Ph : 33 (0)5 56 30 77 61
Fax : 33 (0)5 56 30 70 49
e-mail :

Main objectives :
The Fruit and Vine Research Station results from merging of two stations in Bordeaux, the Fruit Research Station and the Vine research Station, which took place in 1995.

The fruit research theme is the genetic improvement of nine species, i.e. some stone fruit species (peach, cherry, domestic plum), nut fruits (walnut, chestnut, hazelnut) and also strawberry, kiwifruit and apple. The aim is to obtain novel plant material of high agronomic quality, producting fruits of high quality taste and processing characteristics.

For most stone fruits (cherry, peach, plum) and nuts (chestnut, walnut) the programmes lead to the creation of new cultivars, i.e. fruit varieties or rootstocks.

  • European Prunus database
  • Grapevine research in Bordeaux is dealing with rootstocks, with the following main objectives:
  • Resistance to pests and diseases
  • Low confered vigor, combined with soil adaptation

Keywords: viticulture ; grapevine ; rootstock ; adaptation ; resistance to salinity ; biodiversity ; ecophysiology ; agronomy ; cultivar ; integrated pest management

Researchers working on PDO and PGI : Hélène REMAUD,

INRA Ecodevelopment Unit , Avignon


Address :
INRA Domaine Saint-Paul - Site Agroparc
84914 Avignon cedex 9

Ph : 33 (0)4 32 72 25 60
Fax : 33 (0)4 32 72 25 62
e-mail :

Main objectives :
Studies on the relations between agricultural activities and the management of rural areas in the Mediterranean region.
The research focuses mainly on biological processes and on social and cultural processes that occur on the same territories. They aim to analyse and model the dynamics of the interactions between those processes, interactions created by the implementation of technical systems, essentially stock-farming systems.
The main objective of the activities of the laboratory is to produce relevant knowledge to assist the various rural actors to develop sustainable territorial management.

Keywords: local development ; environment ; practice ; rangelands ; agricultural activities ; sheep farming ; livestock farmer ; work organisation ; goat farming ; silvopastoral systems ; crop management schedule ; herd management ; knowledge engineering ; arboriculture ; cropping systems ; resource management ; market gardening enterprise

Researchers working on PDO and PGI : Christine DE SAINTE MARIE,

Joint Research Unit for Agricultural Economics and Sociology - Dijon


Address :
26, boulevard Dr Petitjean
BP 87999
21079 Dijon cedex

Ph : 33 (0)3 80 77 25 80
Fax : 33 (0)3 80 77 25 71
e-mail :

Main objectives :
The INRA-ENESAD research unit in Rural Economics and Sociology at Dijon is made up primarily of economists but also includes sociologists and geographers. It investigates economic and social dynamics in the agricultural and agro-food sectors and in rural areas, with special emphasis on the role of public policies. Activities are organised around four topies of research:

  • Farming families, businesses and institutional dynamics (moderator : D. Barthélemy) :
    Forms of business organisation ; the institutional dynamics of agriculture ; farm business management and strategy options.
  • Rural areas and regional dynamics (moderator : B. Schmitt) :
    Structuring of the countryside and delimitation of rural areas ; urban-rural migration patterns ; rural employment dynamics ; employment and rural workforce ; agriculture and rural areas.
  • Analysis and evaluation of public policies (moderator : J.C. Kroll) :
    Forms of public policy implementation and management ; the impact of agricultural, environmental and rural development policies.
  • Industrial economics and management sciences applied to the agro-food sector (moderator : P. Albert)
    Models of firms, industrial dynamics and inter-firm coordination ; industrial sector analysis ; innovation.

Keywords: employment ; land-use planning and development ; regional economics ; regional development ; rural areas ; urban and periurban area ; business management ; public economics ; agricultural policy ; agri-food industry ; economics of the industry ; innovation

Researchers working on PDO and PGI :

  • Philippe PERRIER-CORNET,
  • Catherine LAPORTE,
  • Jean-Baptiste TRAVERSAC,

Research Laboratory for Socio-Technical and Organisational Innovation in Agriculture
Unité de Recherche sur les Systèmes Agraires et de Développement (S.A.D.) Versailles - Dijon - Mirecourt


Address :
26, boulevard Dr Petitjean,
BP 87999
21079 Dijon cedex

Ph : 33 (0)3 80 77 25 95
Fax : 33 (0)3 80 77 25 74
e-mail :

Main objectives :
LISTO-D, multi-field research Laboratory on the Innovations Socio-Techniques and Organisational in agriculture, brings together researchers of the INRA and teacher-researchers of the ENESAD (zootechnicians, agronomists, geographers, economists and sociologists). An important place is given there to the agricultural relation research-teaching.
Our orientation is the study of the stakes, the conditions and the processes of transformation, by the actors of the agricultural world, their professional practices (technical, economic, social) in a context where those must be negotiated more and more with multiple partners. Research is undertaken in close collaboration (in situation) with the actors of the agricultural world: farmers, trade unions, advisers, administration,..., within the framework of two programs.

  • The trade and practices of management of the stockbreeders to stand the test of the bovine sector crisis (METIS): the case of the
    Burgundian nursing basin. It is a question of studying and of including-understanding the way in which the practices of the
    stockbreeders change starting from new requests which are addressed to them, in particular to guarantee the quality of the products.
  • The dynamic territorial ones of the technical activities towards the new requirements of the agro-environmental qualification of the
    agricultural produce and the territory rural (TECHNAE). It is a question of studying the practices of the territory by the farmers
    and the transformations of these practices under the effect of two types of disturbance those induced indirectly by the exploitations
    enlargement and the injunctions relating to objectives of environment (pollution, landscape, biodiversity).

Keywords: cattle farming ; agriculture ; innovation ; practice ; farm ; work organisation ; decision support ; organisational learning ; agricultural extension and development ; cash crop ; environment ; land use ; viticulture

Researchers working on PDO and PGI : Eduardo CHIA

Joint Research Unit for Market, Organisation and Participant Strategies


Address :
2, place Viala
34060 Montpellier cedex 1

Ph : 33 (0) 4 99 61 26 68 (GRAAL)
Fax : 33 (0)4 67 63 54 09 (GRAAL
e-mail : (GRAAL)
e-mail :

GRAAL Montpellier

Main objectives :

  • New configurations of markets and firms in the agrofood sector
  • Private collective devices in actors coordination
  • Public policy renewal and institution pluralism
  • Quality labelling and consumer behaviour: trademarks and collective standards
  • Technological change and evolution in the agroindustry

Researchers working on PDO and PGI :

  • Lean-Louis RASTOIN, ENSAM Montpellier,,
  • Lucie SIRIEIX, GRAAL group,
  • Daniel BOULET, GRAAL group,
  • Philippe AURIER, University of Montpellier-II, GRAAL group
  • Fatia FORT,
  • Alain FALQUES, IPAC,

INRA-ENSAM UMR Innovation, technical change, coordination, learning processes in agriculture and agro-food - Montpellier

"Innovation, changement technique, coordination, apprentissage dans l'agriculture et l'agro-alimentaire"

INRA-Ensam UMRENSAM montpellier

Address :
2, place Viala
34060 Montpellier cedex 1

Ph : 33 (0)4 99 61 2557 / 2740
Fax : 33 (0)4 67 54 58 43
e-mail : -

Main objectives : Study of knowledge and organisation processes in three innovation fields : farm management, quality of product, land use and environment.

  • Changes in livestock farmers' practices (TRAPEUR)
  • Rural territories and local development processes
  • Social construction of quality, technological change and organisation
  • Technological change management and territorial policy


  • EQULFA : "Qualité environnementale en zones défavorisées"
  • Red meat in the European Union, extending the options
  • Politiques innovantes de pérennisation de l'agropastoralisme en Pays Basque intérieur
  • Action INRA-CIRAD "Modélisation du fonctionnement du troupeau"
  • Gestion des effectifs, renouvellement et réforme en élevage ovin allaitant

Keywords: Mediterranean region ; viticulture ; farm ; local development ; production system ; local analysis ; land-use management ; spatial modelling ; farmland ; local actor

Researchers working on PDO and PGI :

  • Jean-Pierre BOUTONNET, INRA-SAD,
    1. Elaboration of quality meat schemes, specially lamb in South France, within two European projects :
    · FAIR 1 CT95 0481 "Husbandry systems and sustainable social / environmental quality in less favoured areas".
    · FAIR CT FA-S2-98-9093 "Marketing red meat in the European Union : extending the options"
    2. Member of the official Commission for Labels and Certifications (CNLC)
  • Jean-Marc TOUZARD, INRA-SAD,
  • Jean-Claude MOURET

INRA ESR Grenoble - Regulation and Agriculture
Agricultural Economics and Sociology Unit


Address :
Université Pierre Mendes France,
BP47, 38040 Grenoble cedex 9

Ph. secretary: 33 (0)4 76 82 54 39
Fax : 33 (0)4 76 82 54 55
e-mail :

Main objectives :
The Grenoble Unit of Economics and Rural Sociology is associated with Pierre Mendès France University and it is made up of about thirty staff. The research focus is on the study of technological change, the biotechnology sectors and environment economics.

R&A research is focused on agents'economic decision-making criteria and on the underpinnings of public policy in situations where externalities and public goods predominate, and where the market is weak or incomplete. This theme of public economy applied to the environment and territories concerns economic regulatory mechanisms which promote "sustainable agriculture", with positive effects on the management of water resources, product quality and development of rural areas.

  • Themes. The research draws on many fields of observation, and consists of two main thrusts : water quality and economic regulation of pollution ; and quality, environment and territories.
  • In the first, we develop an interdisciplinary approach of nonpoint-source pollution and consider the underpinnings and modalities of public policies for the regulation of such pollution (cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analysis ; regulatory tools, taxes and grants).
  • In the second, we analyse the quality of goods and services offered in specific territories (bundles, club goods, baskets of goods), and spatial and strategic dynamics of rural development.

Méthodologies. From the methodological point of view, the research has traditionally used descriptive statistics and econometrics. It relies on extensive interdisciplinary cooperation with agronomists and hydrologists, enabling it to open the black box of technical change and thus to produce integrated indicators of environmental effectiveness.

Researchers working on PDO and PGI :

  • Anne-Marie LACROIX, Researcher,
  • Amédée MOLLARD, Researcher and Responsible of R&A,
  • Bernard BECQUEUR
  • Aviles Benitez Anastasia, Ater,
  • Bel Francois, Teacher,
  • Saulnier Jérome, Student Phd,

Agricultural Economics and Sociology Unit


Address :
4, allée Adolphe Bobierre
CS 61103, 35011 Rennes cedex


Ph : 33 (0)2 23 48 53 82
Fax : 33 (0)2 23 48 53 80
e-mail :

Main objectives :
Most of our research programmes deal with public decision making. They address a series of issues which focus on the European political agenda for the coming years. Among others the following issues deserve some specific attention: non-point pollution, food safety, animal welfare, common agricultural policy reform and farm competitiveness. Programmes are being carried out with regard to regulatory instruments such as quotas, taxes, agreements and insurance. Therefore, in order for the research effort to have the highest possible relevance, it is based on recent developments in microeconomics (with special emphasis on risk, information and uncertainty) and in econometrics. Policy assessments are considered at the macroeconomic level so sectoral and regional approaches are considered. They are based on computable general equilibrium models, and mathematical programming models.

Research topics:

  • Environmental policy and risk (EPR) - Person in charge of team: Dominique Vermersch
  • Agriculture policy and modelling (APM) - Person in charge of team: Yves Le Roux
  • Policies towards agricultural and space (PAS) - Person in charge of team: Yves Léon

Keywords: farmer behaviour ; agri-food industry ; microeconomics ; modelling ; agricultural policy ; common agricultural policy ; agricultural production ; environmental protection ; income ; decision support ; financial support to farming ; agricultural market ; international trade ; competitiveness ; animal welfare ; public economics ; environmental economics

Researchers working on PDO and PGI : Louis MAHE, - Ph:. 33 (0)

National Institute for Agronomic Research - Employment, Territory, Innovation, Competences


Address :


Ph : 33 (0)561 285 349
Fax : 33 (0)561 285 372
e-mail :

Main objectives :
The INRA team ETIC (Employment, Territory, Innovation, Competence) focuses on rural employment issues and has been involved in the evaluation of the effects of agricultural and rural policies (early retirement, local environmental project financed by EU and national fund). At present two research programs are developed. One address the economical determinants of the long and medium terms dynamic of rural (included agricultural) employment. The other is devoted to organisational and institutional innovation (sustainable development, environmental, quality policies). This last issue (innovation coming with new policies implementation at decentralised levels) is the area of research of Gilles Allaire, within an institutional economics approach. These researches aim to analyse dynamic of competencies (and capacities to innovate) at private, collective and public levels.
New rural development and quality oriented policies involving both local actors and authorities require new public and professional competencies to support local projects. Over the last few years, the research activity of Gilles Allaire has addressed the redistribution and reorganisation of such competencies within an institutional economic approach.

The researchers who are working on PDO and PGI : Gilles Allaire

Joint Research Unit in Public Economics , Paris


Address :
78850 Thiverval-Grignon

Ph : 33 (0)1 30 81 53 30
Fax : 33 (0)1 30 81 53 68
e-mail :

Main objectives :

The Joint Research Unit in Public Economics, (INA-PG / INRA) is involved in developing analytical methods, simulation models and assistance to public decision making in the field of agricultural policy. This includes production economics, public economics in the food and agricultural sector (common agricultural policy) and international economics (trade negotiations under the auspices of the World Trade Organisation, and negotiations on climate change).

Two areas are emphasized:

  • Production economics: it includes research on microeconomics in relation with agricultural policy. This is based on simulation (operation research, econometrics) at the level of farms, regions or at a national level. Models focus on arable crops, non-food productions in agriculture, but we also develop multi-sector models and approaches that take into account non-agricultural activities of farmer households and aspects linked to technical innovation (GMOs, evolutionary dynamics and prospects in agriculture)
  • International economics and public regulation: it includes research on trade, protection, standards and non-tariff barriers applied to international negotiations. Research is developed in close collaboration with public decision makers (French ministry of agriculture, European Commission). This includes the construction of large scale databases and mathematical models.

The unit is greatly involved in a graduate programme in resource economics, which is common to the Institut National Agronomique Paris-Grignon -INA-PG), the Ecole Nationale du Genie Rural, des Eaux et des Forets, the University of Paris 10-Nanterre, and the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales. Several PhD students work in the unit, under the supervision of researchers and professors of the unit.

Keywords: decision support ; label of origin ; farm economics ; business management ; farm management ; agrifood market ; microeconomics ; modelling ; agricultural policy ; common agricultural policy ; non-food uses ; wine ; international trade ; agri-food industry ; technological change ; energy and biofuels

Researchers working on PDO and PGI :

  • Estelle GOZLAN
  • Stéphan MARETTE
  • Jean-Christophe BUREAU - email:

Joint Research Unit for Agrarian Systems and Development: Activities, Products and Lands


Address :
78850 Thiverval-Grignon


Ph : 33 (0)1 30 81 54 16
Fax : 33 (0)1 30 81 54 25
e-mail :

Main objectives :

Keywords: actor ; farm ; household ; quality ; foodstuffs ; land-use management ; agricultural activities ; rural areas ; landscape ; environment ; advising in agriculture ; sociology ; risk ; erosion ; spatial modelling ; production sector ; farming

Researchers working on PDO and PGI :

  • Geneviève TEIL
  • André TORRE,,

Laboratory for the Organisation of Agro-Food Industry , Paris


Address :
65, boulevard de Brandebourg
94205 Ivry-sur-Seine cedex

Ph : 33 (0)1 49 59 69 87
Fax : 33 (0)1 46 70 41 13
e-mail :

Main objectives :
The laboratory carries out research in economics on the agrofood industry and markets. This research focuses on three main topics :

  • International trade and french agrofood industry competitiveness. - Interenterprise coordination and organizational change on the food markets.
  • Competition between firms and actors strategies in the agrofood industry.

Keywords: international trade ; competitiveness ; food distribution ; economics of the industry ; meat production sector ; innovation ; agricultural market ; agrifood market ; European Union ; grapevine and wine production sector

Researchers working on PDO and PGI :

  • François PORIN,
  • Pascal MAINSANT,
  • François NICOLAS
  • Louis-Georges SOLER

National Institute for Agronomic Research - Research Unit for Development of Livestock activities


Address :
Quartier Grossetti
20 250 CORTE


Ph : 33 (0)495 451 509
Fax : 33 (0)495 461 181
e-mail :

Main objectives :
LRDE (Research Unit on Development of Livestock Activities) is a part of INRA's department on agrarian systems and development (SAD). The unit was created in 1979 and is composed of 17 employees all located in Corsica as the main working area. The scientific project of the unit focuses on the specific roles of technical changes on emerging processes of organisation of local actors within the agrarian system. It is structured in three main orientations :

collective management of local animal genetic resources,
territorial qualification of typical products,
environmental stakes of pastoral livestock activities.

Researchers working on PDO and PGI :

INRA MAIA, Toulouse
Agricultural Markets and Agro Food Industry


Address :
31326 Castanet Tolosan cedex

Ph : 33 (0)
Fax : 33 (0)
e-mail secretary:

MAIA research team is part of INRA Department for Rural Economics and Sociology. It is involved in applied researches on the agro food sector economics.

The main issues are:

  • Impact of public policies on Food Industries (dairy sector)
  • Analysis of Contracts between farmers and processing industries
  • Vertical relationships within food chains, specially between farmers and mass retailers
  • Product differentiation strategies and quality signals.

Scientific collaborations : University of Toulouse I, University of Montreal.

Some publications

Researchers working on PDO and PGI :

INRA-Univ. Nantes EDRA
Joint Research Unit for Rural Economics, Law and Agro-food

UMR INRA-Université de Nantes : Economie et droit rural et agro-alimentaire (LERECO CEDRAN)


Address :
Rue de la Géraudière, BP 71627
44316 Nantes cedex 3

Ph : 33 (0)2 40 67 51 71
Fax : 33 (0)2 40 67 50 74
e-mail :

Main objectives :

  • Farm economics and agricultural policy
    Farm economic analysis and their ajustment to public policy changes (CAP reform 1992 and Agenda 2000). Different types of farms subsidies and the modulation of the compensatory payments. Stock farming economic modelisation and direct payment impact valuation on product decision and on farm income. Impact of the CAP instruments on the geographic location of the productions.
  • Public regulation and international trade in the agricultural sector
    The research team focuses on agricultural policy, trade and public regulation. The methodology uses welfare analysis, international trade theory and industrial organization in order to address issues in collaboration with public decision makers. This includes the construction of large scaled datasets (on trade and tariffs), of econometric as well as computable general equilibrium and operations research based models. Particular interest is paid to issues such as market access, the trade effect of regional agreements and European Union enlargement, reforms of the common agricultural policy, and the effect of environmental regulation (global warming) on European agriculture.

Keywords: financial support to farming ; bibliometrics ; farm ; common agricultural policy ; scientometrics ; agri-food industry ; international economics ; economics of the industry ; water management ; environmental economics

Researchers working on PDO and PGI :

  • Emmanuelle CHEVASSUS-LOZZA
  • François Collart DUTILLEUL

National Institute for Agronomic Research -
Research Unit for the Economics of qualification processes in the Agro-food Sector


Address :
8 avenue Laennec
72 000 LE MANS

Ph : 33 (0)243 399 400
Fax : 33 (0)243 399 409
e-mail :

Associated partner :

Main objectives :
UREQUA depends on the agricultural economics and sociology department. (link with the department)

UREQUA (Research Unit for Agro-food Qualifications) is a part of INRA's department for rural economics and sociology (385 employees). The unit is composed of 11 employees and is specialised in economics of qualification processes in the agricultural and food sector. The project covers three interconnected areas :

  • operator's strategies and supply chain for specific quality products,
  • interaction supply-demand : market dynamics and interactive marketing,
  • influence of standards on firm's management and collective working out of standards in actor's system (local and supply chain).

Researchers working on PDO and PGI :

INRA URH : Herbivore Research Unit


Address :
INRA Site de Theix
63122 Saint-Genès-Champanelle

Ph : 33 (0)4 73 62 40 80
Fax : 33 (0)4 73 62 44 29
e-mail :

Main objectives :
The ultimate ends of the unit are linked to the new constraints (economic, social and environmental) imposed on the herbivore livestock rearing industry. In particular, husbandry systems must :

· Use simpler and safer methods while ensuring sustained production (quantitatively and qualitatively) necessary to their survival
· Meet market demand in its various aspects (organoleptic, nutritional, health), in terms of product marking and quality in particular.
· Participate in environment conservation and space management, especially in areas where farming is on the decline
· Warrant Animal welfare

Multiple means of action are available to meet those imperatives. The URH mainly focusses on those relevant to husbandry. It investigates how the main factors of farming (nutritional in particular) can be mastered so as to adapt existing herd management methods or introduce alternative, innovating systems to meet those requirements.

Keywords: muscle ; animal growth ; lipid ; livestock management system ; animal welfare ; cattle farming ; sheep farming ; animal nutrition ; nutritive value ; feeds ; plant-animal relationship ; digestion ; microbial ecology ; adaptation ; metabolism ; adipose tissue ; animal feeding ; intake ; grazing ; grassland farming systems ; animal behaviour ; production system ; quality ; milk ; cheese ; meat

Researchers working on PDO and PGI :

  • Jean-Baptiste Coulon, (dairy products) email:
  • B. Martin (dairy products)
  • D. Micol (meat)
  • A. Cornu (analytical characterisation of the products)
  • S. Ingrand (farming practices)