Presentation of the research Institutions working on OLP's

AFNOR - French Association for standardisation

APCA - Permanent Assembly of Agriculture Chamber

CEMAGREF - Land management departments - Dynamics and functions of rural areas Unit

CIRAD - Socio-Economic Delegation - French scientific organization specializing in agricultural research for the tropics and subtropics

CNRS - Ressources des terroirs - Cultures, usages, sociétés - Centre national de la recherche scientifique - Unité mixte de recherche 8575 Apsonat


Dynamiques Rurales : 3 institutes: University of Toulouse II - INP ENSAT - ENFA

Employement Study Center - "Centre d'étude de l'Emploi", Noisy le Grand

ENITA , Clermont-Ferrand - Food Products Typicality Unit: "Unité Typicité des produits alimentaires"

ENITIAA , Nantes - LARGECIA: Management and Economy of the Industry Laboratory - "Laboratoire en Gestion et Economie Industrielle"

ENV: The National Veterinary School of Nantes - Animal Health Management

ESA Angers - Social Sciences - MQD: Jobs, Qualifications processes, Developpment

ESC Toulouse Business School

GRET Rambouillet - Research and Technological Exchange Group

IFREMER, Brest: French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea

INP- ENSAT , Toulouse - Laboratoire Dynamiques Rurales : Agriculture's actors, economicals, technicals and socials mutations

INRA - French National Institutes for Agronomical Research: 17 units workings over Origin Labelled Products

IRD - Research Institute for overseas development: "Institut de recherche pour le développement"

ISAB Beauvais - Superior Institute of Agriculture - Transverses Sciences of the Ingeneer and Management
"Sciences transversales de l'ingénieur et du management "



University of Lyon Business School (ULBS) - IAE (Institut d'Administration des Entreprises) - Université Jean Moulin, Lyon 3

Université de Lille

University of Poitiers - UFR Law and Social Sciences

University of Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines - SSH - C3ED: UFR des Sciences Sociales et des Humanités (S.S.H.)
"Centre d'Economie et d'Ethique pour l'Environnement et le Développement (C3ED) "

University of Social Sciences of Toulouse 1 - LEREPS "Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Recherche sur l'Economie, les Politiques et les Systèmes Sociaux"

University Paris X, Nanterre - CERED/FORUM: Study and Research Center of Economcal Development "Centre d'Etudes et de Recherche en Economie du Développement "

AFNOR - French Association for standardisation

Groupe AFNOR

Address :
92043 Paris La Défence cedex 7

Ph : 33 (0) 1 42 91 55 55
Fax : 33 (0) 1 42 91 55 55
e-mail :

Main objectives :
Standardization: Standardization programmes, e-committees, Standardization Bureaux.
Training consultancy: A full range of awareness, training and consultancy services for users on many different subjects.
Mark NF: Complete information on the NF Mark : the schemes, the certified products and services and how to obtain the NF Mark.
Standards on line: The e-commerce for ISO, European and French standards and reference texts : online search on catalogue, order, payment and delivery.

Researchers working on PDO and PGI :

APCA - Permanent Assembly of Agriculture Chamber


Address :
9, avenue George V - 75008

Ph : 33 (0)1 53 57 10 10
Fax : 33 (0)1 53 57 10 05
e-mail :

Main objectives :

  • Economicals studies and prospectives,
  • Firms consulting,
  • Research, experimentation
  • Animation and projects management
  • Training
  • Communication

Researchers working on PDO and PGI :

CEMAGREF - Land management departments
Dynamics and functions of rural areas Unit


Address :
24, avenue des Landais - BP 50085


Ph : 33 (0)
Fax : 33 (0)
e-mail : -

Main objectives :
Cemagref is a public agricultural and environmental research institute whose work focuses on sustainable development in non-urban areas. It contributes to the conservation and acceptable management of land and water systems, the growth of economic activity on a sustainable basis, and the prevention of associated risks.

Four leading areas of interest:

  • Management of predominantly rural areas
  • Agricultural and food engineering
  • Hydrosystem functioning
  • Water and waste disposal engineering and management:
    The research subjects here address the challenging issues of improving water resources management, increasing the efficiency of waste management, and preventing natural risks. They consider the overriding need for quality-engineered, safe water-retaining structures, equipment and networks. Cemagref research provides operators in the public and private sector with management tools for improving, repairing, renewing and efficiently managing their systems.
    • Dynamics and functions of rural areas
    • Sensors and processes for agriculture, food industry and environment
    • Food and agricultural quality
    • Laboratory of engineering for complex system

Researchers working on PDO and PGI :

  • Jean-Bernard MARSAT, Gestion de l'environnement et valorisation de produits et services (tourisme) de qualité : coordinations entre acteurs -
  • Jean-Paul BOUSSET, Modélisation et simulation des logiques d'acteurs et de leurs interactions -

CIRAD - Socio-Economic Delegation
French scientific organization specializing in agricultural research for the tropics and subtropics


Address :
Avenue Agropolis
34398 Montpellier Cedex 5


Ph : 33 (0) 4 67 61 58 00
Fax : 33 (0) 4 67 61 59 86
e-mail :

Main objectives :
CIRAD is a French scientific organization specializing in agricultural research for the tropics and subtropics of the world. Its mission is to contribute to rural development in the countries of these regions through research, experiments, training, and dissemination of scientific and technical information. Its work covers agricultural, veterinary, forestry, and food sciences.
CIRAD's international cooperation activities cover more than 90 countries in Africa, Asia, the Pacific region, Latin America, and Europe.

CIRAD's researchers are posted in 50 countries; they work with national research organizations or provide technical support in development projects.

Researchers working on PDO and PGI :

  • Benoît DAVIRON, Economy and Sociology Delegation - Ph: 4 67 59 37 37 - Fax: 4 67 59 38 65 - . Assistant:

CNRS - Ressources des terroirs - Cultures, usages, sociétés
Centre national de la recherche scientifique
Unité mixte de recherche 8575 Apsonat


Address :
Rue Henri de Boissieu
01060 Bourg en Bresse Cedex 9

Ph : 33 (0)4 74 45 52 07
Fax : 33 (0)4 74 45 52 06
e-mail :
e-mail :

Main objectives :
Since 1991, the research division "Ressources des terroirs - Cultures, usages, sociétés" is developing and conducting anthropological research on local food and agricultural productions, generically called "products of the terroir". This research focuses on practical know-how, traditional knowledge, practices and methods called on in the production of food and agricultural products, with an emphasis on the distribution, use and conservation of these resources. The analysis of these resources' properties, cultural features and specific characteristics offers evidence of strong links with local cultures. As a result, it also brings to light new concepts and ideas bearing on the status and the role played by these products in our society. In addition, these major themes are examined in the context of geographic protection measures applying to those productions which are linked to specific places, have a history and are the object of shared knowledge. This work is taking place locally, nationally and at a European level. The details of the main research lines, programmes and activities, including relevant publications, are presented on our web site.

Recherche fondamentale : Parmi les thèmes de recherche plus particulièrement explorés actuellement, citons :

  • l’appartenance à un lieu,
  • l’ancrage historique,
  • les savoirs locaux et la culture technique,
  • les pratiques de consommation,
  • l’évolution de statut de ces productions, leur dimension identitaire et patrimoniale.

Recherche appliquée

  • Etudes et états des lieux des produits en amont des demandes de protection géographique
  • Participation à l’établissement des zones de délimitation des produits sollicitant une Appellation d’origine contrôlée (INAO)
  • Mise au point de méthodes d’identification et d’évaluation des critères à prendre en compte dans les demandes de protection géographique des produits
  • Inventaires et valorisation culturelle des productions agricoles et alimentaires locales et traditionnelles

Relying on the research team the unit "Etudes et documentation" (studies and documentation) associates the CNRS and local public authorities who co-finance: Région Rhône-Alpes, Conseil général de l'Ain, Communauté d'agglomération de Bourg-en-Bresse.
Link towards studies abstracts in 2000-2001 in the scope of the activity "Etudes et documentation" (PDF in french)

Researchers working on PDO and PGI :

  • Philippe MARCHENAY, Ressources des Terroirs - Cultures, usages, sociétés. CNRS, UMR 8575
  • Laurence BERARD, Ressources des Terroirs - Cultures, usages, sociétés. CNRS UMR 8575



Address :
10 rue des Arènes
72 000 LE MANS

Ph : 00 33 (0) 243 540 430
Fax : 00 33 (0) 243 244 861
e-mail :

Main objectives :

Researchers working on PDO and PGI : Véronique Le Meur-Baudry

Dynamiques Rurales
3 institutes: University of Toulouse II - INP ENSAT - ENFA

Address 1 :
Université Toulouse II - Le Mirail
5 allées A. Machado
F31058 Toulouse Cedex 1

Ph: +33 (0)5 61 50 37 05
Fax +33 (0)5 61 50 37 33
E-mail :
Université du Mirail Toulouse

Address 2 :
Avenue de l'Agrobiopole
Auzeville-Tolosan - BP 107
F31326 Castanet Tolosan

Ph: +33 (0)5 62 19 39 00
Fax +33 (0)5 62 19 39 01
E-mail :

INP - ENSAT Toulouse

Address 3:
Auzeville-Tolosan - BP 87
F31326 Castanet Tolosan

Ph: +33 (0)5 61 75 32 50
Fax: +33 (0)5 61 75 03 09
E-mail :

ENFA Toulouse

Main objectives : Quality, innovation and territorial development
A pluridisciplinary (geography, sociology, economics) approach of rural development in the North and the South.
3 research areas :

  • Agrifood supply chains, territories and patrominoines
  • Living, working in a new rural context
  • Public policies, local development and environnemental management

Researchers working on PDO and PGI :

  • Coquart Dominique
  • Delahaye Olivier
  • Legagneux Bruno
  • Nguyen Geneviève
  • Olivier Valérie, Micro-economist,
  • Paillard Denis
  • Pouzenc Michael
  • Pilleboue Jean
  • Simonneaux Jean

Employement Study Center - "Centre d'étude de l'Emploi", Noisy le Grand

Centre d'Etude et d'Emploi

Address :
«Le Descartes I»
29, promenade Michel Simon
93166 Noisy-le-Grand Cedex

Ph : 33 (0) 1 45 92 68 00
Fax : 33 (0) 1 49 31 02 44
e-mail :

Main objectives :

Researchers working on PDO and PGI :

ENITA , Clermont-Ferrand - Food Products Typicality Unit
Food Quality and Economics Department

ENITA Clermont-Ferrand

Address :
Typicité des produits alimentaires
Food Quality and Economics Department
ENITA de Clermont-Ferrand
Site de Marmilhat- 63370 Lempdes

Ph : Ph: 33 (0)4 73 98 13 32
Fax : 33 (0)4 73 98 13 90
e-mail : (Research unit) (Terroir Resources centre)

Main objectives : objective characterisation, management and consumer perception of food products typicality

Researchers working on PDO and PGI :

  • Pr. Georges Giraud, head of Research Unit, marketing teacher and consumer researcher -
  • Pr. Louis Lagrange, head of Department, food economics teacher and management researcher
  • Pr. Eric Dufour, deputy director of research unit, food science teacher and spectroscopy researcher
  • Dr Annick Lebecque, sensory analysis teacher and researcher
  • Dr Isabelle Chevallier, quality management teacher and researcher
  • Dr Françoise Leriche, microbiology teacher and researcher
  • Dr Daniel Barré, accounting, management teacher and researcher
  • Dr Guy Couturier, teacher and researcher, food processes
  • Dr Georges Hullo, teacher and researcher, computer sciences
  • Dr Laurent Léger teacher and researcher, statistics
  • Corinne Amblard, Research Engineer, marketing
  • Laurent Trognon, Research Engineer, PhD in progress, co-ordinator of the Typical Food Products Documentation Centre, marketing -

General bibliography (pdf version)

ENITIAA , Nantes - LARGECIA: Management and Economy of the Industry Laboratory
"Laboratoire en Gestion et Economie Industrielle"


Address :
Rue de la Géraudière, BP 82 225
44 322 Nantes Cedex 3


Ph : 33 (0)2 51 78 54 54
Fax : 33 (0)2 51 78 54 55
e-mail :

Main objectives : The Laboratory is focused on 5 themes:

  • La maîtrise de l'innovation dans l'entreprise et la réaction des consommateurs
  • Les principes et les méthodes d'organisation des entreprises permettant de maîtriser la qualité des produits et des services associés
  • L'étude et la modélisation de l'instabilité du système de production alimentaire face à des dysfonctionnements internes et des perturbations exogènes
  • L'internalisation/externalisation des fonctions concourant à la chaîne alimentaire et répercussions sur les stratégies spatiales des IAA: restructurations - délocalisations des outils industriels.
  • L'analyse des performances économiques et financières à partir d'indicateurs de diagnostic

Researchers working on PDO and PGI :

ENV: The National Veterinary School of Nantes
Animal Health Management

ENV Nantes

Address :
Atlanpole La Chantrerie, BP 40706
44307 Nantes cedex 3

Ph : 33 (0)2 40 68 77 77
Fax : 33 (0)2 40 68 77 78
e-mail :

Main objectives : Research activities are carried out in three sectors : health, food-safety and the environment

  • Chimiothérapie Aquacole et Environnement
  • Développement et Pathologie du Tissu Musculaire
  • Gestion de la Santé Animale
  • Hygiène des Aliments
  • Immuno-Endocrinologie Cellulaire et Moléculaire
  • Interactions Hôte- Parasite-Milieu

Researchers working on PDO and PGI :
Christiane FOURICHON, Animal Health Management, "Gestion de la Santé Animale",

ESA Angers - Social Sciences - MQD:
Jobs, Qualifications processes, Developpment

ESA Angers

Address :
55 rue Rabelais

Main objectives :
La question générale de la recherche du Laboratoire est la suivante : dans quelles conditions d'organisation et de savoir-faire les agriculteurs parviennent-ils à maîtriser les contraintes issues de leur environnement ? Cette question générale est traitée selon 3 axes :

  • les formes d'organisation et les dynamiques sociales agricoles, agro-alimentaires et rurales,
  • les processus cognitifs à travers lesquels les acteurs élaborent des règles de perception et d'action,
  • les processus externes de transformation de l'agriculture, à travers notamment les stratégies industrielles et politiques publiques.

Ces travaux se fondent pour partie sur des études appliquées, réalisées à la demande d'organismes économiques et professionnels, ou de collectivités publiques, et pour partie sur des programmes de recherche publique (par exemple le programme régional INRA Région des Pays de la Loire).

Researchers working on PDO and PGI :

ESC Toulouse Business School

groupe ESC Toulouse

Address :
Groupe Ecole Supérieure de Commerce
20, bd Lascrosses - BP 7010
31068 Toulouse Cedex 7

Ph : 33 (0)561 29 49 49
Fax : 33 (0)561 29 49 94
e-mail : (research activities)

Main objectives : The Groupe ESC Toulouse organises its research activities around four research laboratories headed by the Director for Research :

  • CERMAS: European Research Centre for Aerospace Management is dedicated to the management of firms in the aeronautics and space field.
  • The Finance Group: The Finance Research Group works in collaboration with the IDEI (Institute of Industrial Economics at the University of Social Sciences).
  • CREER: Centre for European Research in Employment and Human resources focuses on researching across Europe (economic development, job creation, restructuring and the changing world of work,...).
  • IMeC: Internet Marketing and e-Commerce applied research centre.

Researchers working on PDO and PGI : Geneviève CAZES-VALETTE, email:

GRET Rambouillet - Research and Technological Exchange Group

GRET Paris

Address :
GRET - Groupe de Recherche et d'Échanges Technologiques
211-213 rue La Fayette - 75010 Paris

Ph : 33 (0)1 40 05 61 61
Fax : 33 (0)1 40 05 61 10
e-mail :

Main objectives :

  • The Institutional Dimensions of Development Intervention

The days of "bubble projects" concentrating skills and means in a structure without institutional existence and working under direct management of the state in the face of splintered local groups are over. The face off between the State and the populations has been replaced by a more complex institutional landscape--people's organisations, elected officials, NGOs and national consultancy firms are now part of this landscape. The stakes in development interventions are no longer truly to build infrastructures as much as they are to build local capacity to initiate, manage and implement activities at the service of populations. This implies more complex elaboration, multiple partnerships and new work methods both for national stakeholders and for technical assistance.

Institutional support, strengthening organisations and negotiated development are the new ambitions. However, beyond words and willingness, practitioners still lack strategic and methodological references to work rigorously in these new contexts.

Elaborating methodological points of reference in terms of diagnostics and intervention approaches is the goal of this programme.

  • Partnerships and Contractualisation

Development projects are taking place in diversified institutional landscapes and mobilising different stakeholders who have to manage contractual relationships together. In particular, many operations are undertaken in collaboration by practitioners from developed and from developing countries. Beyond the ambition of a balanced relationship and the strengthening of local skills, such relationships are often structurally imbalanced--the practitioner from a developing country is most often in more of a position of sub-contractor than of the "co-practitioner" and donors impose financial control via the practitioner from the developed country. This biases the relationship and mixes control into support-advice.

In order to build more balanced relationships, one needs to look this situation squarely in the eye rather than hide from it. However, once this is done, how can one define and implement true partnerships based on reciprocal acknowledgement and the complementarity of roles? How can one push institutional project elaboration towards making projects tools for building strength rather than pretexts for sub-contracting?

  • Development Funding

How can one develop local capacities for investment in economic activities and collective equipment? How can one use external funding to stimulate these capacities instead of replacing them? Development funding is becoming a central issue. It comes in different forms:

Microfinance. Microfinance institutions offer populations access to credit and interest-earning savings, and play an important role in the development of household budgets. The Microfinance Cluster undertakes methodological reflection on the creation and support of MFIs and works on impact studies;

Business Funding. The Business Development Services and Vocational Training Cluster organises methodological reflection on business development services and on the relationship between financial and non-financial services;

Funding Collective and Public Infrastructures and Services. This is a central issue in approaches to local and territorial development. Project-oriented logics concentrate decision-making power in the hands of the practitioners and turn local self-funding into mere "financial participation". Innovative schemes separate decision-making and technical support and mobilise local resources to a greater extent. Working on financial flows and decision-making processes also obliges one to specify the legal status of accomplishments and the respective responsibilities of the different stakeholders. It also raises questions of the balance between self-funding and subsidisation, of institutional schemes and local investment fund management regulations, of the relationships between private, public and collective aspects, and of ways of mobilising local resources. The Environment and Rural Development and Urban Social Development/Commercial Utilities for Public Use Clusters work on these issues were be the object of a specific GRET programme in 2000.

Researchers working on PDO and PGI : Martine FRANCOIS,

French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea


Address :
Technopole de Brest-Iroise
BP 70

Ph : 33 (0)2 98 22 40 40
Fax : 33 (0)2 98 22 45 45
e-mail :
e-mail : (Brest) -

Main objectives :
It houses laboratories belonging to other research organizations such as ORSTOM, BRGM, IFRTP, CNEVA, CEDRE which carry out research on the sea, sometimes alongside IFREMER.

  • Modeling the ecosystems
  • Pollutant behaviour
  • Monitoring &supervising
  • Fisheriy resources
  • Aquaculture production
  • Sea products
  • Resource economy
  • Oceanic circulation
  • Ocean floors
  • Major facilities
  • Ocean engineering

The largest IFREMER centre is that of Brest. About 1000 people work there, in various fields :

  • Living resources (aquaculture and fisheries)
  • Ocean research (geosciences, physical oceanography, oceanography from space, deep sea environment)
  • Engineering technology and computing
  • Coastal environment

Researchers working on PDO and PGI :

  • Sophie GIRARD, - Ph : +33 (0)2 98 22 45 87 - Fax : +33 (0)2 98 22 47 76

IRD - Research Institute for overseas development
"Institut de recherche pour le développement"


Address :
213, rue La Fayette
75480 Paris cedex 10

Ph : 33 (0) 1 48 03 77 77
Fax : 33 (0)1 48 03 08 29
e-mail :

Main objectives :
The IRD is a French public science and technology research institute under the joint authority of the French ministries in charge of research and overseas development.

The IRD has three main missions: research, consultancy and training.
It conducts scientific programs contributing to the sustainable development of the countries of the South, with an emphasis on the relationship between man and the envitonment.

The IRD's scientific activities are organised through five departments :

  • Earth and Environment - Research units and service units list
  • Living Resources - Research units and service units list
  • Societies and Health - Research units and service units list
  • Expertise and consulting
  • Support and training

Researchers working on PDO and PGI :

  • Jean-François GIRARD
  • Alain DESSEIN, Généticien et immunologiste, Professeur des Universités et Praticien hospitalier, Directeur du Laboratoire INSERM "Immunologie et génétique des maladies parasitaires" à la Faculté de Médecine de Marseille, Université de la Méditerranée.
  • Emmanuel GREGOIRE

ISAB Beauvais - Superior Institute of Agriculture
Transverses Sciences of the Ingeneer and Management
"Sciences transversales de l'ingénieur et du management "

ISAB Beauvais

Address :
rue Pierre WAGUET
BP 30313

Ph : 33 (0)3 44 06 38 35
Fax : 33 (0)3 44 06 25 26
e-mail :

Main objectives :

Researchers working on PDO and PGI : Dr. Loïc SAUVEE, Member of ISNIE & EAAE, editorial team of Supply Chain Management, Ph:33(0)3 44 06 75 93



Address :
31, place Bellecour
69288 Lyon cedex 02

Ph : 33 (0)4 72 77 32 32
Fax : 33 (0)4 72 77 32 35
e-mail :

Main objectives :

Researchers working on PDO and PGI :

  • Marie FAUVET, Ingénieur d'Etudes, Marketing et Stratégie des Entreprises, Ingénieur ISARA,
  • Christine MONTECILLI, Ingénieur d'Etudes, Marketing et Stratégie des Entreprises, Ingénieur ISARA,



Address :
11, bd de Sébastopol - 75001 PARIS

Ph : 33 (0)1 53 00 96 96
Fax : 33 (0)1 53 00 96 99
e-mail :

Main objectives :

  • Organiser un marché fluide et dynamique
  • Rendre le marché transparent et fiable
  • Améliorer et valoriser la qualité
  • Structurer et dynamiser la filière
  • Soutenir le marché aval

Researchers working on PDO and PGI : Valérie GUTH

University of Lyon Business School (ULBS)
IAE (Institut d'Administration des Entreprises)
Université Jean Moulin, Lyon 3

Université Jean MoulinIAE

Address :
Institut d'Administration des Entreprises
15, quai Claude Bernard - B.P. 0638
69239 Lyon cedex 02

Ph : 33 (0)4 78 78 70 66
Fax : 33 (0)4 78 78 70 81
e-mail :

Main objectives :
The Center works mainly on information processes and systems, aids to decision-making and on business management and administration.
This field was chosen as the result of certain specific epistemological and methodological options :

  • a constructivist aim : management sciences are seen as conceptual sciences, dealing more with the analysis of a created intellectualized world than with an objective real one.
  • practical justifications : we choose areas where research producing quantitative and qualitative models can help in defining and resolving management problems.
  • case model methods, produced by sound, inventive theoretical referentials combined with often first-hand experimentally justified data (research-action, clinical research, field surveys, etc).

The epistemological and methodological options mentioned above have produced research programmes that cut accross the classical disciplines of management and data processing by employing a matrix-type organisation. The researchers different scientific specializations constitute the dynamic resource impetus of our programmes which often defy traditional academic divisions.

The essential part of the Center work revolves around four main poles :

  • MARKETING. the marketing research team, called "Iris", develops research works aiming at a better understanding of the mecanisms dealing with the identification of the organization. These works imply a large variety of research methods from the operalization of measure tools, to semiotic approaches.
    This research team deals with the evolutions of organizational forms and the relations between new technologies of communication and organizations. It studies the effect of these new forms on employment, skills and competencies. The team is involved in the effort of reneval of hHman Resources Management techniques and models.
  • STRATEGIA, a pole of research combining different studies with the aim of formulating strategic management principles : strategy but also, marketing, human resource management and general management.
  • DATA MODELS AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS, a pole of research combining thorough research work carried out on quantitative and computer method skills, leading to models for decision-making and advanced information systems, particularly in the industrial management field, business data processing, scientific and technological data bases.

Over these largely collective research projects, more individual research is done by several members of the Center, involving the epistemology of management sciences, tertiary sector marketing, project management, international marketing, the management of the pharmaceutical and biomedical industries.

Researchers working on PDO and PGI :
Catherine PIVOT, economist - Ph: 04 78 78 76 22 - fax: 04 78 78 70 81, e-mail :

Université de Lille


Address :
Ph : 33 (0)
Fax : 33 (0)
e-mail :

Main objectives :

Researchers working on PDO and PGI : Claire DELFOSSE,

University of Poitiers - UFR Law and Social Sciences
UFR Droit et Sciences Sociales

University of Poitiers

Address :
93, avenue du Recteur Pineau
86022 POITIERS Cedex

Ph : 33 (0)5 49 45 42 04
Fax : 33 (0)
e-mail :

Main objectives :

Researchers working on PDO and PGI : Denis Rochard, -

University of Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines - SSH - C3ED
UFR des Sciences Sociales et des Humanités (S.S.H.)
Centre d'Economie et d'Ethique pour l'Environnement et le Développement (C3ED)

Université de Versaillesc3ed

Address :
Bât. Vauban
47 boulevard Vauban
78047 Guyancourt Cede

Ph : 33 (0)1 39 25 50 00 - 33 (0)1 39 25 56 84
Fax : 33 (0)1 39 25 53 00
e-mail :
e-mail -

Main objectives :

  • Durabilité des modes de consommation et des modes de vie
  • Environmental Valuation and Natural Capital
  • Ethique et développement durable
  • Decision support and governance for implementation of sustainable development politics
  • Dimensions territoriales du développement durable
  • Mondialisation, Institutions, Développement Durable

Researchers working on PDO and PGI :
Denis REQUIER-DESJARDINS, Ph:01 39 25 56 84 email:

University of Social Sciences of Toulouse 1 - LEREPS
Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Recherche sur l'Economie, les Politiques et les Systèmes Sociaux

Université Toulouse 1LEREPS

Address :
21 allée de Brienne,
31000 Toulouse

Ph : 33 (0)
Fax : 33 (0)
e-mail :

Main objectives :

Etude des organisations et des comportements industriels et financiers des grands acteurs économiques tant au niveau régional qu'aux niveau national et international.
Etude de la dynamique industrielle, des logiques territoriales, et des phénomènes de coopération et d'apprentissage organisationnel / institutionnel.

Collecte de tous les documents susceptibles d'éclairer les problèmes posés par l'économie de la production, et plus particulièrement ceux qui relèvent des structures décisionnelles des groupes de sociétés qui agissent dans le domaine de l'industrie, des services, de la banque ou de la finance du secteur public comme du secteur privé.
Développement d'une base de données (SISIFE) actualisant quotidiennement les liaisons financières des grands groupes européens ainsi que leurs opérations capitalistiques ou contractuelles.

Echanges d'informations se rapportant aux structures productives françaises et étrangères à travers un réseau de correspondants. Réalisation de contrats de recherche avec notamment : la commission européenne, EDF, France Telecom, Elf, Thomson, la Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations mais aussi l'Agence De l'Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l'Energie, le Commissariat Général au Plan, la DATAR, les Ministères (finances, agriculture...), les collectivités territoriales...

Researchers working on PDO and PGI :

  • Claude DUPUY, economist,
  • Maryline FILIPPI, email:

University Paris X, Nanterre - CERED/FORUM
Study and Research Center of Economcal Development
"Centre d'Etudes et de Recherche en Economie du Développement "

Université Paris XCERED

Address :
Université de Paris X-Nanterre
CERED/FORUM, Bâtiment G, B. 313 H
200, av de la République

Ph : 33 (0)1 40 97 78 15 or 78 21 or 71 86
Fax : 33 (0)1 47 25 74 04
e-mail :

Main objectives :
The CERED's is a research group of FORUM. The CERED's field of research, and expertise is development economic, and the study of economies in transition, principally in SubSaharan African countries, former USSR countries, Asian countries and Latin America countries. Macro-economic models, comparative approach, and institutional analysis are its main analytical tools.

  1. Mondialisation, régionalisation, environnement international
    Economie politique internationale et mondialisation, La mondialisation : Les mots et les choses, Mondialisation et informatisation, Le commerce illicite
    Intégration régionale et ajustement structurel, Union européenne et ACP, Le régionalisme comparé en Afrique sub-saharienne et en Asie de l'Est, Instabilités internationales, effets des chocs.
  2. Dynamiques informelles urbaines et rurales
    Analyse des économies informelles, Financement décentralisé, Urbanisation et dépendances alimentaires, L'approvisionnement alimentaire des villes, L'économie des famines, Economie du travail, Economie de l'éducation et rapport formation-emploi.
  3. Modélisation macro-économique, politique économique et prospective
    Modélisation et prévision à court terme et à long terme (Application à l'Europe de l'Est et à l'Afrique), Les modèles " Dutch Disease ", Les effets des politiques d'ajustement, La dévaluation du franc CFA, La zone franc à l'heure de l'euro, Prospective africaine à l'horizon 2020.
  4. Economie du développement : travaux théoriques
    L'évolution de la pensée en économie du développement ;Travaux sur Hirschman, Sen ; L'économie du développement ; Constitution d'une banque de données ; Incitations, processus de décision.

Researchers working on PDO and PGI : Dr Fabienne KERVARREC, email: