Generalties about geographical indications
Proposal for a Council Regulation amending Regulation (EEC)
No 2081/92 on the protection of geographical indications and designations
of origin for agricultural products and foodstuffs
[COM(2002) 139 final - Official Journal
C 181 E, 30/07/2002]. - Paper
in english on PDF format -
Evolution de la législation communautaire
sur la protection des appellations d'origine et indications géographiques
notamment sur les aspects internationaux (Carmen Casado-Salinas,
Administrateur principal à la commission européenne)-
Paper in french on PDF format -
- Geographical Indications : A review of proposals at TRIPS council
(Draft) by Rangnekar, D. for
Notes from the author :It
might be useful to draw attention to a couple of things:
(a) this has been prepared for an UNCTAD/ICTSD Capacity Building
Project on TRIPs and sustainable development (details of the project
are available at http://www.ictsd/org./unctad-ictsd/),
(b) the report is presently
in a draft state and comments are most welcome (and should be submitted
by end March) and should be directed at : Dr Dwijen Rangnekar, Senior
Research Fellow, School of Public Policy, UCL, London WC1H 9QU, UK,
(c) a final version should
be available by mid-April (so comments in the near-term would be useful
in finalising the report).
Download the report on pdf format :
- What is a geographical indication ?
- TRIPS: Geographical indications (ADPIC in french)
- Agriculture in the European Union: Statistical
and economic information 2002: Quality policy
Protected designations of origin and protected geographical indications
- (Regulation (EEC) No 2081/92: record of names registered
Certified and policy - supported organic and in conversion land
Number of certified and policy - supported organic and in conversion
- The conflict between geographical indications and trademarks /
Le conflit entre indications géographiques et marques
18-19/03/2004 Reims (France) -
2nd European Conference on rural development: "Planting
seeds for rural futures - Rural policy perspectives for a wider Europe"
From 12-14 November 2003, the European Commission will hold a
major conference about the future of rural development. The 'Planting
seeds for rural futures - rural policy perspectives for a wider Europe'
conference will take place in Salzburg, Austria. Its purpose is to
provide an opportunity for a wide reflection on the experience of
the current generation of rural development programmes (2000 - 2006)
which receive EU funding and to set the priorities for the future
rural development policy for the next programming period from 2007
onwards in an enlarged EU.
6th International Conference on Chain and Network
Management in Agribusiness and the Food Industry
Ede, The Netherlands, 27-28 May 2004, Wageningen University &
Research Centre Agri Chain Competence Center
Farming and Rural Systems Research and Extension
European - Sixth IFSA European Symposium
Farming and Society in Search of a New Social Contract - Learning
to Manage Change
First Announcement and Call for Papers
Vila Real, Portugal - April 4 - 7, 2004
See attached text with detailed information in PDF
EFITA: European Federation for Information Technology
in AGriculture, Food and Environment
Information Technology for a better agri-food sector, environment
and rural living
5-9 July 2003 -in Debrecen-Budapest, Hungary -
- SFER Meeting : « La politique de la concurrence
dans lagroalimentaire », 11-12 march 2003 - program in
french : PDF
- European Doctoral Meeting : Food, Agriculture, Environnement &
Development in Economics Business, Social Sciences. From 19/06/2003
at 20/06/2003 in Campus Agro-Montpellier/INRA, 2, place Viala, MONTPELLIER
(34) - France
- DOLPHINS 3rd meeting :
The economics of food quality : food enterprises,
networks, process & governance (Seamus O'Reilly, University
College Cork, Department of Food Business & Development, Ireland)
- paper
on PDF format -
- Geographical Indications - Review of TRIPs Negotiations (Dwijen
Rangnekar, Senior Research Fellow on Policy Innovation, School of
Public Policy, University College London) - Powerpoint
in english on PDF format -
- Séminaire Systèmes
d'élevage et typicité des produits laitiers 15-16 janvier
Près de Clermont-Ferrand, Une cinquantaine
de chercheurs et ingénieurs de Développement,
participants ou associés au programme INRA-INAO sur les AOC-IGP.
Des débats en groupe plénier et en ateliers spécifiques
aux différents thèmes.
Co-organisé par l'INRA et l'INAO.
à la liste des participants et au Programme et à toutes
les Communications
- Proceedings of the symposium on the International Protection of
Geographical Indications
Montevideo, November 28 and 29, 2001
Actes du colloque sur la protection internationale des indications géographiques
- EAAE 1997 : Proceeding
of the EAAE Seminar of Parma, Italy
Typical and traditional productions: Rural effect and
agro-industrial problems
52nd EAAE Seminar - Parma, June 19-21 1997
- EAAE 2002: "Exploring Diversity in the European Agri-food
Congress European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE)
28-31 August 2002 Zaragoza (Spain) - Program Commitee chairman: Jean
Christophe Bureau (France)
To obtain more information about the Congress:
- Multifunctionality: The Policy Implications - Multifonctionnalité:
Conséquences pour l'action publique (124 p.)
Building on the path-breaking work Multifunctionality: Towards an Analytical
Framework, this report takes the subject a step further. It attempts
to guide policy-makers to the best possible decisions taking account
of the multifunctional character of agriculture. The guiding principle,
as in the earlier work, is that considerable rigour is required if optimal
solutions are to be identified. Careful definition, quantification and
monitoring are required at all stages in the process of analysing and
implementing effective policies.
Presentation :
PDF file :
Koert van Ittersum thesis:
The Role of Region of Origin in Consumer Decision-Making and Choice
Publication: 10 December 2001, Pages 176 - Wageningen
University, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Localisation: Wageningen University, Marketing and Consumer Behavior
Group, Hollandseweg 1, 6706 KN, Wageningen, The netherlands - Summary
in PDF format - The Mansholt Graduate School will
print hardcopies which will be sold for approximately 22 Euros. Contact
the marketing department at Wageningen University (secretary Ellen
Vossen) to obtain the thesis. Can be downloaded (for
free) from the following address:
- Abstrat in french (4p.) : PDF
India, the European Union and Geographical Indications (GI) : Convergence
of Interests and Challenges Ahead
by Sachin Chaturvedi from the Research and Information for Non-Aligned
and Other Developing countries (RIS), New Delhi.
This paper was presented at the International seminar on "India,
The European Union, and the WTO" at New Delhi the 16-17 October
Report on US Barriers to Trade and Investment, 2000
Appellations of Origin and Geographical Indications 53p.
WTO Agriculture Negociations: Backgrounder
Update Phase 2: geographical indications
WTO: Europe's position in the WTO farm trade talks
Publications, EC position papers, Press releases &
Speeches, Dispute settlement, Hearing with NGOs, Trade Directorate General,
WTO [Important notice]
Geographical indications
Proposal for a council regulation amending regulation
(EEC) N° 2081/92 on the protection of geographical indications and
designations of origin 2002/03/15 (PDF)
- Special session of the Committee on Agriculture Informal meeting 24-26
September 2001 - Non-paper from the European Communities (PDF
2 pages)
UE position about PDO for the WTO discussion:
PDO-PGI Final report : FAIR 1-CT95-0306 : Protected Designations
of Origin and Protected Geographical Indications in Europe: Regulation
Or Policy ? Recommendations - Dominique Barjolle*And Bertil Sylvander**,
June 2000 , 53 pages (PDF)
Towards a Common Agricultural and Rural Policy for Europe - "Buckwell
Report" - 1997
Report of an Expert Group - Convened by Commission of European Communities
- Press release and Poster of DOLPHINS Concerted Action (see
Press in the DOLPHINS part).
- Agricultural Policy and Rural Development:
Rural Europe, the web site of the Leader program
- EIARD: European Initiative for Agricultural Research for Development
It represents the
18 partners and is an informal platform of co-ordination to discuss
both European research and development policies related to ARD. The
ECG members are appointed by their respective governments and the European
Commission. They are expected to represent and pro-actively address
both policy areas.
- Web information service for agricultural research for developpement
WISARD is a web-based
information system focusing on projects, organizations, outputs and
technologies in the field of agricultural and rural development, and
natural resources management.
- Agriculture Network Information Center
AgNIC is a guide
to quality agricultural information on the Internet as selected by the
National Agricultural Library, Land-Grant Universities, and other institutions.
- International Institute for Sustainable Development
The network focuses
its efforts on integrating Internet communications into broader communication
strategies. Our understanding of communications includes:
internal communications
necessary for international virtual project teams within civil society
organizations (CSOs) to work together on sustainable development research;
and external
communications necessary for CSOs to communicate their perspectives
with government and business decision-makers so as to engage these other
sectors in sustainable development solutions.