Tregear A.
What is a 'typical local food?' An examination of territorial
identity in foods based on development initiatives in the agrifood and
rural sectors. Centre for Rural Economy Working Paper Series WP58. University
of Newcastle.
Tregear A.,
Market orientation and the craft firm: the case of small
speciality food producers in the north of England. Paper submitted to
the Academy of Marketing annual conference, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff,
2-4 July 2001.
McEachern M., Tregear A.
Farm animal welfare in the UK: a comparison of assurance
schemes. Farm Management 10(11): 685-708.
Pecher A., Tregear A.
Product country image effects for food products: the case
of German cheese in the UK. Journal of International Food and Agribusiness
Marketing 11(3).
Mai L. W., Ness M. R.
"Customers' Satisfaction and Future Purchase of Speciality
Mail-order Food in the UK", Journal of Food Products Marketing, Vol.
6 No. 1, pp 1-10.
Mai L. W., Ness M. R.
"Canonical Correlation Analysis of Customer Satisfaction
and Future Purchase of Mail-order Speciality Food", British Food
Journal, Vol. 101, No. 11, pp. 857-870.
Tregear A., S. Kuznesof A. Moxey.
Policy initiatives for regional foods: some insights from
consumer research. Food Policy 23(5):383-395.
Tamagnini V, Tregear A.
An assessment of niche marketing opportunities in the
delicatessen meat sector. British Food Journal 100(5) :228-235.
Mai L. W., Ness M. R.
"Perceived Benefits of Mail-Order Speciality Foods",
British Food Journal, Vol. 100, No. 1, pp. 10-18.
Mai L. W., Ness M. R.
"Consumers' Perceptions of Speciality Mail-Order
Food", Journal of Marketing Management, Vol. 13, No 7, 705-725. Special
Edition of prize-winning papers from Academy of Marketing Conference,
July 1997.
Gofton L. R., Ness M. R.
Business Marketing Research, Kogan Page: London. ISBN
0 7494 1984 9.
Ness M. R.
"Multivariate Analysis of Marketing Research Data"
in Padberg D I, Ritson, C and Albisu, L M (eds.), "Agro-Food Marketing"
, CAB International, Oxford, UK.
Gerhardy H., Ness M. R.
"Consumers' Preferences for Eggs Using Conjoint Analysis".
World's Poultry Science Journal, Vol. 51, pp.
Ness M. R., Walker S. W.
"Average-Cost Pricing in the Compound Feed Industry",
British Food Journal, Vol. 97 (1), pp. 27-35.