DOLPHINS: Development of Origin Labelled Products:
Humabity, Innovation and Sustainability (EU)
Development of Origin Labelled Products:
Humabity, Innovation and Sustainability
Aim of the project
The general aim of the
Concerted Action DOLPHINS is to ease and strengthen exchanges of
the scientific results of the researches conducted in European countries
on origin labelled products (OLP). This has to be achieved by means
of :
- the setting-up of a network of scientists involved in research
on OLPs,
the activation of dissemination instruments
in order to meet the needs of citizens, policy-makers, researchers,
firms and all the other operators involved in OLPs.
e-mail :
Program type: Concerted
action financed
by the fifth framework of the European Community for the research,
technological development and demonstration activities (1998-2002)
Starting date: 1st december 2000
Duration: 3 years |
PFM University of Munich
Department of Marketing of agricultural product
Address : Weihenstephan, Alte Akademie 14,
85 350 FREISING, Deutschland
Ph : 49 (0)8161 713 590 - Fax : 49 (0)8161 714 536
e-mail :
Title of the work of the Institute about this project:
Researcher working on the project:
Scientific and professional partners:
- INRA - UREQUA8, avenue René Laennec -
72000 Le Mans - France
- CRITT CRISALIDE8, avenue René Laennec
- 72000 Le Mans - France
- INRA - ESR/ETIC - BP 27 - 31326 Castanet Tolosan
- France
INRA - LRDEQuartier Grossetti - BP 8 - 20250 Corte - France
- 10, rue des Arènes - 72000 Le Mans
Università di Parma - Istituto di Economia Agraria e ForestaleDipartimento
di EconomiaVia Kennedy 6 - 43100 Parma - Italia
- Università di Verona - Dipartimento Economie
Società ed IstituzioniSezione Politica Economica Agraria
- Via dell'Artigliere, 8 - 37100 Verona - Italia
Centro Ricerche produzioni animali (CRPA)Corso Garibaldi, 42 -
42100 Reggio Emilia - Italia
- Università di Firenze - Dipartimento
di Scienze EconomicheVia Curtatone, 1 - 50123 Firenze - Italia
- SRVA - Avenue Jordils, 1 - CP 128 - 1000 Lausanne
6 - Swtizerland
ETHZ - Institut d'Economie Rurale - Antenne Romande - Génie
RuralGR Ecublens - 1015 Lausanne - Switzerland
- Université de Lausanne - C/o OIC - CP
- 1000 Lausanne 6 - Switzerland
Association suisse pour la promotion des AOC & IGP - 1936
Verbier Village - Switzerland
- Technische Universität Munchen-Weihenstephan
- Department für Wirtschafts-und Sozialwissenschaften - Fachgebiet
für Marktlehre der Agrar- und ErnährungswirtschaftAlte
Akademie 14 - 85354 - Freising - Deutschland
- Diputation General de Aragon - Servicio de Investigacion
AgroalimentariaUnidad de Economia Agraria176, Carretera de Montaña
- Apartado 727 - 50080 Zaragoza - Espana
- Universidad de Lleida - ETSIA - CTFCSolsona
- Edifici 1 - Rovira Rourre, 177 - 25198 Lleida - Espana
- Universidad Pùblica de Navarra - Departemento
de Gestion de EmpresasCampus de Arrosadia - 31006 Pamplona - España
- University of Newcastle - Department of Agricultural
Economics and Food Marketing (AEFM) - Kings Walk - Newcastle Upon
Tyne, NE1 7RU - UK
- University of Edinburgh - Institute of Ecology
and Resource Management (IERM)Edinburgh School of Agriculture
- West Mains Road - EH9 3JG Edinburgh - UK
- Fondation Universitaire Luxembourgeoise - SEED185,
avenue de Longwy - 6700 Arlon - Belgium
- University of Helsinki - Department of Economics
and ManagementPO Box 27 - Latokartononkaari 9 - Viikki - 00014
University of Helsinki - Finland
- Instituto Nacional de Investigação
Agraria - Estaçao Agronomica Nacional - Departamento de
Estudos de Economia e Sociologia Agrarias (DEESA)Av. da Republica
- 2784-505 Oeiras - Portugal)
- Universidade de Tras os Montes e Alto Douro
(UTAD)Departemento de Economia e SociologiaAvenida Almeida Lucena
1- 5000 Vila Real - Portugal
- Direcção Regional de Agricultura
de Entre Douro e Minho - Divisão Produção
Animal - Quinta do Pinho - 4800-875 San Torcato - Portugal
Expected results: