Current Research Projects concerning Origin Labelled

Appellations of origin and brands

DOLPHINS: Development of Origin Labelled Products: Humabity, Innovation and Sustainability (EU)

Filières innovantes, savoir-faire locaux et partenariat euroméditerranéen

Marketing Red meat in the European Union: Extending the Options

Study of the total quality strategy in food products: the case of fresh beef


Appellations of origin and brands


Aim of the project :
This research intends to bring a general updated view of quality-wine sector, trying to identify evaluations and perceptions of winegrowers and winemakers, referring to the stategies of trademarks and appellations of origin, in order to bring a deeper knowledge about the sector and to give important information about consumers' behaviour that permits to define a better management of trademarks and of marketing generally speaking. Furthermore, this research studies the variable implication and its importance, as well as how it can affect the relevant attributes within purchase decision.

Due to the high level of competitiveness that the wine market is going through, these evaluations can serve as a basis for the companies to develop several marketing activities or marketing policies aiming at strengthening the points with possible deficiencies concerning the management of their trademarks.

In order to achieve these objectives, we performed a research among wine company-heads, buyers and usual quality-wine consumers. Applying multivarying analysis and different average contrast tests to study hypotheses, thus getting more relevant results, we observed that, depending on the companies' level of production, trademark strategies differ in the case of different production, and we could check that a minimum of companies commercialize products with distributors' trademarks.

With the research performed, we've shown that the knowledge of the level of involvement is important because it creates variations of the attributes which are taken into account when chosing a wine with defined characteristics; and also that the level of evaluations differ much from one to the other.

Program type:
Regional Project (Galicia)
Source of founding:
Xunta de Galicia
Starting date: 1st Oct 2000
Duration: One year and a half

University of A Coruña
Faculty of Economics - Economic analysis Department and Business Administration

Address : Universidad de La Coruña
Departamento de Analisis Economico
Area de Comercializacion e investigacion de mercados
Monte da Zapateira. 15071 La Coruña - Spain

University of Coruna

Work of the Institute about this project:

Scientific Responsible in the Institute: A Zapateira,s/n - Ph: +34 981 167050, 2532 - fax: +34 981 167070 - e-mail:

Staff Involved: Ronald Bolaños Taleno

Student Involved: Domingo Calvo Dopico (Phd) - Ph: +34 981 167050, 2482 - Fax: +34 981 167070 - e-mail:

Scientific partners:

Professional partners:

Expected results:
Depending on the companies' level of production, trademark strategies differ in the case of different levels of production, and we could check that:

The less size of the firms, the more important the role of the appellation of origin will be

Another hypothesis checked is that price is not a good indicator of objective quality for wines, even though this is still used as such, in particular by those less involved and those with less information about this product.

With the research performed, we've shown that the knowledge of the level of involvement is important because it creates variations of the attributes which are taken into account when chosing a wine with defined characteristics; and also that the level of evaluations differ much from one to the other.

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Development of Origin Labelled Products:
Humabity, Innovation and Sustainability

Aim of the project

The general aim of the Concerted Action DOLPHINS is to ease and strengthen exchanges of the scientific results of the researches conducted in European countries on origin labelled products (OLP). This has to be achieved by means of :

  • the setting-up of a network of scientists involved in research on OLPs,
  • the activation of dissemination instruments in order to meet the needs of citizens, policy-makers, researchers, firms and all the other operators involved in OLPs.

e-mail :

Program type: Concerted action financed by the fifth framework of the European Community for the research, technological development and demonstration activities (1998-2002)

Starting date: 1st december 2000
Duration: 3 years

SIA DGA - Zaragoza
Department of agro-food research - Unit for agricultural economic

Address :
Diputacion General de Aragon, 176, Carretera de Montana
Apartado 727, 50 080 ZARAGOZA, Espana
Ph : 34 976 576 361 - Fax : 34 976 575 501
e-mail :

SIA DGA Aragon


Work of the Institute about this project:

Scientific Responsible: Luis Miguel Albisu

Researchers working on the project:

Public University of Navarre- Department of Business Administration

Address :
Campus de Arrosadia, 31 006 PAMPLONA, Espana
Ph : 34 948 169 394 00- Fax : 34 948 169 404
e-mail :

University of Navarra


Title of the work of the Institute about this project:

Scientific Responsible: Ana Isabel Sanjuan

Researchers working on the project:

University of Lleida - Agricultural Engineering School

Address :
ETSEA, Edifici 1, Rovira Rourre, 177
25 198 LLEIDA , Espana
Ph : - Fax :
e-mail :

Work of the Institute about this project:

Scientific Responsible: Antonio Colom-Gorgues

Researchers working on the project:

Scientific and professional partners:

  • INRA - UREQUA8, avenue René Laennec - 72000 Le Mans - France
  • CRITT CRISALIDE8, avenue René Laennec - 72000 Le Mans - France
  • INRA - ESR/ETIC - BP 27 - 31326 Castanet Tolosan - France
    INRA - LRDEQuartier Grossetti - BP 8 - 20250 Corte - France
  • 10, rue des Arènes - 72000 Le Mans
    Università di Parma - Istituto di Economia Agraria e ForestaleDipartimento di EconomiaVia Kennedy 6 - 43100 Parma - Italia
  • Università di Verona - Dipartimento Economie Società ed IstituzioniSezione Politica Economica Agraria - Via dell'Artigliere, 8 - 37100 Verona - Italia
    Centro Ricerche produzioni animali (CRPA)Corso Garibaldi, 42 - 42100 Reggio Emilia - Italia
  • Università di Firenze - Dipartimento di Scienze EconomicheVia Curtatone, 1 - 50123 Firenze - Italia
  • SRVA - Avenue Jordils, 1 - CP 128 - 1000 Lausanne 6 - Swtizerland
    ETHZ - Institut d'Economie Rurale - Antenne Romande - Génie RuralGR Ecublens - 1015 Lausanne - Switzerland
  • Université de Lausanne - C/o OIC - CP - 1000 Lausanne 6 - Switzerland
    Association suisse pour la promotion des AOC & IGP - 1936 Verbier Village - Switzerland
  • Technische Universität Munchen-Weihenstephan - Department für Wirtschafts-und Sozialwissenschaften - Fachgebiet für Marktlehre der Agrar- und ErnährungswirtschaftAlte Akademie 14 - 85354 - Freising - Deutschland
  • Diputation General de Aragon - Servicio de Investigacion AgroalimentariaUnidad de Economia Agraria176, Carretera de Montaña - Apartado 727 - 50080 Zaragoza - Espana
  • Universidad de Lleida - ETSIA - CTFCSolsona - Edifici 1 - Rovira Rourre, 177 - 25198 Lleida - Espana
  • Universidad Pùblica de Navarra - Departemento de Gestion de EmpresasCampus de Arrosadia - 31006 Pamplona - España
  • University of Newcastle - Department of Agricultural Economics and Food Marketing (AEFM) - Kings Walk - Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 7RU - UK
  • University of Edinburgh - Institute of Ecology and Resource Management (IERM)Edinburgh School of Agriculture - West Mains Road - EH9 3JG Edinburgh - UK
  • Fondation Universitaire Luxembourgeoise - SEED185, avenue de Longwy - 6700 Arlon - Belgium
  • University of Helsinki - Department of Economics and ManagementPO Box 27 - Latokartononkaari 9 - Viikki - 00014 University of Helsinki - Finland
  • Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agraria - Estaçao Agronomica Nacional - Departamento de Estudos de Economia e Sociologia Agrarias (DEESA)Av. da Republica - 2784-505 Oeiras - Portugal)
  • Universidade de Tras os Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD)Departemento de Economia e SociologiaAvenida Almeida Lucena 1- 5000 Vila Real - Portugal
  • Direcção Regional de Agricultura de Entre Douro e Minho - Divisão Produção Animal - Quinta do Pinho - 4800-875 San Torcato - Portugal

Expected results:

  • to better understand the characteristics and the evolution of OLPs in the agro-food system, also by analysing the links and synergies between OLPs and local/global production and marketing systems, rural development with particular reference to employment in rural areas and consumers/citizens,
  • to provide tools for an assessment of public policies at various levels concerning PDO-PGI and other OLPs and the effects of legal protection, financial support and public promotional initiatives on production and marketing systems, competition policy, rural development, consumers/citizens' concerns and expectations,
  • to provide relevant recommendations to the EU in order to better prepare and support the negotiation process in the framework of the WTO Round regarding the protection and promotion of OLPs

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Filières innovantes, savoir-faire locaux et partenariat euroméditerranéen



Aim of the project :
The aim is to valorise, using partnership strategies between research groups and local economic and social agents, the existing know-how in several typical Mediterranean productions (olive oil, wine, cheese, citrics, ceramics, textile…) from 13 countries. Another important aim is the co-operation between the UE countries and the South and Eastern Mediterranean countries.

Program type: European MEDA Program, Héritage Project
Source of founding: European Union and local financing
Starting date: April 2002
Duration: 3 years

CSIC - Institute of Economy and Geography
Instituto de Economía y Geografía

Address :
Pinar, 25 - 28006 Madrid, Espana
Ph : +34 914 111 098 - Fax: +34 915 625 567
e-mail :


Work of the Institute about this project:
"Olive oil" international subsector responsible and local research group responsible for two Spanish olive oil Designations of Origin ("Montes de Toledo" y "Sierra Mágina").

Scientific Responsible in the Institute: Dr. Javier Sanz Cañada, CSIC

Staff Involved: Dr. Manuel Rodríguez-Zúñiga

Students Involved: 1 PhD student for the three years and 2 pollsters for the first year

Scientific partners: Dr. Manuel Parras Rosa (Universidad de Jaén), Spain

Expected results: Not yet

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Marketing Red meat in the European Union: Extending the Options


Quality Red  Meat for Europe

Aim of the project :
Demand for red meat has been declining over the past decade in Europe. Low product credibility following health scares (BSE, E. coli toxins, hormone additives, etc.) have negatively affected consumer demand and confidence. This project, carried out in Scotland, Spain, Britain, Italy and France, seeks to build the current questioning and reactionary process on the part of consumers into a credible quality assurance system and fresh marketing strategy for meat and meat products.
The main objective of the project is to stimulate markets for red meat and meat products by the delivery of a system of quality assurance across the all stages of the filière (chain from production to consumption). The system will be driven by consumers' tangible and intangible consumer wants and demands, and will involve improving knowledge of i) the consumer, ii) the markets and iii) the industry, and how these interact to affect red meat demand and sales.
Specific objectives of the project are:

  1. identification of specific factors which have altered consumption and purchasing patterns of meat across the Community;
  2. examination of the effectiveness of checks along the filière, how these checks have been integrated and policed and what additional measures might also be required;
  3. evaluation of the cost/effectiveness of improvements already instituted in the industry and alternative control options for quality assurance;
  4. development of a strategy to improve communication of quality assurance between consumers and the industry;
  5. exploitation of market segmentation opportunities, nationally and at EU level for meat products, in particular quality meat products which deliver particular attributes demanded (e.g. regional origin labels, environmental friendly, grass fed, etc.).

Program type:
CRAFT (Technological Stimulation for the SMEs)

Source of founding:
European Commission
Starting date: February 1999
Duration: 2 years

SIA DGA - Zaragoza
Department of agro-food research -
Unit for Animals Production Technology

Address :
Diputacion General de Aragon
176, Carretera de Montana
Apartado 727, 50 080 ZARAGOZA, Espana
Ph : +34 976 716300 - Fax : +34 976 716335

SIA DGA Aragon

Work of the Institute about this project: Consumer research and joint co-ordinator.

Scientific Responsible in the Institute: Alberto Bernués Jal
Unidad de Tecnología en Producción Animal
Servicio de Investigación Agroalimentaria
Gobierno de Aragón, Apdo. 727, 50080 Zaragoza, Spain
Tel. 00-34-976-716439 - Fax 00-34-976-716335 - e-mail:

Staff Involved: Alberto Bernués Jal

Scientific partners:

  • University of Edinburgh (UK),
  • Royal Agricultural College (UK),
  • INRA (France),
  • University of Zaragoza (Spain),
  • Centro Ricerche Produzioni Animali (Italy)

Professional partners:

  • Quality Meat Scotland (UK),
  • Cotswold Sheep Group (UK),
  • Coopérative Ovine des Pyrénées Orientales (France),
  • Carnearagón (Spain),
  • Criadores de Carne Natural de la Alta Ribagorza (Spain),
  • ProInCarne (Italy), CONAZO (Italy).

Expected results: The project work was divided into 5 work-packages:

  1. The industry: a critical assessment was made of the production and processing of beef and lamb, and their meat products, in relation to existing markets and demand. Special focus was paid to the way the industry understands quality of meat and how quality and safety is managed and guaranteed.
  2. The markets: the effectiveness of local, regional and national markets for red meat and quality red meat products were investigated. The management of quality in the retail point and the way quality is expected from providers and delivered to consumers were specifically studied.
  3. The consumer: the increment and improvement of knowledge of the consumer and quality meat consumption, to understand trends and influences in purchasing behaviour so that evolving trends can be anticipated and exploited, was the objective of this work-package. Results on purchasing reasons, quality concept and expectations of consumers, sources of information on quality, labelling preferences and opinions on Quality Meat Products (PDO, PGI, quality brands, etc.) were obtained.
  4. World context: industry, marketing and consumer issues in the project were compared with theoretical and on-the-ground systems inside and outside the EU.
  5. New strategies: new strategies and models for marketing red meat and red meat products were developed from the information gathered. Guidelines and recommendations for the participating SMEs and industry generally, as well as strategies for the development of new market opportunities, were produced. Also recommendations for European food authorities were obtained.
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Study of the total quality strategy in food products: the case of fresh beef
(Estudio sobre la estrategia de calidad integral en los productos alimenticios: el caso de la carne fresca de vacuno)


Aim of the project :
The aim of the project is to analyze the process of achieving total quality, carried out by producers, distributors and the public sector. Quality labels have been created as the result either of horizontal integration among producers (e.g. PGI Ternera de Navarra or Ternasco de Aragón), vertical integration (as the CLARA program), or own distributor brands. With respect to producers and distributors, the main objective is to investigate the factors underpinning the choice of the quality policy, their economic results and the strategy preferred. Regarding consumers, the objective is to investigate their degree of awareness about food safety, food quality labels and valuation of these labels.

Program type:
Source of founding: CICYT. Spain.
Starting date: 2000
Duration: 3 years

Agricultural Economics - Department of Business Administration
Public University of Navarra

Address :
Campus de Arrosadia, 31 006 PAMPLONA, Espana
Ph : +34 948 169 394 00 - Fax : +34 948 169 404
e-mail :

University of Navarra

Work of the Institute about this project:
Analysis of price transmission in the beef chain; analysis of consumer behaviour toward labelled beef

Scientific Responsible in the Institute: Mercedes Sánchez
Department of Business Administration, Public University of Navarra
Campus de Arrosadía, phone: +34 948 16 93 96 fax: +34 948 16 94 04, e-mail:

Staff Involved:

Students involved(PhD, Ms): Ramo Barrena
Department of Business Administration, Public University of Navarra - Campus de Arrosadía
ph: +34 948 16 93 94 - fax: +34 948 16 94 04 - e-mail:

Scientific partners: Agricultural Economics Unit, Agrofood Research Service (SIA-DGA), Government of Aragón, Zaragoza (Spain)

Expected results:
Preliminar results suggest that consumers view origin labels as food safety indicators. Likewise, the label is becoming more important than other attributes, such as price or intrinsic quality cues in the consumer choices. However, the importance attached to the label depend greatly on the product and the personality traits. For instance, in beef, more negatively affected by food scares, the preference for labelled meat is clearly greater than in lamb. Also, those consumers more concerned about food and health issues favour the labelled meat.

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  • Link toward presentation of the Spanish Research Institutes working on OLP's