
FINAL CONFERENCE  -  Geneva, June 23-24 2008


Practical information


Parma meeting (21-22 June 2005)

Toulouse meeting (12-13 January 2006)

Montpellier meeting (6-7 September 2006)

Geneva meeting (3-4 June 2007)

Budapest meeting (24-26 October 2007)

Santiago meeting (10-11 December 2007)

FAO and SINER-GI meeting, Rome (31 January - 1 February 2008) "Sharing views on Quality Products Linked to Geographical Origin. How they can contribute to rural development?"


Parma meeting (21-22 June 2005)

  • Meeting lectures

"The Lisbon System for the Notification and Registration of Appellations of Origin" by Matthijs Geuze (Senior Counsellor, WIPO)

"Analysis of the WTO Panel ruling on the EC Regulation 2081/92" by David Thual (Origin)

"The WTO and geographical indications: ongoing work and negociations" by Thu-Lang Tran Wasescha (IP Division, WTO)

"Opportunities and trends for diffrenciated products" by John Wilkinson (University of Rio de Janeiro)


Toulouse meeting (12-13 January 2006)

  • Meeting lectures

"The Legal Nature of Geographical Indications" by Norbert Olszak (Université Robert Schuman de Strasbourg)

"GIs in the Territorial Development" by Julien Frayssignes (ENSA Toulouse)


Montpellier meeting (6-7 September 2006)

  • First results of the project

WP1 - Legal and Institutional analysis - Montpellier

WP2 - Social and Economic Issues - Montpellier

WP3 - Conceptual Synthesis - Montpellier


  • Case studies presentations

"Beaufort cheese (Savoie): a cooperative system based on specific resources on an international market" by J. Frayssignes (ENSAT, Toulouse, France)

"Paprika of Kalosca (Hungary)" by G. Allaire (INRA ESR, France), M. Ansolini, E. Cheyns (CIRAD, France)

"Rooibos bush tee from South Africa: a herbal tea with international threat" by D. Troskie (WCDA, South Africa), E. Bienabé (CIRAD, France), J. Kirsten (University of Pretoria, South Africa)

"Pampa meat: to protect the international reputation of a located production on a wide territory" by M. Champredonde (INTA, Argentina)

"Lamb from Charlevoix: a first PGI in North America? 10 years of territorial development project" by C. Chazoule (ISARA, France) and E. Barham (University of Missouri, USA)

"Olive oil from Koura" by F. Brand (Agridea, Switzerland) and D. Fahs (Ministry of Economy, Lebanon)


  • Public conference

"GIs in the world, main stakes" by Bertil Sylvander (INRA SAD, France)

"GIs in developing countrie today: trends, hinders and opportunities" by Denis Sautier (CIRAD, France)

"Geographical indications: a tool for economic, social and cultural development" by Denis Croze (WIPO)


Geneva meeting (3-4 June 2007)

  • PhD lectures

"Localizing Production: Geographical Indications and their Impact on Rural Development", by Sarah Bowen (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

"Geographical Indications and Local Resources Construction in Quebec, Canada", by Fabien Jouve (University of Lyon 2, University of Laval)

"The traditional knowledge about the endemic herbal tea "Rooibos" in South Africa in a labelling context", by Maya Leclercq (Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris)

"Collective agro-food initiatives and sustainable rural development: articulation between internal governance and rural governance. Swiss and Serbian cases", by Marguerite Paus (Insitute for Environmental Decisions, ETH Zurich)

"Partir pour se définir. Technical innovations and production of significations within an Association of saffron producers in France", by Sandrine Tolivia (Ethnology Institute Neuchâtel, Switzerland)

"Building value chains in the countryside of Mongolia for pro poor economic growth", by Enkh-Amgalan Tseelei (ETH Zurich)

"The construction of the link to the origin for the Brazilian agricultural products" by Delphine Vitrolles (University of Lyon 2 and CIRAD)

"The definition and the implementation of a system of Geographical Indications in an economy in transition, the case of China" by Guihong Wang (INRA and University of Toulouse 1)


Budapest meeting (24-26 October 2007)

  • Meeting agenda

Budapest_Plenary Meeting_Agenda

Budapest_Regional Meeting_Agenda

  • Regional meeting lectures

"The Hungarian GI policy", by Peter Csiky (Hungarian Patent Office)

"GI Policy in Europe and in the New Member States", by Barna Kovacs (Corvinus University of Budapest) 

"GIs_in Crotia", by Marija Radman (University of Zagreb), Baeza (oct.2006)

Santiago meeting (10-11 December 2007)

SIN_Santiago_Agenda 10+11.12_2007

SIN_Santiago List Participants_Final07.12.2007




FAO and SINER-GI meeting, Rome (31 January - 1 February 2008)

"Sharing views on Quality Products Linked to Geographical Origin. How they can contribute to rural development?"

  • Meeting agenda and participants

FAO-SIN_Rome meeting_Final_Agenda

FAO-SIN_Rome meeting_Participants_List


  • Introduction

FAO Cases studies: Methodology and objectives, by Emilie Vandecandelaere (FAO)

SINER-GI Case studies: Methodology and objectives of their comparative analysis. Definition of the concept of GI system, by Gilles Allaire (INRA)


  • Economic issues: adding value, market power and sharing benefits along the food chain

Introduction speech, by Barna Kovacs (Corvinus University, Budapest)

Empirical evidence from case studies and focus on small-scale producers, by Emilie Vandecandelaere (FAO)

First results from study on Agribusiness model, by Emmanuelle Le Courtois, Pilar Santacoloma, Eva Galvez and Florence Tartanac (FAO)

The Kajmak GI system, by Marguerite Paus and Magali Estève (Agridea)

The Pampean Beef GI system, by Claire Cerdan (CIRAD)

The Rooibos GI system, by Denis Sautier (CIRAD)

Presentation of the case of Spanish wines, by Maria Loureiro (University of Santiago of Compostel, Spain)

Discussant Note, by Dwijen Rangnekar (University of Warwick, UK)

Case Lessons in Geographical Indications, by Daniele Giovannucci (ITC)


  • Institutional and legal framework: needs and governance

Implementation of the TRIPS agreement and legal diversity, by Erik Thévenod-Mottet (Agridea, Switzerland)

Empirical evidence on institutions, by Emilie Vandecandelaere (FAO)

The problematic of certification and control for GIs, by Rainer Bächi (IMO Switzerland)

Diversity of institutional framework for GI systems/markets according to the potential evolutions of the international trade regime, by Gille Allaire (INRA), Dominique Barjolle (Agridea), Talis Tisenkops (University of Latvia)

How to support countries in the implementation of an adapted legal framework, by Matthijs Geuze (WIPO)

FAO's Legal Advosiry Work: Basic Principles and How They Apply to GIs, by Daniele Manzella (FAO)

Discussion points, by Christoph Spennemann (UNCTAD)


  • Rural and sustainable development: the impacts of quality linked to geographical origin schemes implementation

Introduction speech: Geographical Indications and Nutrition, by Barbara Burlingame (FAO)

Empirical evidence on rural development, by Emilie Vandecandelaere (FAO)

Empirical evidence from moutains areas projects, by Alexia Baldascini (FAO)

Empirical evidence on rural development impacts, by Dominique Barjolle (Agridea), Gilles Allaire (INRA), Talis Tisenkopfs (University of Latvia)

Protecting and valorising GI systems in the light of rural development: Institutional settings and policies, by Andrea Marescotti (University of Florence), Giovanni Belletti (University of Florence), Angela Tregear (University of Edinburgh), Filippo Arfini (University of Parma)

Relevance of GIs for the sustainable use of genetic resources, by Irmgard Hoeschle-Zeledon (GFU for underutilized species)

The sustainable development aspects of GI protection, by Maria Julio Oliva (ICTSD)

Biodiversity protection and valorisation, experiences from Slow Food, by Cinzia Scaffidi (Slow Food)

Discussion points, by Laurence Bérard (CNRS, France)